Lunar haircut calendar for September 2017: favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, curls and hair coloring


September gives hair a long-awaited rest from the scorching rays of the summer sun.

I want to update my hairstyle, change my summer tops to something more elegant.

The moon will tell you what September days to schedule a haircut, curl or dye.

The first five days at the beginning of the month the moon continues to grow.

The full moon comes on the sixth.

On this day, stars do not recommend haircuts: curls will begin to split, weaken, lose strength and shine. But dyeing, waving, head massage will come in handy.

From the seventh to the 19th, the lunar disk melts to be born again on September 20th. From the twenty-first to the thirtieth, the moon rises again. For this period, boldly prescribe haircuts, styling, care procedures: they will certainly be successful.

September 2017 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

For curling curls, you need to choose the periods of the moon entering the zodiac of Virgo. Stress for the hair will not be so strong, chemicals will not burn the curls, and the hairstyle will turn out simply magnificent. In September, Virgo rules the sky on September 19th and 20th. These are perfect curl days.

If the Khimki doesn’t hold well on the hair, it must be done during the days of the moon's stay in the house of Leo, on the sixteenth and seventeenth of September. The thing is the ability of this royal zodiac to give even straight and stiff hair the necessary softness and ability to curl.

If the hair is curly from nature, artificially curling them these days is not worth it, so as not to get too cool curl. In addition, weak, damaged hair will undergo too much stress at this point and can be seriously damaged. It will take a long time to restore the health of curls.

Do not plan perm in September for the following numbers:

• the third, fourth, thirtieth - the days of Aquarius;

• fourteenth, fifteenth - the days of Cancer;

• 23rd, 24th - the days of Scorpio.

These zodiacs are able to spoil a perm, even if it is done by an experienced master. There is a high risk that the curls will weaken, become brittle and dull.

Tip: within three days after perming carefully protect your hair from any excess load. No styling, fleece, twisting and varnish! You don’t even have to wash your hair.

September 2017 haircut lunar calendar - hair coloring

A change in the tone or color of curls turns out to be more successful for the growing moon, during the period of energy accumulation. You can change the color of curls from the 1st to the 5th, and then from the 21st to the 30th of September. After dyeing, be sure to nourish your hair with natural oils and masks to reduce damage.

It is worth considering the recommendations of the stars for staining associated with the special energy background of the lunar day. Changing the tone of the hair can affect the interaction with others, health and the most important areas of life.

It is favorable to stain on such September days:

• 2nd: increase the flow of money;

• 4th: if you slightly tint the roots or slightly update the tone, you can achieve success;

• 5th: repainting a brunette, you can become invisible to the negative and avoid serious problems;

• 7th: reddish and light tones of paint will help improve relationships with loved ones and acquaintances;

• 8th: to become happy and successful again, it is recommended to dye your hair the way it was dyed at the moments of the highest life success and happiness;

• 11th: repainting the blonde, you will attract the right people;

• 12th: returning to a natural color, you can strengthen and increase well-being;

• 15th: if you need a new job or improving relations with your boss, become a brunette;

• 18th: a radical change in the color of curls will attract money and improve health;

• 23rd: dyeing with natural paint will improve well-being, increase working capacity;

• 25th: natural paint will enhance business qualities;

• 30s: Staining with natural dyes will help to reach an understanding with the boss.

Thirteenth lunar day (in September these third number) are unfavorable for radical renewal of hair color or coloring of roots. You can’t paint on this day: the color will turn out wrong, and the hair will deteriorate.

Staining on relations and energy of the 10th (spoil a good mood), the 16th (will cause quarrels and misunderstandings), the 20th (negative for finances and communication), and the 26th (fraught with conflicts) September can negatively affect.

Tip: after dyeing, hair often begins to fall out. Strengthen the bulbs will help alcohol tincture on hot pepper. Half of the pod should be filled with 100 ml of alcohol, insisted for a week, diluted with a proportion of one to ten with water. Rub into the skin to enhance blood flow to the bulbs.

September 2017 haircut lunar calendar - favorable haircut days

There are no bad or good days for cutting hair. You just need to know exactly what goals you want to achieve. The general recommendation to cut hair only on the growing moon is good only for those who want to quickly grow them. Indeed, if you get a haircut during the period of growth of the lunar disk, hair grows faster.

Those who need to strengthen their weakened hair, tighten their structure, need to date the hairdresser on the days of the melting of the moon. The moon waning from the 7th to the 19th of September makes the curls grow slower, but it improves their appearance.

The most successful haircut is obtained on days when the Moon is visiting Taurus, Capricorn, Libra, Virgo and Leo. Therefore, safely plan the procedure in the following numbers:

• first, second, 28th, 29th (Capricorn);

• tenth, eleventh (Taurus);

• sixteenth, seventeenth (Leo);

• eighteenth - twentieth (Virgo);

• 21st, 22nd (Libra).

Favorable haircut points that may attract positive energy, improve health, cheer up.

These are the days of September:

• 1st: strengthens vital energy;

• 2nd: will bring unexpected or additional profit;

• 3rd: good for improving health, improving financial condition, increasing intuition;

• 7th: can dramatically change lives and elevate to the pinnacle of success. But if everything is so fine, is it worth changing?

• 8th: increase attractiveness, improve health;

• 10th, 14th, 15th: will attract positive;

• 12th: increase authority;

• 18th: add charisma and charm;

• 20th: a short haircut can change fate;

• 22nd: update the whole body;

• 23rd: attract material wealth;

• 25th: enhances creative energy;

• 26th: helps to recover and raise money;

The appearance of the hair depends entirely on the physical health of the person. But there is also feedback. Cutting hair on days favorable from the point of view of the lunar calendar, we can affect our physical and mental health: recover faster, get rid of depression, strengthen the immune system.

Tip: so that long hair always looks healthy, the tips need to be regularly refreshed. The ends of split and dry strands need to be cut once a month and a half. Normal and bold tips optimally renew every three months.

September 2017 haircut lunar calendar - adverse haircut days

Haircut problems may occur if you combine the procedure with the lunar days of Cancer and Pisces. In September 2017, this is the fourteenth, fifteenth number (Cancer). Zodiac Pisces does not appear in the sky in the first autumn month.

Stars recommend, if possible, to refrain from cutting on such days:

• 4th: a depressive state will appear;

• 5th, 6th, 9th, 21st: worsen health;

• 13th: relations with others will deteriorate;

• 16th: will increase mental stress;

• 17th: negatively affects one’s state of mind;

• 24th: the haircut will be damaged;

• 28th: ​​there is a high probability of attracting negative into your life;

• 30s: negatively affect well-being.

Tip: if the haircut was unsuccessful, try switching your attention from hair to face with a new bright makeup. You can try different options for creative styling, perhaps using various accessories like hairpins, ribbons, scarves, etc.

September 2017 haircut lunar calendar - conclusion

Hair needs attention and care. It has long been noticed that caring for curls is easier if you use the clues of the moon. If you set a goal, then with the help of various hairdressing procedures you can manage your own life.


Watch the video: How to Read the Lunar Hair Chart. Tutorial (July 2024).