Fragrant tea with lemon: how is it healthy and harmful? Interesting information about your favorite drink, as well as its benefits and harms


Tea with lemon is native Russian drink. It was we who came up with putting slices of lemon in a cup with tea.

This tradition arose when tea began to be delivered to our country from China. We decided to use a samovar, saucers and, of course, add lemon to tea. His story in Russia began about 150 years ago.

Tea with lemon is so popular with us because of its taste. Citric acid goes well with the astringency of tea, and the addition of sugar has even more to it.

People drink a lot of tea because it releases strength and helps to work fruitfully. Although it’s not necessary to drink a lot, even one cup of tea, drunk in the morning, will perfectly warm and help to wake up completely.

The benefits and harms of this drink vary depending on the type of tea used. Black and green tea with lemon are two different drinks. But there is also Chinese Oolong tea and white tea, which also go well with lemon.

In tea with lemon do not add milkas it curls up and turns into flakes. It does not bring much harm, but tea does not become tastier or healthier.

How to make lemon tea

A simple recipe. Use black or green tea in bulk. So that the lemon flavor does not dull the smell of the tea itself, brew it in the correct sequence:

• You need to pour water into the kettle and wait until it boils;

• Before pouring tea into a teapot, it should be rinsed with boiling water to warm it up;

• When you measure the amount of tea on the kettle, put more of it. Due to citric acid, tea brightens and loses astringency.

• Pour tea in boiling water not allowedso let the water cool. Let the temperature drop to 95 degrees Celsius.

• Fill the kettle with water by a third, and after 2 minutes, fill almost to the brim.

• Close the kettle with a lid and let the tea brew. In 6 minutes he will be ready.

Lemon is added at the last moment when the tea is poured into cups, and then sugar is poured. You need to cut the lemon into thin slices. On a cup of tea put one slice or half.

You can pour lemon juice in tea, but do not put the pulp. But some people like to eat lemon slices, even with a crust, and with them the tea looks prettier, that is, the serving wins. Real still life.

In general, they brew just ordinary tea and then add lemon, that is, if someone wants to drink tea without lemon, then he can not put it on.

In Russian traditions, very strong tea is brewed, which is called "tea leaves", and then dilute it with hot water. So you can "adjust" the saturation of tea.

If you love sweet tea, but you feel that sugar greatly distorts its taste, then sweeten the tea honey.

It is better not to add honey or sugar to green tea with lemon, but to put when brewing jasmine petals or white chrysanthemum leaves.

Leaf fresh peppermint or a pinch of dried is also great for this drink. It is brewed with tea.

To make ginger tea with lemon, you need to brew tea in a thermos, putting there gingercut into strips or slices. Such tea is insisted on for 40 minutes, but lemon is put, as usual, in a cup when the drink begins to cool.

Do you want to maximize the aroma and taste of lemon in tea? Brew tea with boiling water, previously mixed with lemon zest.

Find out what water flows from the tap. It happens that it is not suitable for tea. Take store water or filter tap water.

What is the benefit of tea with lemon?

Tea with lemon is rightly called the locomotive of health, because it not only decorates any meal, warms and cheers you up, but also helps to avoid many ailments.

Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid. Therefore, tea with lemon is enriched vitamin C, which plays an important role in the body. It helps to absorb iron. Ascorbic acid is needed to form connective tissues, such as bones and tendons.

In addition, tea with lemon is useful for the health of the skin, because vitamin C helps to normalize the renewal of skin cells, their elasticity and firmness.

Tea with lemon is necessary for the prevention and even treatment of diseases such as hypertension, arthritis and scurvy. However, with the development of acute forms of these diseases, the beneficial properties of tea with lemon are not enough for treatment. The doctor selects the right medication and therapy. Lemon tea can also be continued to support the body.

Asthma, cough and runny nose - these diseases are difficult to treat. To reduce the likelihood of such infectious diseases becoming chronic, tea with lemon should be drunk at the first symptoms of respiratory diseases. Traditional treatment is also unacceptable to neglect, because tea with lemon only reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, and does not serve as a medicine.

The benefits of tea with lemon are revealed in the summer, in extreme heat. When it is impossible to quench your thirst with other drinks, it helps to calm this feeling. This tea is good for digestion, so it is drunk even before meals.

Green tea in combination with lemon acquires antioxidant properties, which increases immunity.

An important point: Vitamin C dies at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, so you really need to try to add lemon at the last moment, when the drink is already starting to cool. Otherwise, little remains of the beneficial properties of this tea.

Does Lemon Tea Harm?

Tea with lemon has more benefits than harm. Nevertheless, it can have a negative effect on the body, and now you will know which one.

You are wrong and you can guess that lemon tea is contraindicated for those who have allergies for citruses. As well as those who suffer from increased acidity of gastric juice or peptic ulcer. If you continue to drink this tea, having such disorders in the body, then there is a great risk of harming your health.

Tea with lemon in turn increases acidity stomach, which means if you drink it in excessive quantities, this will contribute to the development of gastritis, although such an outcome is unlikely. But this must not be forgotten.

Black tea with lemon is harmful to drink beyond measure. If you consume more than 6 cups of tea, then instead of vigor and strength boost drowsiness and fatigue appear. Depression and problems with the nervous system may occur.

Tea contains coffee houses, which means that it is contraindicated in glaucoma, since it enhances intraocular pressure. Strong tea also causes insomnia if consumed in the evening.

Lemon tea for pregnant and lactating mothers: benefits and harms

Pregnant women should not drink tea with lemon in large quantities, as this threatens the appearance of heartburn. But if you drink a little tea and drink it carefully, then there will be no unpleasant consequences.

If the pregnancy is proceeding well, then it is not necessary to refuse tea with lemon. Of course, if there is heartburn, then you should stop using this tea.

On the other hand, lemon tea allows pregnant women to struggle with morning toxicosis. It helps get rid of nausea.

Lemon is suitable for the prevention of colds, and since expectant mothers should avoid the use of drugs during pregnancy, then tea with lemon allows you not to get sick during this period.

Lemon Tea Beneficial affects the fetus, because it contains potassium, which is needed by the cells of the brain and the nervous system of the child.

Does lemon tea help you lose weight?

Tea with lemon is useful for people who want to reduce their weight, due to the content of polyphenols in it.

You can drink it even if you stick to some kind of diet. Only sugar slightly increases the calorie content of the product, so it is better to refuse it. In one cup of tea total 3 caloriesand with sugar - 16.

Warm tea is good to use on fasting days to stimulate the activity of metabolic processes and the functioning of the intestine. It is advised to drink an average of 4 cups of tea per day, this is enough.

When the digestive system normalizes, which will contribute to the lemon juice, toxins will begin to be removed from the body. Since vitamin C, which is found in lemon, improves digestion, it also helps weight loss.

Due to the fact that the acidity of the stomach from the use of lemon increases, calcium begins to be better absorbed in the body. And if it enters the cells, then the fat deposits begin to go away, because the lack of calcium just leads to fullness.

If you include tea with lemon in the diet, then the nutrients from food will begin to be better absorbed.

If you brew lemon tea with ginger, blood circulation and metabolism will increase. The essential oils that it contains will increase metabolism.

In conclusion, I want to say that according to Japanese wisdom "without tea a person loses the ability to see beauty and truth". Therefore, to maintain the best human quality and, of course, health, let's drink tea with lemon!


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