Humiliation as a synonym for proper education


How is it customary in our country to raise children? Nakosyachil - whip, five - gingerbread. But it often happens that the child receives the whip through no fault of his own, but because of the bad mood of the parents. In large cities, children's tears are not noticeable: at home above - the walls are thicker. The provinces are more transparent and everything comes to the surface.

The usual typical five-story building. Ordinary neighbors. There are children on the top and right in the families. What is special? On the top and on the right, an adult voice screams and a child’s crying. What is special? This attitude of people to the problems of beating children in the family does not surprise anyone. Everyone loves his parents, and no one takes offense at the slap for soaked feet - because they love it, wanting to teach us a lesson, so that we do not do this anymore and protect ourselves from colds. Beats - it means love?

Our parents in some way can be understood. They raised us in the 90s, when there was no decent work and there was not even enough money for food. What kind of proper education can be judged under animal laws?

But what happens now? Same. I do not want to bring all families under one line - there are exceptions, but there are no more than a third of them. Children are scolded and slapped in the vast majority of modern Russian families, and the lower the wealth, the more they slap. Do not believe? Get out of the ring and for a couple of months settle in some district center, away from the regional cities, it does not matter: in a house or apartment. Turn off the TV in the evening and listen to what is happening behind the wall. Do you hear the neighbors bathe the baby? "Mom, it's hot for me! And what will I do to you, fuck-tararah? Aaaa ... Why did you, tararah-takh-takh, go broke?" Then a male voice comes in: "I'll calm you down now! Aaa but… ". And then go for a walk. See, well-groomed, brightly made up young woman leading a child from kindergarten. He does not have time for it, stumbles and falls. She stops, gives the cuff and shouts that he has soiled jeans. Did you notice? Now go to any of the stores. You see, next to the cashier there is a complete aunt with a child and he says to her: “Mom, well, buy ...” She told him: “Shut up! In general, you will not get anything more!”. Heard? And you still did not believe. Why did I send you to the provinces, instead of leaving you to look for similar incidents in Moscow? Because the province more willingly demonstrates the entire base nature of human relations, and the trifle in the wallet makes it brighter.

After all the above, a flurry of indignant shouts is possible: "How could it be otherwise? Do not raise selfish disobedient!" If the parents are amorphous, pliable and dull, then most likely this will happen, but if the parents are self-sufficient personalities, then the whip will not be needed. A child at a subconscious level tends to be like their parents. From this follows the main reason why children in the province are beaten more often than in the city. Successful city dwellers know what they want in life and know how to achieve it. They perceive the child as an equal and value his personality. He intuitively feels his independence and learns to work on himself, gain new knowledge and earn five for himself, and not as a means against the whip and an opportunity to get a carrot. This, of course, is not a general rule - there are always exceptions.

Now back to the province. What is happening there? Parents work in factories, bridges, steamboats — they get little, the boss is angry, the future is dim, and then there’s a child with twos. And what do they do? That's right, beat. They are beating so that they can escape from such a life as they live. They are beating so that they can be proud of a child, because they cannot be proud of themselves for a long time. They are beating so that, in the end, they can cheer themselves up and feel their power at least over someone. No matter how crazy it sounds.

What is the result? A vicious circle: matured children raise their children as they once raised them. And this does not happen so often that it is no longer considered wildness. This is commonplace, and she is synonymous with the norm. And the norm is right. It is difficult to escape from the circle. The province only allows it to notice faster. Can this be changed? ... Maybe. Only this will require more than one generation and the desire to change for the better ...


Watch the video: The Idiot Amateur Psychologist Series #2 - "Living Successfully With Screwed-Up People" (May 2024).