What dreams their own death?


Some people believe that death seen in a dream - this is a bad sign, because what could be worse than permanently ending its physical existence? In fact, such a dream should be interpreted in a positive sense.

Modern dream book confirms that own death means for a person a long life in good health. But still there are some nuances that you should definitely take into account when interpreting such a dream.

Own death in a dream: what does it mean?

If you dream of your own death The dream book says that it is to long and happy years of life. You will not know neither diseases, nor misfortunes, all major troubles will bypass you.

But there may be a slightly different interpretation, depending on many important details:

  • die on the operating table and look at yourself from above (the soul is watching the body) - an important event for you will happen soon, perhaps it will be a change of job, or a new love relationship, in any case, the event will be good and joyful;
  • see the sobbing relatives bending over your body - your family is not very friendly, quarrels and conflicts often occur in it, try to fix it;
  • dreamed your baby died - the loss of something valuable and important in real life;
  • death of a newborn baby - the plans you have implemented will not bring proper results;
  • see the date of his death on the calendare - this number can be happy for you in reality, a big win in the lottery or another good gift of fate is possible, for a girl - a wedding is possible;
  • become a murder victim - be careful, danger lurks you.

Very often, its death symbolizes in the dream the expectation of change and the desire for a better life.

Dreamed own death and resurrection

Dying in a dream and then seeing your own resurrection - This is a good sign that foreshadows life changes, the fulfillment of the cherished dream and the implementation of all plans. Feel free to start a business that previously seemed hopeless to you, success is guaranteed.

It is worth getting acquainted with other interpretations:

  • man dreams he is drowning in calm water - you experience complex emotions in reality and you can not make a certain choice;
  • a woman sees her sinking in the middle of the sea - breaking old relationships and meeting new ones;
  • drown in a storm or storm - to the all-consuming passion, which completely subjugates the dreamer, however, it will not last long;
  • see your own death, hear screams and moans, see a lot of blood - Changes are waiting for your close relatives;
  • die in your own house - perhaps soon you will move to a new home, or receive a new job offer;
  • come to life in the grave - You will learn new important information.

What dreams their own death in an accident

If you dream of your own death in an accident, you need to pay attention to the details:

  • see with your own blood and injuries - you have to go through many tests until the goal is achieved;
  • the body is left without damage - your plan will be implemented exactly by the target date, you are waiting for a happy ending of a certain business;
  • die in a flame car - connection with the past will be completely lost, you have to start everything from scratch;
  • die in a massive car crash, which led to numerous human victims - it's time for you to slow down a bit and rethink your actions, which may pose a threat to other people.

Dreamed her death and burial

You dream your death and burial in a dream - Pay attention to the details on which the value of sleep will depend.

For example, if attending the funeral people grieve and do not hide their pain, then in reality you will find what you want.

To see such a dream a sick persony - to complete recovery.

Woman dreaming with a funeral foreshadows quick marriage and pregnancy.

See the funeral procession on a fine sunny day - to success in business.

Own grave is a very auspicious sign read your name on the tombstone - to consults, but only good things will be talked about you.

The crypt, seen in a dream, foreshadows shocks, if man digs his own gravey - he will have to go through constrained circumstances, however, everything will end safely, a complete rebirth is coming.

Fall into the open grave - an early meeting with a man who will become your patron.

What dreams of death from a knife

If dreaming own death from a knife - there is a test period for you. There will be losses, losses and poverty, plans will collapse. Possible separation from a loved one. In any case, such a dream foreshadows conflict and a stressful situation for the dreamer.

Seeing a knife plunged into your heart - you betray your loved one.

Die from a flying knife - troubles and problems in society, the dangers lurking danger.

Dream of being shot

If you dream of your death from a shot Dream book warns that you feel lonely, although there are people around you who genuinely care about you. Do not postpone the conversation with a loved one, and do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Hear a loud shot - It is a symbol of important news that will affect your life.


Watch the video: What does death dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).