Slimming: 7 simple steps to success. Coach Tips


First of all, losing weight is not a passing diet and not a week of tiring training. Weight loss is good nutrition, healthy sleep and moderate exercise. Weight loss is a healthy diet that helps you achieve results without harming the body. After all, the main task in losing weight - to put in order the body and health! Losing weight, you must comply with certain rules and regulations, which, in the future, will be the main provisions of your healthy lifestyle.

Many wonder: "Where do you start to lose weight?" So, I answer the popular question: "The main thing is to start!"

Step 1: Start right now, right now, right now. In no case do not postpone the next Monday, month, year. After all, everything is in your hands! And the annoying dream of a beautiful body come true.

Step 2: Set a goal, clearly articulate your desires and move forward without deviating from the intended course.

Step 3: Measure your body. This is very important in terms of incentives. Measure everything from chest to ankles. And after two weeks, compare the results. Note: Many women make the mistake of relying on the weights arrow. When we maintain proper nutrition, in combination with physical exertion, the body burns fat, and the muscles are added and because of this, our weight may increase (because 1 cc of fat weighs less than 1 cc of muscles ). But this case works only when your body is not so much excess weight.

Step 4: Understand your diet. But do not strive to get short-term, but short-term results. Diet is a balanced diet, not a week on water and apples. Choose the most comfortable diet for you, which will include the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, micro and macronutrients. The result will not be long in coming, after a couple of weeks you will notice an improvement in the condition of your skin, you will feel light and cheerful, and most importantly, those extra pounds will begin to disappear forever. This is a very important and voluminous point, which we will consider in the next topic.

Step 5: Play sports! Sport is a huge component of a healthy and beautiful body. And if you neglect exercise, then you can forget about the ideal figure. A great option is outdoor activities. calories burned 2 times more efficiently. Just do not load yourself with killer workouts from the very first day, but go smoothly to the desired mode and slowly increase the pace. But remember, the first month your body will swell a little, because You have moved to active physical exertion. More on this in the topic of the sport.

Step 6: Drink water! Perhaps the simplest exercise that contributes to losing weight, or rather cleansing the body. You should often drink small sips and not drink half a liter at a time, otherwise there will be no effect. Just carry a small bottle of water in your purse and drink it anywhere. Drink water 20 minutes before meals! And after eating, at least half an hour, not a sip. In the morning it is better to drink hot water. it raises the tone of the body.

Note: You only need to drink water! No extraneous drinks, tea including.

Step 7: No excuses! No concessions. You do this for yourself, not for the husband, not for the object of sympathy, but only for yourself. It is better to like yourself in the mirror and be proud of your willpower, rather than eat another bun with condensed milk.

And the most important thing: The body gets used to the food ration for 21 days, i.e. if you stay out for 21 days without chocolates, buns, fried foods, then after three weeks you will not even want to eat anything flour.


Watch the video: 3 Simple & Healthy Weight Loss Tips (July 2024).