5 types of neighbors, which you need to know to live in peace


Gone are the days when people living in the same house, in the same yard, knew each other well. Recently, the "norms of human society" have been considerably shaken. People who live not only in one house, but even on the same landing, are sometimes completely unfamiliar. To minimize the likelihood of conflicts with neighbors, or even direct harm from them, it is necessary to determine "who is who?" from a psychological point of view. In other words, you need to figure out for yourself what kind of “fruit” is this or that neighbor.


This is probably the most problematic neighbor. His activity can even be envied. In his apartment quietly does not happen, constantly the noise behind the wall. General cleaning is necessarily replaced by either minor repairs, and then the work of the vacuum cleaner seems to be a boon compared to the work of the nasty buzzing puncher, or - a noisy celebration with numerous guests. Of course, it’s each person’s business how to spend your leisure time if not for one “but”.

As a rule, all the noisy activities begin with him when all normal people are getting ready to go to bed, or have already gone to bed. The woodpecker has a great love for various techniques and actively uses it in everyday life, and according to the "full program". If the music center, so on all power. The most interesting thing is that knocking on a door or wall will not help - he will not hear them. There are only two methods to combat it. Or connect the administrative resource, or use his own tactics. It is only necessary to catch the long-awaited moment of calm, and the same "cut in" your music. It is desirable to put the columns on his wall. That's when the woodpecker and "fly out of the nest" to deal with you. It's time to express your complaints. There is always a compromise.


Very aggressive. Constantly looking for a reason to quarrel, and any. Sensitive to every sound (noise, knock, creak) in the next apartment. And then - starting from attempts to “break in” into someone else’s apartment to numerous complaints to various authorities. The surest way to resist is a reliable door, door peephole and readiness to give a fitting rebuff The wolf should know that it’s impossible to pour out your malice with impunity. Then he will fall behind and look for a more suitable victim.


Differs in excellent memory. The source of all the gossip and talk throughout the quarter. This "professional witness". He knows everything about everyone. With such a better live in friendship. You need to give him some measured information, and he will not pry into your affairs.


It does not conflict, does not make scandals, does not complain anywhere. Everyone is good, but now constantly asking for something. He arranges everything so that you immediately decide: to help her is your sacred duty. Everything is so convincing and convincing that it is impossible to resist. The best tactic is to keep communication to a minimum. No need to keep the conversation going, just hello and goodbye. Otherwise, it will all end with another story and a request for help. Ultimately, the mouse will sit firmly on your neck.


It is invisible, the more inaudible. The hare does not enter, but penetrates. If you ask for help, he pretends not to hear. Well, if this neighbor - a hare on top of you accidentally flood, then do not dozeovtesya. He's not home! In vain knock !!! With such a talk just will not work. He walks quickly, constantly looking around. Seeing you, he will immediately find where to turn. This can only catch. Specially. From ambush. But you need to be patient and time.

It is a pity that many have completely forgotten that humans are social creatures. But if it is right to build your relationship with your neighbors, then to your friend’s question: "Well, how are your new neighbors?" You can answer with a clear conscience: "Oh, nothing. Normal people." And do not be afraid to fight back.


Watch the video: Dealing With Annoying Neighbors (June 2024).