Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms - the aroma of autumn! The best recipes of mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms


As for Russian cuisine, there are any soups in it, without exception - first courses in every sense of the word. And the immense forest expanses of Russia are the richest source of "forest bread," as mushrooms are often called.

From the first spring, warm thunderstorms to the very frosts, mushroom pickers walk along forest paths in search of their gathering happiness — a trade known to mankind since ancient times. And the forest is not stingy, giving the opportunity to stock up in store for boletus and red mushrooms, boletus and honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms and chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, waves, mushrooms.

Mushrooms are salted and pickled, dried and roasted, stewed and boiled. Modern features allow you to make blanks by freezing. Mushrooms can be frozen in boiled, raw or fried. Semi-finished mushroom soup is cooked much faster.

Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms - general technological principles

Speaking about the technology of mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, first of all, we will pay attention to the main component - mushrooms, and only then it will be about the soup.

Mushrooms are not vegetable or animal food. In food, as in nature, they occupy a particular niche. And not only because of the precautions in their use, about which, perhaps, it has already been said many times and enough.

Dishes from mushrooms in the orthodox post replace meat products. For example, mushroom mince with the addition of garlic and some spices is not much different in taste from minced meat. Mushrooms quickly saturate the body without creating problems for the fight against excess calories. But at the same time, mushroom soup can be a high-calorie dish, depending on the method of its preparation. And this - the main secret of the product.

It is worth noting that mushrooms contain proteins and carbohydrates. They also contain sugar, fats, amino acids. Mushrooms are a source of vitamins, calcium, potassium and iron. Good news: In the chemical composition of fungi there is no cholesterol, which the human body produces in abundance without additional stimulation. Surprisingly, in a large and small mushroom vitamins, proteins and other elements are contained in exactly the same amount, and the difference in size lies in the volume of water contained in them. So it does not make sense to wander through the forest in search of a large mushroom. In addition, the largest specimens have a looser structure, which can affect the quality of their culinary processing, and among them wormy mushrooms are more common.

Now about the main secret of mushrooms: for this, we will slightly delve into the question of the structure of the fungus molecules.

Depending on the method of mechanical cooking, all this rich chemical composition can either be completely absorbed by the body, or become a ballast that complements the volume of the remaining ingredients of the dish. Valuable elements are contained precisely inside molecules covered with a durable outer shell. Therefore, if mushrooms are the main ingredient of the dish, then they need to be crushed, at least partially. But for a diet, to cause a feeling of satiety in the stomach, a rather large cut, or, if the mushrooms are small, you can not cut them at all.

The next question is combination of mushrooms with other products. The main difference between a mushroom dish is the smell of mushrooms. Therefore, if you want to preserve the unique aroma of the forest, then do not be zealous with spices. Condiments with a very spicy and persistent odor set aside. Very carefully, just to emphasize the smell, add bay leaf, dill, parsley, garlic and onion to the soup. Strengthen and especially emphasize the mushroom flavor dairy products. Fungi do not contain acid, and to impart an appropriate taste, they can be filled with sour cream. But remember that chopped mushrooms with sour cream are high-calorie foods. You can, to impart a sour taste, use tomato paste or dry white wine.

The most harmoniously mushrooms are combined with potatoes, buckwheat, rice and beans. From the meat, choose to mushroom poultry, pork, liver.

For the preparation of mushroom dishes it is possible to use different types of mushrooms.

Very useful would be the use of dry mushroom powder, which will enhance the flavor of the dish.

If you need to emphasize the presence of mushrooms in the soup, you can chop some of them so that the dish has a higher nutritional value, and the second part can be put whole (small mushrooms) or cut into plates, or in half lengthwise. Need to considerthat mushrooms during culinary processing significantly reduced in size, as they consist mainly of water, which will evaporate in the cooking process. Therefore, cutting mushrooms should not be too small.

Now let's pay attention to the methods of freezing mushrooms, which are important for the first course of frozen mushrooms.

Fried or boiled frozen mushrooms do not need additional processing, so they can be added to soups, dipping into boiling water, directly in frozen form. At the same time to cook them for a long time should not be. Raw frozen mushrooms boil for at least 40 minutes in total, but at the same time drain the water twice. After pre-treatment, they are washed and used for the mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms.

When buying mushrooms in a supermarket, it is unlikely that poisonous ones will fall among them, but you should pay attention to the packaging: mushrooms cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, if the package is covered with ice, this means that the freezing mode has been violated, and such a product should not be bought. For the same reason, the mushrooms are frozen in small portions, for use each as needed. If the thawed fresh mushrooms were not cooked immediately, then it is better to throw them away.

Of all the known methods most often used for mushroom soups hot soup cooking technology:

Based on clear broth from meat, vegetables and mushrooms. White mushrooms and champignons are suitable for concentrated mushroom broth. After cooking, the broth is clarified by straining, delaying. Sometimes, in order to get a clear broth, it is enough to soak the main ingredient and timely remove the foam formed during the cooking process. In this case, the initial stage of cooking should occur over low heat. Perhaps the freezing of the broth, which also allows you to quickly cook the soup according to any recipe. To do this, cooled and filtered broth from mushrooms is poured into small containers, which are previously put on sealed plastic bags. By the way, you can make any broth perfectly transparent using the freezing method. For cleansing from various impurities, it is enough to put the frozen briquette in gauze rolled up in several layers and wait until the liquid melts and flows through the filter. For this purpose it is also convenient to use disposable towels. After filtration, frozen broth is used for soups, as usual.

Filling soup, using browned vegetables, tomato supplements, with or without flour.

Thickened soup, in which, according to the technology, flour, eggs or dairy products, or a mixture of the listed components, are used for thickening.

The roasting technology for cooking mushroom soups is used quite often. In particular, this method is recommended if during the freezing all the liquid was not removed from the mushrooms. In the process of roasting mushrooms, this freezing defect is easily eliminated. And the fried mushrooms get more interesting taste, especially if they are cooked, frying in butter.

For the preparation of cream soup or cream much effort or special knowledge is not required - just use a blender or other technology that can turn any soup into a creamy mass. In this case, you can prepare each ingredient separately, then combining them in a blender, or cook the soup in any of the following ways, ensuring that the ratio of the thick and liquid mass is approximately the same: this will achieve the thickness needed for the cream soups .

Liquid basis for mushroom soup can be meat, mushroom or vegetable broth (including frozen), as well as milk or cream. Mushroom soups are also prepared in fish broths, but at the same time one should choose which flavor to give preference to fish or mushroom.

Mushrooms in the soup can be used both as a main ingredient and as an additional ingredient.

Recipe 1. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms, potato with cream - cream soup


• Boiled potatoes - 450 g

• Fried champignons, frozen 450 g

• Cream, hot 1.25 liters

• Water 200 ml

• Mushroom seasoning - 50-70 g

For submission - dill.


Ready, fried mushrooms are thawed, steaming in a saucepan, adding mushroom seasoning to enhance the flavor. Combine them with boiled potatoes and smash with a blender for a homogeneous mass. Boil the cream and pour them hot in the thick potato-mushroom mass parts, without stopping the beating. If necessary, salt and season the puree with spices. Serve in tureens, hot, garnished with chopped dill.

Recipe 2. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms with tomato dressing

List of ingredients:

• Potatoes - 300 g

• Flour for passerovka - 25 g

• Carrots - 150 g

• Oyster, raw, 300 g

• Tomato paste - 50 g

• Mushroom powder to enhance the taste

• Onions - 100 g

• Meat broth (or mushroom) - 2 l

• Refined oil

• Greens, spices and salt

• Water - 2.0 L


Chopped, frozen oyster mushrooms boil for about ten minutes. Drain the water, wash the mushrooms under a stream of water and pour the ready broth (optional). After the broth with mushrooms boils, reduce the heat and add the prepared vegetables in turn.

While mushrooms are boiled onions, potatoes and carrots. Diced potatoes pour in boiling mushroom broth. Pour chopped onion in a pan with hot oil and fry until transparent, then add grated carrots, brown until soft and pour around a glass of mushroom broth, combined with flour and tomato paste. Sauté the broil in a saucepan with broth, add bay leaves and salt. Ten minutes later, remove the saucepan with the soup from the stove. When serving, decorate with greens.

Recipe 3. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms, with zucchini

Composition of products:

• Milk 0.45 L

• Zucchini, white - 250 g

• Low-fat sour cream (15%) - 120 g

• Refined oil (for browning)

• Onions - 200 g

• Boiled champignons, frozen - 0.5 kg

• Water (or meat broth)

• Carrot 150 g

• Greens, spices, mushroom paste


Put the pots in the oven at 50 ° C for heating. We rub carrots on a grater, we defrost mushrooms and we cut not too thin plates, we crush onions with a knife. In hot oil, first passse a carrot and then an onion. In the browned vegetables, pour the mushrooms and simmer. Then lay out the grated zucchini and pour milk and salt. Putting the contents into pots and pour hot broth or boiling water on top. In all the pots add sour cream and put them in the oven, preheated to 210 ° C, for about half an hour. Before serving, right in portion pots, season with green parsley.

Recipe 4. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms, lean, with white beans

Composition of products:

• Water - 2.7 L

• White, fine beans 400 g

• 450-500 g of fried mushrooms

• Garlic - 1/2 medium head

• Ghee 50g

• Oil, olive 100 ml

• Dried mushrooms (powder)

• Chile 1 pc.

• bay leaf, spices

• Fresh parsley

• salt

Cooking method:

Soaked beans (it is desirable that she stood for the night) to cook. Season with two bay leaves and salt. Half of the boiled beans should be smashed and put back in the pan. Chilli and 2 medium cloves of garlic crush and fry in hot oil. After they turn golden, they need to be taken out and thrown away, and in this oil, boil the mushrooms and add them to the bean broth. Boil all together for another 10 minutes. Add a couple more slices of chopped garlic, parsley and black pepper.

Recipe 5. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms, with tomatoes

Composition of products:

• Broth, meat 2,0 l

• Onions 150g

• Peeled potatoes - 200 -300 g

• Garlic 2 slices

• 500 gr. champignon

• Greenery

• 2 pcs. red tomatoes (large)

• 200 g boiled chicken fillet

• Refined oil (for frying)

• Spices, salt


Pour some oil into the pan so that it covers the bottom, throw onions, chopped garlic, frying them to transparency. Add the chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper. Then add peeled, chopped tomatoes and passeruem a few minutes. Then put the diced potatoes and chicken in the same dish, pour broth, bring to the required taste and potatoes until cooked.

Recipe 6. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms in a bun


• 5 pieces. rye buns

• 500 ml heavy cream

• Hard cheese, like Dutch 200 g

• 600 g frozen chanterelles (boiled)

• 600 g potatoes

• Garlic - to taste

• Onion 300g

• Butter

• Sesame (for powder)

• Salt, mushroom powder


Dice the potatoes and put in the boil. Mushrooms stir fry with onions and add them to potatoes. Drain broth and blend potatoes with mushrooms with a blender, then add warm cream. Remove the upper part from the bread, which then becomes a “lid”, remove the crumb. Do not thoroughly clean the loaf: the bottom should not be damaged. Put the rolls on a baking sheet and send them to the oven, preheated to 180 C. It is necessary that the rolls be brown and dry. Mix garlic and vegetable oil and smear with a mixture of the middle of the loaf and the "lid". Pour the soup over the rolls, sprinkle with cheese on top, cover with a “lid” sprinkled with sesame on top, and serve.

Recipe 7. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms, with cheese


• Water 3 liters

• Frozen champignons (raw) 0.5 kg

• Potatoes 400 g

• Cheese, melted 4x50 g

• Carrots 100 g

• Onions 150g

• Pepper, salt

• Oil (for browning)


Cook diced potatoes. When the water boils, pour out the melted melted cheese and mix it very intensively. In order for the cheese to melt well, you should choose good quality cheeses. Thawed mushrooms, cut and put them to fry until the water evaporates. When the moisture evaporates, season with pepper and salt if necessary. Separately, the onion and grated carrot should be passaged. Put ready vegetables and mushrooms in a saucepan and let it boil for another 5-10 minutes.

Recipe 8. Mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms, with rice in chicken broth


• Frozen mushrooms, fried 450 g

• Broth 2.7 L

• Potatoes 300 g (2-3 pieces)

• Steamed rice 100 g

• Onion 250 g

• Greens, mushroom paste

• Flour and butter for sauteing - 30-40 g each

• Sour cream 50-75 g

• Milk 250 ml

• Bay leaf

Preparation Procedure:

Pre-soaked rice to throw in boiling chicken broth, along with potatoes, cut into small cubes. When rice and potatoes boil, put mushrooms in the pan. Fry chopped onion in a pan, adding flour, and then sour cream and milk. Put the prepared dressing into the saucepan with the soup and let it boil. Season the soup with spices, salt. When serving, arrange each portion with green parsley leaves.

Frozen Mushroom Soup - Tips and Tips

• The variety of soups with mushrooms can be made more diverse with the help of dried fruits. To mushroom soup of frozen mushrooms prunes, dried apricots are great.

• From edible mushrooms for soup, use tubular mushrooms with a dense texture.

• If you are harvesting mushrooms for the winter on your own, then remember that they should be collected away from the city, from the highway, as they absorb all the pollution from the soil, air and water. Collecting mushrooms, unknown species, or those in doubt, you need to resolutely avoid the side, even without touching them with your hands. The best time to gather is early morning, when both the mushrooms and the ground are covered with dew.

• Buy mushrooms should be only in retail chains that have certificates. Do not use the services of unfamiliar sellers in the market. Before cooking, sort the mushrooms again to make sure they are safe.

• For mushroom broths only white mushrooms or champignons are suitable.

• From dried porcini mushrooms, prepare the powder and store it in a tightly closed container. Then you do not have to buy special mushroom seasoning containing salt and preservatives, and mushroom dishes will always be fragrant, like frozen mushrooms just brought from the forest.

• Hold dried mushrooms in salted milk. They swell and get a fresh smell.

• Try to always choose young mushrooms, with an unopened cap. Under it are the sporiferous plates or sponge, into which the sand falls, insects, when the cap has opened. This will save time when processing mushrooms.

• Mushrooms contain almost no acid and sugar, so a small amount of these products will improve the taste of the mushroom dish.

• Try to avoid overuse of mushrooms: they are difficult to digest, even if cooked properly and very tasty.


Watch the video: Mushroom Foraging and Cooking Guide (July 2024).