Slimming baths


Any girl and woman wants to be slim and attractive. In pursuit of a beautiful figure, many ways have been tried out to lose weight. Not the last place on this list is occupied by home baths for weight loss, which only gain the number of fans. In addition to losing weight, baths for weight loss contribute to the prevention of cellulite and skin rejuvenation. After a course of such procedures, the skin becomes smoother and more tender.

In addition, stretch marks on the skin become less noticeable or disappear altogether. That is why bathtubs are one of the favorite ways to care for your figure. A full course of slimming baths gives an excellent result - losing weight up to 10 kg per month. However, to achieve this effect, you should limit your diet to fatty and sweet foods, spices and pastries. You need to eat balanced and in small portions.

Slimming baths - how to take

First of all, baths for weight loss should be taken while sitting, with a water level of about one waist. If you experience any discomfort, heart palpitations, you must stop taking the bath. An hour before the procedure, it is recommended to stop eating and not eat another hour after. The use of a body scrub in front of the bath will also help to improve the effect. You can use self-made coffee or cream and salt.

You can take baths for weight loss only to completely healthy people. The water temperature should be about 35-37 degrees. Remember that cool baths tone and hot baths relax. To enhance the effectiveness of bathtubs, you need to lead an active lifestyle, walk, play sports. The combined use of bathtubs, food restrictions and physical activity will give a noticeable effect.

Massage to improve the effect of a slimming bath

The meaning of the procedure for taking a bath for weight loss is that the subcutaneous tissue is heated, the vessels expand, as a result of which mobilization of fat occurs. A light massage combined with a bath will make this process more active.

Massage methods: massage the body with a special washcloth, brush, anti-cellulite mitt or just hands. Massage should be carried out in a clear sequence: neck, then arms, chest, back, then the stomach, legs, buttocks and pelvic area. You can also use the circular massage method. You need to move clockwise. Massage the hands from the hands to the shoulders, neck - from top to bottom, stomach - in a circle, legs - from toes and up. Thus, the body needs to be walked 2-3 times.

Slimming baths - types

Salt baths for weight loss

It is especially nice to combine them with aromatic oils, this is an excellent tool for relaxing and relieving stress. Conducting a course of salt baths will help to adjust the figure. Salt helps the body get rid of excess fluid, stimulates blood flow, due to which there is a cleansing of toxins, and the skin is filled with nutrients. In addition, salt accelerates metabolic processes. Such properties of salt baths make the fight against fatty deposits and cellulite the most effective.

To take a salt bath for weight loss, it is better to use sea salt, which is sold in pharmacies. Such a salt can be enriched with various mineral fillers, as well as plant extracts. If there is no sea salt, then ordinary will do. To prepare a salt bath, you need to dissolve about 350 grams of salt in hot water and pour this composition into the bath with water.

Soda baths for weight loss. Probably every housewife has soda. Soda baths for weight loss are a fairly effective method of weight loss. To prepare this bath, you need to dissolve a pack of baking soda in water and half a kilogram of sea salt. The course of procedures is 10 baths with a break of one day. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, after which you need to wipe and relax without rinsing. It is advisable to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and lie down for about an hour. The addition of aromatic oils enhances the effect, and also improves mood and well-being. Such a bath allows you to renew strength, relaxes and takes care of your figure and skin.

Slimming baths with citrus aromatic oils. It is enough to add 5-6 drops of some oil to warm water, and you will feel a surge of energy and strength. Essential oils regulate fat metabolism, stimulate the elimination of toxins. Thanks to this, taking baths for weight loss with aromatic oils, you can get rid of extra pounds, while enjoying the fresh, invigorating aromas of orange, grapefruit or other citrus fruits. Before adding oil to water, it is best to mix it with a small handful of sea salt. This will prevent the oil from spreading over the surface.

Slimming baths with linden

Linden blossom is an excellent diaphoretic, but few use its wonderful properties for weight loss. But in vain, because linden baths are a great opportunity to lose weight and, at the same time, improve the condition of the skin. In the decoction for a linden bath, you can include not only flowers and leaves, but also the bark, buds, seeds of this healing tree. To prepare the broth, 300 grams of raw material per 5 liters of water is taken. The ingredients are brought to a boil and then infused (approximately 15 minutes). After taking a linden bath for weight loss, it is better to go to bed. Already in the morning you can enjoy a wonderful result - minus a kilogram of weight, as well as velvety tender skin.

Turpentine emulsion slimming baths

Such baths significantly increase skin elasticity, promote weight loss. They are prepared on the basis of an emulsion for bathtubs, which can be found in pharmacies. This product is accompanied by instructions. People who have high blood pressure are advised to use yellow turpentine, with normal or low pressure, white turpentine is suitable. Such water procedures, among other things, also perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Slimming Baths with Citrus Extracts

Baths for weight loss with citrus juice, zest and other things, have a healing effect on the body, remove toxins. In addition, they increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, help get rid of extra pounds. To prepare such a citrus bath, you will need 5 oranges (or the same amount of grapefruit, lemons, tangerines). Squeeze the juice and mix in 3 tablespoons of oil (olive), add to a warm bath. To prepare a bath with zest, peel any citrus and peel it, or use dried zest earlier. Pour it with a liter of boiling water, then insist. Strained broth should be added to a warm bath.

Coniferous Slimming Baths

To prepare such a bath, you can use a special coniferous extract purchased at a pharmacy or store. It is liquid, in tablets, briquettes or in powder form. The quantity of the product is calculated according to the attached instructions. Coniferous solution can be prepared independently. To do this, pour a kilogram of raw materials (cones, twigs, needles or bark) about 7 liters of water, boil (about 40 minutes) and insist for at least 12 hours. The amount of solution is calculated per bath. Such baths can be taken every day or every other day with a course of up to 15 procedures. Coniferous baths are indicated for use no more than once every six months. After the procedure, you need to rinse under a cool shower for about 10 seconds, and then relax lying or in a chair for about half an hour.


Nastya 03/25/2016
And can such baths help in a general breakdown? I don’t have any mood after winter, the apathy is continuous, and I don’t want anything. It is probably worth trying a citrus bath, because even from eating the fruit and just the smell of citrus mood rises.

Vera 03/25/2016
I was very interested in the linden bath. How nice, probably to take such a bath in the evening, and sleep. And in the morning I wake up thin and with smooth, renewed skin!))) I’ll urgently buy myself a fake color, I just don’t know how it is sold ... At the pharmacy, I think, I know)))

Ksyusha 03/25/2016
ABOUT! I always make baths with various additives. And most of all I love with citrus juice. after them you feel so cool, the skin is like that of a baby. Energy is in full swing and the mood "with a bang." In general - a cool thing))

Darina 03/25/2016
I have been doing salt baths for a long time, with their help you can easily make your skin beautiful. And the fact that in this way you can lose weight is not surprising. In general, baths with all kinds of additives are very tonic or soothing, depending on what you add. A good and not expensive way to keep fit.

Catherine 03/25/2016
Thank you so much for these tips! I just really need to get rid of the terrible stretch marks after childbirth. Hope the baths help me. At least make stretch marks not so noticeable. I really want just a bath with citrus oils, vigor when not superfluous)))


Watch the video: How To Use Steam Bath For Weight Loss (June 2024).