How to deal with office ailments


It would seem, what can office workers complain about? They work in clean, spacious and beautiful cabinets, no harmful production, always dry and warm. But, it turns out, office work is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Those who sit in air-conditioned conditions with a modern computer are not at all insured against serious diseases.

Electromagnetic field, artificial lighting, poor ventilation - these are just a few factors that have far from a beneficial effect on the well-being of office workers. Moreover, the World Health Organization officially recognized such diseases as legionnaires disease (Legionella - bacteria that multiply in air conditioners), Pontiac fever (fungi and microorganisms that multiply when poor ventilation), diseases of tumors (due to the negative influence of chemical factors), and because they are inherent in the office environment.

It is still possible to avoid certain diseases while working in the office. The main thing, as they say, is to know them in person and be able to deal with them.

Tunnel syndrome

Two factors contribute to the development of tunnel syndrome: an uncomfortable posture and frequent repetitions of monotonous wrist movements when working with a computer mouse. As a result of the daily load, the carpal canal swells, thereby pinching the nerve, and consequently the conduction along it is disturbed. Find out the initial signs of tunnel syndrome is not difficult: goosebumps, tingling, burning in the hand.

Over time, the pain in the wrist increases, especially at night: the hands begin to swell, numb and numb. If you do not go to a doctor in time and do not stop the disease, then it will be very difficult to manage your hand soon;

What to do?

1. Release space on the desktop so that the arm and elbow are placed on its surface.

2. Get a chair with high armrests.

3. It is more comfortable to work with a computer mouse if the mat for it is with an orthopedic roller.

4. You can not sit at a table with raised shoulders.

5. When working at a computer to remove the bracelets, as the load on the hand increases, because she will have to work at a greater angle.

6. If you have a free minute, you need to do massage and gymnastics for hands.

Varicose veins

Another office ailment that occurs as a result of a long sitting at a desk is varicose veins. The fact is that venous blood in the lower extremities circulates due to the movement of the muscles of the leg. Since such a movement is not performed during the sedentary work, the venous blood in the arteries stagnates and the veins overflowing with blood begin to stretch. Not only does such a disease not adorn female legs, it is also dangerous for the formation of blood clots.

What to do?

1. To get up from the table as often as possible and it doesn't even matter for what: go to the accounting department, the restroom or just put the documents together.

2. Do not abuse high-heeled shoes.

3. If necessary, use medical knitwear, which does not allow the veins to expand: golf, leggings, tights.

4. Unnoticeable to others, you can take off your shoes and stretch your legs: move your toes, rotate your feet.

5. Often go down and climb stairs.

6. Arrange walking.

7. Do an evening foot massage.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Scientists have determined that after ten minutes of work in front of the monitor, a person starts blinking 5 times less than in a normal state. In this regard, the eyeball does not receive sufficient moisture. As a result, there is a feeling that sand has got into the eyes: they turn red, itch, pinch and hurt. To reduce the "dry eye" effect, some office workers use special moisturizing drops.

To avoid such problems with the eyes, you need to take care of them:

1. Blink as often as possible. On the desktop, you can hang yourself "reminder", stumbled upon it, you will surely make some extra blinking movements.

2. You can not set the monitor brightness and contrast to the maximum level.

3. Wipe the monitor regularly with special wipes.

4. Do not sit close to the monitor.

5. Allocate time for gymnastics for the eyes.

Dangerous Enemy - Hypodynamia

Among all office misfortunes, the leading place is occupied by hypodynamia. A sedentary job brings with it a whole bunch of complications. The sedentary nature of office work contributes to an increase in the number of overweight people. In addition, it is noted that office workers most often complain of fatigue. And perhaps the most unpleasant thing is that hemorrhoids occur in the pelvic organs due to circulatory disorders. Troubles await various parts of the spine in the form of osteochondrosis.

Since office work is always connected with inactivity, it is necessary to take care of yourself at least minimally:

1. Watch your posture: sit yourself straight.

2. Sit in a comfortable position.

3. Use any occasion to get up from the table.

4. After hours compensate for the lack of movement. Various activities are perfect for this: fitness, aerobics, dancing, swimming and banal jogging.

Of course, the list of ills that conceals a modern office does not end there. Invisible danger is borne by electromagnetic noise, and the flickering of lamps, and the lack of air, and air conditioners, and laser printers, and other office equipment. In short, an office microclimate is not a greenhouse environment, but a source of increased health risk. But if you carefully consider your health and follow the listed recommendations, you will be able to avoid many misfortunes, and consequently work in the office will become a source of pleasure, moral satisfaction and material benefits.


Watch the video: How to make diseases disappear. Rangan Chatterjee. TEDxLiverpool (July 2024).