Some effective flirting techniques


According to statistics, about 90% of male representatives excite a woman's open mouth. More than 92% of men like a leisurely change in the position of the legs (a woman throws one leg over the other). Many men react to the touch of a woman’s hand on their hair when she twists the strands of a man’s hair onto her finger. What else are effective methods of flirting?

But the most basic method of female flirting is the look. A woman sometimes has a couple of seconds to look directly into the eyes of a man so that he takes it as a hint. Usually a direct look into the eyes of a person lasts 1.8 seconds, and therefore it is worth holding him for 2-3 seconds so that the man has special feelings. Just do not hold your gaze too long to avoid embarrassment.

Max Liss, author of the book "Flirting. Secrets of easy victories" recommends that women, looking into the eyes of men, silently say that he is simply wonderful. A man will surely feel these thoughts. In addition, it will take 2-3 seconds to pronounce this phrase, that is, the maximum delay time of the look. A man should learn to observe imperceptibly, thanks to peripheral vision. This is required in order to intercept the man’s gaze at the right moment and show his interest. Men respond well to a look thrown over their shoulders.

In addition, it is important to consider your appearance. As sexologists believe, men usually agree to flirt only with a feminine girl. Here, an important role is played by sensual lips, well-groomed hands, graceful and flowing movements. Also in dealing with a man it is important to keep a distance (at least 30 centimeters) in order not to disturb his personal space, but to be in the intimate zone.


Watch the video: Psychological Flirting Techniques - Tips to Flirt Better (July 2024).