Diet for dermatitis: how to eat if the skin is inflamed. Can a diet for dermatitis help to heal, relieve itching?


Any skin disease is a consequence of immune system reactions to external or internal irritants.

A diet for dermatitis is the basis for successful treatment.

In most cases, food either provokes the occurrence of allergies, or enhances the influence of factors.

The role of diet in dermatitis

Most health problems result from poor nutrition - doctors say so. And a huge number of diseases disappears after the necessary diet has been compiled. At the same time, 2 goals are pursued:

• reduce the amount of allergens inside the body;

• remove toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated.

Even in cases where it is revealed that the allergy is not food, the diet is still respected. Dermatitis is divided into several types. For each of them a specific nutrition is compiled. But eating prohibited foodsthat can not be used with any etymology.

• Fish of certain species, caviar;

• Seafood;

• Vegetables and fruits of bright orange and red;

• Whole milk;

• Wheat and all products with its participation;

• Soya;

• eggs;

• Honey;

• Nuts;

• chocolate

Along with this, you need to give up sweets. Especially if sweets contain cream. Such products reduce the rate of elimination of toxins from the body, contribute to their accumulation.

Nutrition rules

Dermatitis diet is a set of products that does not burden the liver. During allergies, this organ works with particular intensity. If harmful components arrive with each serving of food, it may not be able to cope at all.

First of all, you need to give up alcohol and smoking. Alcohol is bad for your health! Smoking causes cancer! Everyone is so used to these phrases that they simply ignore the warning. But in vain! The liver suffers from this more than other organs. And if you add related products to this, you get a "time bomb."

It is necessary to refuse:

• fast feet;

• chips, crackers;

• salads with mayonnaise;

• fried foods;

• hot seasonings;

• fatty foods;

• salty.

It is necessary to ensure diet, which will help to eliminate toxins and allergens of different etymologies.

• A large amount of water - mineral or ordinary.

• Bran should be added to dishes.

• Flour products must be replaced with whole grains.

• Increase the amount of vegetables that contain coarse fiber.

• Spending apple days. You can use green varieties.

With seborrheic form of dermatitis focus on rejecting salted. With fungal infections, dairy products should not be consumed. The basic requirements remain unchanged.

What does the body need with dermatitis

Along with getting rid of harmful allergens and toxins, the body must be replenished with useful trace elements. Diet dermatitis is based on this.

1. Lactobacilli restore intestinal microflora and contribute to the normal absorption of food. Rashes on the skin are directly related to the condition of this organ. After all, the sedimentation of all microorganisms occurs precisely in the intestine. It is necessary to cleanse the body and colonize with useful bacteria with fermented milk products with a short shelf life. This is kefir, homemade yogurt and yogurt. For those who have an individual intolerance to lactose and milk protein, it is preferable to take probiotic pharmacy drugs.

2. Unsaturated fatty acids responsible for the condition of the skin. Constant replenishment of the body with acids in the right amount will relieve redness, itching, remove peeling. Gradually, the skin begins to recover. A large amount of acid is found in vegetable oils and marine fish. With individual intolerance to fish products, omega-3s are replenished with finished preparations in capsules.

3. Folic acid and other B vitamins improve metabolism in the cells of the skin. Replenishment of the body with these trace elements accelerates skin regeneration. In addition, the nervous system is strengthened, stress resistance increases. Why is there a rash on the skin? To the fact that the excited and irritated nervous system contributes to the appearance of rashes. In some cases, dermatitis is noted against the background of a nervous breakdown. A large amount of folic acid is found in herbs, lean meats and liver. As an alternative - a complex of vitamins in the form of tablets or dragees.

4. Antioxidants destroy free radicals that take part in the formation of toxins. They will help to get rid of vegetable oil, seeds, cabbage, onions, celery.

5. Deficit zinc in the body leads to peeling of the skin and itching. When you receive the right amount of trace elements, the skin is moisturized, ceases to peel off, inflammation disappears. A large amount of zinc is found in cereals, onions, brewer's yeast, pumpkin.

What is allowed for use

Dermatitis diet contains an extensive amount of ingredients. Combining them, you can get great, at the same time healthy, dishes.

What is included in the diet?

1. Vegetables always in the first place. All green colors are allowed. In addition, limit the use of potatoes.

2. Fruits must be used with caution. Almost any berry can be allergic. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. The safest are yellow and green. In addition to citrus fruits.

3. Porridge prepared exclusively on water. Refuse is only from buckwheat. In the period of extinction of dermatitis, you can add butter. Whole grain breads are also recommended.

4. Dietary varieties meat: beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit, beef. As well as offal. The type of meat is selected individually. You may be allergic to rabbit or chicken meat. The safest is beef.

5. Soup It is recommended to cook vegetable. If this is meat broth, drain the water after boiling. Start cooking on the second broth.

6. Dairy products can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In the absence of individual intolerance, you can use kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt with live sourdough.

7. Vegetable oils Use for refueling any dishes. Any allowed.

8. The drinks should be consumed in large quantities. Mineral water, dried fruit compote, kissel, fruit drink, green tea. It is strictly forbidden to drink carbonated sweet drinks, juices, alcohol, coffee, cocoa.

Treatment process

Dermatitis diet begins with fasting. The main goal is to cleanse the body of allergens and toxins. On this day you need to drink a large amount of water, green tea without sugar. As a food crackers are allowed. The next day, you can start adding any product from the allowed category. Every day food is diversified. This method of gradual introduction of new ingredients allows you to determine the presence of food allergies to a single product.

In the acute phase of the disease adheres to the strictest diet. Each step to the side can nullify all previous efforts. When the skin begins to recover, you can add in limited quantities sweets, white bread, rolls. For people with chronic dermatitis of any etymology, all the prohibited drugs that are listed in the "nutritional rules" section are taboo for life!

All meals must be home cooked. You can cook, stew, steam. Limit the amount of salt, sugar, spices. Before eating, meals should be warm. Do not eat too hot or too cold. The diet is 3-4 times in small portions. Snacks are made between them. The result is 6-7 meals a day. Since the food is light, it is quickly digested. The body does not experience difficulties and workload. The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Dermatitis menu options

Do not think that diet food is tasteless. First, you need to get used to it. Secondly, you need to learn how to cook. An approximate full-day menu is presented below.

Option 1

• Breakfast - oatmeal or oatmeal on the water. As a drink, green tea.

• Lunch - vegetable soup or light meat broth. The second dish is boiled rice with steamed cutlets. Drink - dried fruit compote.

• Dinner - vegetable stew and mint tea.

You can have a snack with a green apple, pear, kefir.

Option 2

• Breakfast - cottage cheese low-fat consistency. As a drink, apple compote.

• Lunch - vegetable soup from zucchini. The second course is a stew and a side dish of rice. Drink - green tea, jelly.

• Dinner - steamed or stewed fish. Salad of cabbage and cucumbers with vegetable oil. Compote or a glass of kefir.

Snack - apple, pear, crackers, bagels.

Option 3

• Breakfast - a sandwich of brown bread and cottage cheese with herbs. You can drink it with green tea.

• Lunch - vegetable soup. On the second - potatoes or buckwheat with liver. Coleslaw with vegetable oil and herbs. Kissel or apple compote.

• Dinner - steamed fish cakes, sliced ​​vegetables, chamomile tea.

Herbal medicinal tea is welcome. Some herbs help to eliminate allergens, soothe the skin, restore digestive function. Promote sound sleep and quick rest. You can use chamomile, mint, lemon balm, thyme.

Body strengthening

Diet for dermatitis should be supported by a healthy lifestyle. Fresh air and moderate exercise help to strengthen the immune system, which is responsible for the protective functions of the body. Dermatitis always occurs when it is weakened. Or it can’t cope with allergens.

1. It’s not at all necessary to exhaust oneself with sports, if there is no time or desire for it. It is enough to take a few hours a day on foot. For example, refuse public transport, and get to work on foot or by bicycle. Charging in the morning is also welcome. You can get up just 15 minutes earlier, and strengthen your health physically.

2. Helps strengthen the immune system by wiping with water. You can start by washing with cold water. Or do hand baths for a few minutes.

3. Healthy sleep is the key to success. The body rests, manages to gain strength. The nervous system calms down. The duration of sleep of an adult should be at least 8 hours. This is enough to gain energy for the next day.

An adult understands the need for treatment and diet for dermatitis. But explaining this to a small child, when other children calmly eat oranges, chips and sweets, is very difficult. All responsibility lies with the parents. It is advisable that the whole family switch to proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle. Then the child will accept all this as the norm, and not an exception. Dermatitis is a disease that requires maximum effort. And it is not always possible to establish the true cause of the allergy. In this case, prevention is first and foremost!


Watch the video: Dr. Oz's Anti-Allergy Diet (May 2024).