Kiwi: the benefits and harm of "Chinese gooseberry". Calorie and how to use kiwi: with benefit and without harm to health


Kiwi or "Chinese gooseberry" is called a berry.

The plant is originally from the Middle Kingdom and is currently grown in many countries.

Exotic fruit - kiwi due to its beneficial properties and high taste qualities is widely used both in cooking and in traditional medicine.

Kiwi: composition, calorie content and methods of use

Light brown fruit of kiwi, in appearance with something resembling potatoes, is extremely useful for the body. It contains double daily dose of vitamin C. In addition, kiwi is rich in vitamins A, B, E.

Tropical fruit - a source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.

Kiwi contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids, dietary fiber. The product also contains water, saturated fatty acids, starch, mono- and disaccharides, and ash.

The calorie content of kiwi is not too high and is 47 kcal per 100 g product.

The beneficial properties of kiwi make overseas berry indispensable to strengthen the immune system. Kiwi is used for the prevention and treatment of various ailments, as well as in cosmetology and as a tasty component of various dishes.

1. Kiwi is good for colds.. Daily use of only one chopped fruit (with the addition of honey) will strengthen the immune system. Eating the product is best just before bedtime.

2. For colds, prepare a healing cocktail based on kiwi. To do this, throw one kiwi into the mixer, a couple of small carrots and chop them. Liquid honey (1 large spoon) is added to the composition and a glass of kefir is poured. They drink a delicious and healthy kiwi cocktail before bedtime.

3. To cleanse the body from harmful substances, it is enough to eat 1-2 small fruits of kiwi before a meal.

4. Product helps to get rid of heartburn, belching, heaviness in the stomach. With these symptoms, after each meal, they consume the berry.

5. Mashed Kiwi Useful with burns and frostbite. In the case of skin damage, mix the crushed fruit into a pulp, combine it with olive oil (1 tsp) and apply on sore spots.

6. The product contains a substance beneficial for arteries. Daily use of 2-3 kiwi reduces the level of harmful cholesterol.

7. The beneficial properties of kiwi make it possible to apply fruit when coughing. In this case, prepare a fruit salad. Chopped kiwi sprinkled with cinnamon powder and add a spoonful of honey. Light vitamin salad is eaten at night, forgetting about cough and insomnia.

8. Kiwi is extremely useful for the body with prolonged cough and dyspnea attacks. They make a syrup with the addition of honey and ground anise. Consume the composition hot before bedtime.

9. To restore strength after an illness, apply a dish of kiwi, which is prepared as follows: cut 4 soft fruit, sprinkle them with sesame seeds, cinnamon, ginger powder. Crushed mint is added to the composition. Eat a healthy salad, watering unsweetened yogurt.

10. Kiwi is widely used. in cosmetology. With it, prepare masks for cleansing and nourishing the skin. For dry skin, for example, use this mask: chop the fruit, add to it a couple of tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. The mixture is applied to a clean face and kept for 15 minutes. Then, all washed off with warm water.

Another face mask. Nutritious. Chop kiwi and banana into mush. The composition adds a little homemade yogurt. The mixture is applied on the face, as is customary, for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Kiwi is used for gentle peeling. Soft fruit is ground, applied in circular movements on the skin of the face, left for a few minutes, and then washed off (first warm, then cool water).

Apply kiwi and in the composition of the honey mask. For its preparation, knead the fruit and connect it with a small spoon of liquid honey. The mask is applied to a clean face and left for about 20 minutes. After this, washing is carried out. Kiwi honey mask gives the skin a fresh look, eliminates the signs of aging.

11. Kiwi beneficial to the health of people with psoriasis. The fruit is eaten like an egg, first removing a part of the rind and choosing the pulp with a spoon. The peel itself is used to lubricate the affected skin. The duration of the procedure is 4-5 hours, after which the skin is washed with water.

12. Kiwi applied for therapeutic fasting. In the absence of contraindications, fasting days are spent on kiwi, when during the day they eat 1-1.5 kg of delicious berries in 4-5 doses. At the same time do not forget to drink plenty of clean non-carbonated water.

One fasting day helps cleanse the body of toxins and lose weight by 1 kg.

Kiwi juice - better means to normalize weight. The composition of the product includes glucose and fructose, which maximize energy supply to the body. A plant substance actinidin promotes rapid metabolism, improves digestion.

Fiber and dietary fiber give a long feeling of satiety. Overseas fruit is rich in enzymes - natural fat burners.

Kiwi goes well with cereals, dairy products, meat, fish.

13. Tropical fruit is widely used. in cooking. They make desserts, cocktails, salads, etc.

Sweet and sour kiwi is ideal for preparing savory meat and fish dishes. Kiwi not only decorates them, but also gives a special taste to familiar products.

Kiwi is used for baking biscuits, cakes, muffins. It is used as a filling or decoration.

The overseas berry is thoroughly washed before consumption, cut into two parts and with the help of a small spoon they eat up the flesh.

If salads and pastries are prepared, they pre-peel the kiwis and cut the product into cubes, strips, and circles.

And for making sauces, too soft fruits are simply crushed with a fork, tighter ones with a blender.

14. Chinese doctors have long used kiwi juice for medicinal purposes. Application of the product in our time has not lost its relevance. Kiwi juice reduces rheumatic pains, prevents stone formation in the kidneys, improves digestion, and soothes to some extent.

Amazing but regular use Kiwi juice warns early gray hair.

Women who have difficulty conceiving are using kiwi juice to maintain their health. Due to the rich vitamin composition of the product (if it is consumed constantly) greatly increases the chance of getting pregnant.

Kiwi: what is the benefit for the body?

Kiwi is a product, on the study of the useful properties of which scientists from different countries worked. They found that the fruit is able to actively burn fatty acids.

In addition, it is experimentally proven that kiwi helps reduce hoarseness, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose.

Berry contains enzymes that speed up metabolic processes in the body, and also break down subcutaneous "deposits".

Kiwi is good for its dietary properties. It is recommended for diabetics..

"Chinese gooseberry" due to its constituent collagen, vitamin C, lutein, postpones the aging process. Fruit is simply necessary to preserve feminine beauty.

In addition to the above, Kiwi is able to:

• strengthen the immune system

• beneficial effect on bone and muscle tissue

• neutralize the effects of toxins

• strengthen the nervous system

• have an antimicrobial and antioxidant effect

• improve protein digestibility

• restore physical strength

• relieve problems with stool

Kiwi: what is the harm to health?

With all the benefits of kiwi health, there are still some restrictions on the use of the product, knowing that you can avoid undesirable consequences.

First, Kiwi should not be abused. A sufficient amount of fruit per day - 1-2 pieces.

Secondly, the berry not recommended for ulcers and people suffering from gastritis. Kiwi contains fruit acids that can negatively affect the diseased gastric mucosa.

Thirdly, because of its laxative properties of kiwi should not be used for diarrhea so as not to aggravate the already unpleasant symptoms.

Berry - a real storehouse of vitamins. A high content of vitamin C can provoke allergies in people prone to such.

Kiwi for children: good or bad?

Kiwi is extremely beneficial for children's health. Rich vitamin composition of the product allows you to:

• strengthen the immunity of the child

• increase the body's resistance to viruses

• reduce high blood pressure

• strengthen the heart

• relieve constipation

• prevent kidney stones

• to diversify the menu of diabetics

The recommended age at which kiwi can be given to children is 2 years. Parents, injecting overseas fruit into the child’s diet, should closely monitor the baby’s reaction to it.

Kiwi give in the event that the child has already tasted a banana and there was no negative reaction. The amount of fruit eaten per day should not exceed 1-2 fruits.

Young children are given kiwi with a spoon as a dessert, and those who are older are given a snack. Kiwi goes well with cereals, dairy products, meat, fish.

Ripe, slightly soft fruits without visible defects will bring the maximum benefit to the child. Mature fruits can not be stored for more than 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Starting to give them better with a small portion, watching the reaction of the child.

Kiwi is harmful to children with diseases of the digestive system, allergies.

Unnoticeable in appearance, but characterized by high taste, rich composition and low calorie content - Kiwi has long been used by people.

An unsightly, but extremely tasty and healthy berry - kiwi has gained popularity all over the world. Regular consumption (no more than 3 fruits per day) noticeably improves the immune system, contributes to the speedy recovery, serves as an excellent prevention of many diseases.


Watch the video: Side Effects Of Kiwi Fruit You Should Definitely Know About (July 2024).