6 important tips for those who are going to emigrate


In the life of each person, a situation may occur when he can make a decision about emigration. Naturally, such a step is very serious, it must be done with full responsibility and understanding of the potential dangers. In this article we present six useful tips that should be considered when moving to another country.

First, don't burn bridges.

There are people who, when leaving, break off relations, gladly inform friends and even enemies about their plans. This can not be done. It is never known what will happen tomorrow. It is quite possible that not everything will be smooth in the new place of residence. A person will want to return, but he will no longer be able to do this, because all the bridges are “burned”. The fewer people who know about moving, the better.

On the other hand, it is imperative that you move to another country in a good mood and believe that this is definitely forever. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to leave the strings at work, so that in case of anything, it was possible to return and get back, if not to the former position, but at least to the old place of work.

Second - do not sell real estate

When moving people, most people sell an apartment, house, cottage or car at once, transporting all the money to a new country. This is mistake. In such a situation, the best option is to simply rent out the house and get at least a small but steady profit. If you suddenly feel tormented by homesickness, you can always return, as if nothing had happened.

Third, guarantee yourself a certain financial reserve.

Even if there are no problems with working in a new country, then a certain amount must be on hand. The money will be needed to buy furniture in the new house, paperwork, the solution of minor household problems and so on. It is necessary to be mentally prepared that at first you will have to be content with not such prestigious work, for example, to be a waiter or a cleaner. Often these “victims” have to go in the first year of their stay in a new country.

Fourth - do not overestimate your capabilities
Of course, one should not allow completely pessimistic moods and prepare for the worst possible development of events. Often the only thing that can change in a new country is the view outside the office window. On the other hand, it is not necessary to think that in a new country you will immediately be accepted as a highly qualified and highly paid specialist. It is important to understand that this is not the first thought that you have come to. Remember that a special role in successful employment is played by the level of knowledge of the language. The better a person owns it, the greater the chance of finding a good job.

Fifth - no need to count on someone else's help

There is a category of people who sincerely believe that someone and something constantly owe them. Far from it. Of course, some people can meet and provide shelter, their good attitude and food. But it will last some limited period of time. It is desirable to focus exclusively on their own strength. Sooner or later the time will come when you have to support yourself.

Sixth - do not leave if your home is not successful

You should not go anywhere if you did not manage to achieve any significant results in your home country. It will not be superfluous to analyze your life, make a list of your own achievements, look at yourself as a specialist from the outside. It is necessary to highlight their best qualities and disadvantages. It is important to remember that escape from their problems will not work. Success is available only to those people who increase their level and are constantly evolving.


Leave in a good mood and forever, but so that you can return. If you keep the balance, then everything always works out well.


Alenka 01/12/2016
And what are these idiots who move out of money and into the void? And who will open a visa for this great? )) Nobody pledges to anyone not to make excuses if it does not come out 8 / real friends will understand and accept in any case. And who will not accept ... So do not spit on them?


Watch the video: HOW TO ANSWER IMMIGRATION QUESTIONS. Tips and Tricks (July 2024).