February 11: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays February 11th.


Holidays February 11

World Day of the Sick

On February 11, 1992, the late Pope John Paul II established the feast "World Day of the Sick." It was first noted in 1993. The date of the holiday was not chosen randomly.

Many centuries ago, it was on February 11, in the town of Lourdes (France), the Virgin Mary appeared to the people who healed all those who suffered. Since then, the Lourdes Mother of God has become a symbol of healing among Catholics.

The purpose of the holiday is the moral support of sick people and the call for medical workers to improve their care for the sick and thereby alleviate their suffering.

Day of Tax Service Employees in Azerbaijan

On February 11, the Azerbaijani tax services celebrate their holiday. The Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan was established in 2000 on February 11. The main task of the ministry is to ensure the implementation of a uniform tax policy in the state.

Founding day of the Japanese state

Japan is the most ancient country, and the day of its foundation is considered to be February 11, 660 BC. The name of the first emperor is Jimmu, and it opens up the longest list of all the rulers of the country. Despite the prescription of Emperor Jimmu's ascension to the throne, the holiday was considered as such only in 1967, on February 11.

The day of February 11 is considered a national holiday, which the Japanese are happy to spend with family, hardly remembering the first emperor.

Great Veles Day

On February 11, modern Rodic Communities celebrate the Great Veles Day (Holy Day, Velez Siviy Yar). This holiday is dedicated to Veles Zimny ​​- Things God. Veles is Scottish God, but this does not mean that he patronizes only animals, because once the word "cattle" meant money, and property, and wealth. The "cattle" then had nothing to do with livestock, but was a financial official.

Preparing for the holiday on February 11 began in advance, and the celebration itself can be compared with pagan rituals: sacrifices, festive tables, the glorification of the magicians of Veles, ritual battles and games.

Maslenitsa in Norway

February 11, three days before the Great Catholic Fast, pancakes are baked in Norway. If the carnival of the Russians lasts a week, then the Norwegians have enough for three days, because it is necessary to overeat pancakes to nausea, but otherwise, what a holiday? In addition to pancakes, on the feast tables on February 11, you can see an abundance of the best and hearty dishes.

In the Shrovetide custom enters and whipping decorated birch (Shrovetide) branch. They whip, mostly young girls and childless women, predicting children for them, and awakening from winter and fertility to nature.

Military fights, games with weapons and ritual battles are widespread at the festivities on February 11.

Maslenitsa in Denmark

February 11 Pancake Day is also celebrated in Denmark, only in a completely different way than in Norway, although they are neighbors. Children wake up first in Denmark and wake up parents with holiday songs. Then, wearing carnival costumes and masks, picking up Shrovetide branches (the same birch tree), the children begin to walk the streets, sing songs and collect alms - sweets and other sweets. Well, what aren't you Carols?

On the evening of February 11, children gather around a large barrel filled with candy and try to break it. Whoever does this is called the "king", awarded with a barrel of candy and offered to choose the "queen". Adults do the same, only they have their own barrel, and the tasks are more difficult.

Cake Day in Iceland

February 11 in Iceland, too, are preparing for Lent and bake special cakes (bollur), with whipped cream inside. From above the delicacy becomes covered with glaze. Perhaps such a treat would be more tasty than pancakes and sweets. The tone of the holiday is set by children. On February 11, they march through the streets, sing holiday songs and beg for cakes from bakers.

February 11 in the national calendar

Lavrentiev day (February 11th under the new style)

February 11 is the day of St. Lawrence of Rome, the patron saint of all the sick and infirm. It is believed that on February 11, Lawrence must be prayed to those with vision problems and eye disease.

On Lavrenty peasants learned weather for March on the moon. If on February 11 the moon was growing, then the weather during the day was to continue until mid-March. If this day was a new moon, then the weather, like on Lawrence, will be in the second half of March.

On February 11, the weather could be predicted through the smoke: if the smoke from the chimney goes rocker - wait for the heat, and firewood: if the wood burns badly in the furnace - wait for the thaw, and through the forest: if the forest is noisy - wait for a strong wind.

On this day, in order to scare away the evil spirits from the fields, it was necessary to stick a thistle in the corners of the field.

Historical events of February 11

February 11, 1697 Peter I authorized the legal sale of tobacco

On this day, the sovereign issues a personal decree in which permission is given to trade in tobacco, and in 1716 as many as two tobacco factories were opened.

February 11, 1809 birthday of the first steamboat

The very first ship "was born" much earlier. He was invented by Denis Papen in the 17th century. Next came the steamer Jonathan Halles, who, unfortunately, sank the ship of William Seilington.

February 11, Robert Fulton patented his “Claremont” and began to be considered the inventor of the steamer, because others did not have a patent. Fulton designed the first warship "Demologos", which also had a steam engine.

February 11, 1829 Alexander Griboedov killed

In February 1829, on February 11, a mob of Islamic fanatics who attacked the Russian embassy, ​​diplomat and writer Alexander Griboedov was killed in Tehran. The author of the immortal works and the talented diplomat did everything possible to strengthen the position of Russia in Asia.

Nicholas I was apologized for the massacre at the embassy and a priceless gift - the famous Shah diamond, which is still in the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin. In Tehran, next to the Russian embassy, ​​in 1912, a monument to Griboyedov was erected.

February 11, 1929 Vatican became a state

The Vatican is a small country located in the capital of Italy, Rome. February 11, 1922 he became independent. The city-state is headed by the Pope of Rome, who is elected for life by secret ballot. The Vatican Army is 117 Swiss Guards, making up the only armed unit in the entire state.

February 11 were born

Thomas Edison (February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931), famous American inventor

Thomas Alva Edison - the famous inventor, known throughout the world. It is to him that the world owes the appearance of a telephone and phonograph, incandescent lamp, base and cartridge, electric meter and megaphone. This exceptionally talented person gave the world railway brakes, alkaline batteries, a device for recording conversations, a movie camera and hundreds of different inventions. By the way, Edison came up with the word "hello", which we pronounce several times a day.

Vitaly Bianki (February 11, 1894 - June 10, 1959), Russian Soviet writer

Vitaly Bianki is a famous Russian Soviet writer who presented wonderful stories about nature and animals to children and adults. The most famous book of Bianchi - "Forest newspaper." She repeatedly sounded on the radio, was printed on the pages of magazines and translated into different languages. The scientist wrote this book throughout his life. Vitaly Bianki managed not only to study nature, but also to find words that could uncover the secrets of the forest world and its inhabitants.

Lyubov Orlova (February 11, 1902 - January 26, 1975), Soviet actress

Lyubov Orlova is the legendary Soviet film actress of the last century who was admired by Fyodor Shalyapin, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Grigory Alexandrov and Stalin himself. One of the best works of the actress was the film "Circus", whose creators dubbed the "Orlov trotters".

A woman of amazing beauty, an opera singer, a choreographic performer, Lyubov Orlova, conquered the whole country with her talent and charm.

Sidney Shelton (February 11, 1917 - January 30, 2007), famous American writer

Sydney Shelton is known to all detective lovers. He can be called a classic detective genre. Shelton began with scripts for musicals and television series, for which he received an Emmy Award. According to his scripts shot a lot of movies.

Shelton's first novel Naked Face brought the writer tremendous success and the Edgar Allan Poe Award. From that day on, all Sheldon’s novels become bestsellers. 300 million copies - such a circulation of works of Shelton today. Sydney Shelton was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Name Day February 11

Ivan, Gerasim, Konstantin, Roman, Dmitry, Ignatius, Leonty, Julian.


Watch the video: Birthday (June 2024).