Carrot soup is a sunny dish on your table. How to cook a delicious carrot soup: recipes for a sweet or salty dish


Carrot soup is a light and tasty vegetable dish.

The sweetish taste of carrots goes well with spices, meat or other vegetables.

Mostly carrot soups are made from mashed potatoes.

They are easy to digest and suitable for baby food.

Carrot soup - the basic principles of preparation

Carrot soups are sweet or savory. They are served both cold and hot.

There are many recipes for carrot soups. Vegetables are fried, stewed or baked in the oven. Then they are crushed in a blender, pouring meat broth. Spices, cheese or other ingredients that do not need to be interrupted are added to the soup. Using broth or cream, the soup is brought to the desired consistency.

Recipe 1. Carrot Soup with Coriander


450 grams of carrots;

sea ​​salt and black pepper;


a quarter cup of olive oil;

50 g of coriander leaves;

1 l 200 ml of vegetable broth;

7 g of ground coriander.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots and onions, rinse well under the tap and dry them slightly. Rinse the coriander leaves, crush excess moisture and cut. Chop the onion finely. Chop the carrot into thin slices. Heat olive oil over moderate heat. Put the onions and mugs of carrots in the pan and fry them for about five minutes until the onions soften. Stir constantly so that the oil is distributed over all vegetables and they are cooked evenly. Season with ground coriander and keep on fire for about a minute.

2. Put everything in a large pot. Salt, pepper and pour the broth. Put the dishes on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Then make a fire and simmer the soup until the carrots are tender. Stir the soup several times during cooking.

3. Transfer the soup into a blender bowl and beat until puree. Try it if necessary, add salt. Put the chopped coriander leaves and mix. Serve the soup with French rolls or brown bread.

Recipe 2. Carrot Soup with White Beans


50 g sesame;

a pound of carrots;

two cloves of garlic;

liter of purified water;

olive oil - 30 ml;

6 g of provencal herbs and turmeric;

200 g of white beans;

black pepper and sea salt;

tomato paste - 30 g;

25 g of lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the beans several times. Boil it until soft. Better to do it in a slow cooker. Then put in a colander and leave to glass all the liquid.

2. Peel and wash the carrots. Chop it in circles. Put in a deep bowl, add olive oil, herbs and crushed garlic. Mix well. Deco cover it with foil and place mugs of carrots on it. Place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

3. Put the beans in a blender bowl, put the baked carrots and peeled garlic cloves here. Add tomato paste, turmeric and lemon juice. Salt, pour purified water. Interrupt everything thoroughly until smooth. Try salt, add salt if necessary.

4. Pour the mixture into the pan, place on the stove and boil. Turn off the fire. Pour the soup into plates, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve with croutons.

Recipe 3. Carrot Soup with Garlic Dressing in Olive Oil and Parsley



salt, olive oil, bay leaves and peas black pepper;


a bunch of parsley;

kg of carrots;

two onions;

seven cm ginger root.

Cooking method

1. Chop and rinse the chicken. Put the back, neck and wings in a pan. Pour water, put a good pinch of black pepper with peas and a bay leaf. Put on moderate heat and cook the broth. Remove the noise and make the fire even quieter so that the broth does not boil, but rather languishes. Tomite so the broth for about an hour and a half. Filter the finished broth.

2. Peel the carrots, wash them well and cut them into arbitrary pieces. Put in a pan and pour the broth. Put on the stove and cook until soft.

3. Meanwhile, sort through the parsley, rinse and chop finely. Free the garlic from the peel and chop finely with a knife. Transfer everything to the blender's container, pour in olive oil and beat into the pulp.

4. In the carrots, add peeled onions and sliced ​​ginger. Cook for some more time. Then chop everything to a puree condition with a submersible blender.

5. Pour the soup into plates, pour dressing with garlic and parsley.

Recipe 4. Spicy Carrot Soup


250 g of potatoes;

four cloves of garlic;

three leaves of laurel;

a pinch of salt;

four onions;

half a bunch of parsley and green onions;

a piece of butter;

a pound of carrots;

four pinches of freshly ground black pepper;

refined vegetable oil - 30 ml;

sugar - 25 g;

a pinch of cinnamon and thyme.

Cooking method

1. Peel all vegetables, rinse them several times and cut into large pieces.

2. Coarsely chop the half of the onion. We will need the rest of the bow later.

3. We shift the vegetables into a deep stew-pan, here we put the coarsely chopped onions and whole cloves of garlic. Fill everything with boiling water, add a pinch of salt and send to the stove. Boil, put a bay leaf, thyme and cinnamon. We twist the fire and cook for half an hour. We remove the lavrushka, and grind the remaining ingredients with a hand blender. We send a generous piece of butter to the pan. Salt and pepper. We send for ten minutes to a slow fire.

4. Finely chop the remaining onions with a knife. We put the pan on the stove, pour a spoonful of refined oil, spread the chopped onion, sprinkle with sugar and fry until it is covered with glaze and becomes light brown in color.

5. Rinse the green onion feathers and parsley, dry and finely chop. Pour the soup into plates, add the fried onions and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 5. Carrot Soup with Cream Cheese


chicken or vegetable broth - liter;

salt, spices and black pepper;

carrots - 350 g;

pinch of turmeric;

onions - 200 g;

garlic - clove;

processed cheese - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel all vegetables. We wash them well under running water. Chop the onion into small pieces. Carrots in tiny small cubes. Pour three tablespoons of oil into the pan, spread the chopped onion and fry it, over low heat until golden brown, constantly stirring.

2. Put the carrot cubes in a pan, mix and fry for a couple of minutes, mixing occasionally. Pour the broth into refractory dishes and put on the stove. Bring to a boil. Cream cheese is rubbed with large chips. We put it in a boiling broth and stir continuously until it is completely dispersed.

3. In the cheese broth we shift the frying of vegetables and mix. Boil the soup on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Salt, pepper and season the soup with spices.

4. Remove the pan from the heat and insist under the lid for about ten minutes. Then grind with a submersible blender to a puree state. Pour the soup into plates and serve with crackers or bacon.

Recipe 6. Carrot Rice Soup


carrot - 600 g;

salt and sugar;

drinking water - an incomplete glass;

egg yolk - two pcs.;

rice - 150 g;

milk - half a liter;

butter - 70 g

Cooking method

1. Carrot, peel and rinse again. Dry slightly and cut into circles of medium thickness.

2. Put the butter in a deep saucepan and melt it over moderate heat. We spread the carrots in ghee and simmer over low heat, covered with a lid. Then pour water and bring to a boil.

3. We wash the rice several times. We transfer it to the stewpan, pour in the heated milk, mix, bring to a boil. Cook under a lid over low heat, for about 20 minutes. Grind the soup in mashed potatoes using a submersible blender.

4. Pour milk into the egg yolks, salt, add a little sugar and beat with a whisk or a fork. Pour the soup, stirring continuously, bring to a boil and remove the soup from the stove.

Recipe 7. Carrot Soup with Chicken


25 g vegetable oil;

carrot - 350 g;

sea ​​salt;

120 g of onion;

a small bunch of parsley;

half chicken fillet.

Cooking method

1. Defrost chicken fillet, rinse and put whole in a saucepan. Pour water and send to the stove. Add peas and laurel leaves to the peas. As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the noise and cook the broth for about half an hour.

2. We clean and wash the vegetables. Cut the carrots into small pieces. My parsley, slightly dried and finely chopped. You can just break the greens with your hands.

3. Remove the chicken fillet from the broth, transfer it to a separate plate. Filter the broth and pour it back into the pan. We send it to the stove and put the parsley and chopped carrots in the hot broth. Cook under the lid until soft carrots.

4. Chop the garlic into thin slices. Chop the onion in small cubes. Fry them in warmed vegetable oil until golden brown. We shift everything into the pan, mix and cook for another 20 minutes.

5. Remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon and transfer to a blender bowl, pour a little broth here and grind everything to a puree state. Cut the chicken into slices or tear with your hands. Pour carrot soup into a plate and put pieces of chicken, season with herbs.

Carrot Soup - Chef Tips and Tricks

  • Try the salt soup all the time. Carrot gives a sweetish flavor, so you need to constantly monitor the amount of salt.

  • The soup will be much tastier if you mix carrots with olive oil and spices and bake in the oven.

  • The consistency of the soup is adjusted by diluting it with broth or cream.

  • If you add cream or broth to grated vegetables, then the liquid must first be warmed to a hot state.

  • Serve carrot soup with croutons, on top of it you can sprinkle with chopped herbs or cheese chips.


Watch the video: Buttery Dill Glazed Carrots Recipe Noreen's Kitchen (July 2024).