Masks for hair growth - how to make them at home


Is it necessary to make masks for hair growth

Long, healthy, well-groomed hair is a win-win decoration for any woman. True, there are not many lucky people whose hair is beautiful by nature. Basically, silky, shiny curls are the result of daily care. This includes healthy eating, enriched with fruits and vegetables, and good sleep, and smoking cessation, as tobacco smoke makes them dull. To make your hair strong, shiny, grow quickly, you need to take vitamins, use high-quality shampoos, trim the tips so that they do not split, comb with a natural hair massage brush, and, most important, do not forget to regularly make masks for hair growth. Naturally, hair grows rather slowly, so you always want to at least slightly, but speed up the process. The masks contain active nutrients that, getting to the roots of the hair, feed each bulb and stimulate growth.

There are many such stimulating masks. There are also ready-made masks for hair growth, sold in a pharmacy or store, and made independently, from natural ingredients, at home. Shop masks from a tube or jar are convenient to use, they can be immediately applied to the hair. But you should carefully look at the composition so that it has less chemistry and more natural ingredients. A reliable option is to make all masks for hair growth yourself, then certainly the ingredients will be entirely from natural raw materials.

How hair growth masks work

Masks for hair growth are cosmetics that provide external hair nutrition. You can symbolically distribute them into two groups:

- masks that nourish the scalp and root bulbs. Hair after using such masks becomes stronger, do not split, brittleness disappears. The hair scales are tightly pressed, so the hair along the entire length is even, of the same thickness, do not thin out and do not break near the ends. To achieve this result, masks from eggs, vegetable oils, hot wraps, rinsing with a decoction of herbs help;

- masks that stimulate the circulation of the scalp. The active substances in their composition cause blood flow. This affects the accelerated hair growth from functioning bulbs, and stimulates dormant bulbs to work, causing them to wake up. What makes the hair look thicker, because hair is getting bigger. Masks from onions, garlic, pepper tinctures have this effect.

Both nourishing and stimulating masks have a positive effect on hair. Therefore, in order for hair to grow rapidly, while remaining dense, shiny, silky and healthy, it is necessary to alternate hair growth masks with nutritious masks.

Egg masks for hair growth

The basis for egg masks are chicken eggs or egg yolks. As additional ingredients, cognac, vegetable oils, lemons, honey are most often used. Egg masks for hair growth give an excellent effect. They simultaneously activate hair growth, restore their structure and nourish the hair follicles.

Yolk mask for hair growth with cognac

Mix any vegetable oil and cognac (2 tbsp each), two yolks. Apply to the head, rub into the roots, then distribute through the hair. It is convenient to do this with a comb with large rare teeth. Cover with polyethylene, wrap with a towel on top. Wash off after 45 minutes. Hair after the mask can be washed with shampoo, or you can use an ordinary chicken egg or yolk, which perfectly cleanse the hair. Rinse off the natural “shampoo” with warm water so that the eggs do not curl.

Egg and lemon mask

Mix the oils - castor and burdock (1 tablespoon each), egg and lemon juice (2 teaspoons). Rub the resulting cocktail into the roots, scalp, distribute evenly through the hair. Cover with a film and a towel. Keep an hour and a half, rinse with water and shampoo.

Egg Glycerin Mask

Pour castor oil (2 tablespoons) into a bowl, chicken egg, table vinegar (6-9%) and glycerin (1 teaspoon each). Mix until smooth. Rub the mask into the roots, and also apply to the hair. Cover with a plastic bag or film, then wrap with a towel. After 40-50 minutes rinse with shampoo.

Oil masks for hair growth

Life-giving masks for hair growth based on vegetable oils not only nourish the hair follicles, but also strengthen the curls themselves, soaking in them and restoring the structure. From which the hair becomes voluminous, shiny, have a healthy appearance.

Vitamin mask

Mix olive and burdock oils (2 tbsp each), vitamins A, E - their oil solution (¾ teaspoon). Heat the vitamin mixture a little, apply on the head, rub into the skin, distribute through the hair. Cover with a towel and hold for one hour. Wash off with shampoo. Apply every other day.

Burdock honey mask for hair growth

Mix burdock oil and liquid natural honey (1 tbsp each). Thick candied honey must be warmed up - it will again become liquid. When the mixture of honey and oil becomes homogeneous, add cognac (1 tablespoon). Shuffle, distribute through the hair, not forgetting about the roots. Hold for half an hour, rinse with water and shampoo. Apply twice a week. Full course - 2 months.

Essential Oil Mask

Even small doses of essential oils added to masks for hair growth significantly increase their effectiveness. To stimulate hair growth, it is necessary to use essential oils of rosemary, pine, cinnamon, sage, lavender, ylang-ylang. It is very easy to make a mask: in warmed olive oil (a quarter cup), you need to add 8-10 drops of any of the listed essential oils (one or a couple of drops each). Then apply the life-giving mixture to the hair and roots, leave for 40 minutes.

Burning masks for hair growth

Hot red pepper, or chili pepper, dry mustard, garlic, onion are excellent stimulants for scalp hair growth. And the most effective masks for hair growth are obtained on the basis of these components. They are some irritants of the scalp, causing blood flow to the bulbs. To avoid skin burns, such masks are always made on a greasy basis, which is usually milk or vegetable oil.

Garlic mask

Grind the middle head of garlic (4-5 large cloves) in a blender. Mix the gruel with olive oil (2 tablespoons), let it brew for about an hour. Apply the garlic mixture to the hair roots, do not distribute through the hair. Cover with a film and a towel, rinse after an hour and a half. If you feel discomfort, severe burning, remove the mask before the specified time. Wash your hair with shampoo. Apply weekly, course duration - two months.

Onion mask

Grind a large onion in a blender, squeeze the juice from the pulp (through cheesecloth). Discard the pulp, and add the egg, honey and castor oil to the juice (1 tsp each). Only natural honey is needed. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to the hair roots. Cover with a bag or film, on top - with a towel. Wash off with shampoo after two hours. Onion "aromas" will help get rid of a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar, added to the rinse water. It is recommended to use healthy masks for hair growth with the addition of onions in a course: making 2 masks weekly for a month.

Pepper mask for hair growth

For a pepper mask you will need pepper tincture, so you need to do it in advance. The finished tincture is added to the mask or directly rubbed into the scalp. Pour a glass of vodka into the jar, put 2 pods of hot red pepper (dried) in it, close the lid. Insist in a dark place for a week and a half.

For the mask, mix pepper tincture, burdock oil (or castor oil) and any hair balm (all ingredients 1 tablespoon each). The oil should be warm, so the bottle with it must first be heated, for example, for a couple of minutes you can put it under a stream of warm water or heat the oil in a water bath. Apply a pepper mask to the skin, distributing on the surface of the head in a circular motion. Cover with a film and a towel. Wash off after an hour and a half. Tolerate a strong burning sensation is not necessary, therefore, if there is a furnace, wash off earlier. Then, as usual, wash your hair with shampoo. It is recommended to use pepper masks for hair growth one and a half to two months, 2 procedures per week. After taking a break, the course can be repeated.

Mustard mask for fast hair growth

Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic or vegetable oil (linseed, burdock, olive) and mustard powder (without a hill), granulated sugar (1 tablespoon). Dilute with hot water to the density of sour cream, drive in the yolk, mix. Distribute the mask over the surface of the scalp. Cover with a towel. Hold from twenty minutes to an hour. Wash off with water and shampoo. Mustard masks for hair growth can dry out the ends of the hair if they are brittle and thin, so they must be protected before the procedure - lubricated with warm vegetable oil. The course of use is two months. The frequency of procedures: for oily hair - once every five days, normal - once a week, dry - once every ten days.

Helpful advice:

In order for the masks for hair growth to be effective, and you get the result you dreamed about, you need to apply them not in swoops, but regularly, for one to two months, performing procedures 2-3 times a week. Then your hair will not only grow better, but will get a well-groomed and chic look.


Lena 05/10/2016
Thank you very good advice

Lisa 04/23/2016
you know, a couple of years ago, Selencin homeopathic pills saved me from hair loss. And not so long ago I saw shampoos, balms and masks of Selenzin in the appetizer - that is, hair cosmetics of the same brand. decided to buy. What can I say, in addition to the fact that I did not have seasonal molting, as usual, this year, I noticed that my hair began to grow faster. for a month - one and a half grew by 4-5 cm. usually my hair grows more slowly. And indeed they are very strong, healthy-looking steel, as if nourished from the inside. I am very pleased with this makeup for ovlos. And of course. it’s convenient that everything is ready. In my life I don’t have the patience to make masks on my own ...

Svetlana 03/31/2016
Oh! how many wonderful masks! Yes, and in one place! Just great! I’m more worried about the dry ends, and growth would not hurt to increase ... Now, with a periodicity, I have problems ... I’m just one of those who do all kinds of such procedures in a hurry. And how to accustom yourself to regularity ...

Iraida 03/31/2016
Masks with mustard, as far as I know, often do not need to be done twice a week. But I know for myself. You can dry your scalp, and nothing nice, you know, no. But the rest of the mask, which is soft, can and should even be done 3 times a week.

Inga 03/31/2016
By the way, if you think that after the garlic mask your hair will be unpleasant to smell, then you are very mistaken !! The smell is perfectly washed off with shampoo, and not a trace! And the hair is so strengthened! To your happiness there will be no limit !!!)))


Watch the video: How To Grow Your Hair OVERNIGHT! DIY Hair Mask For GROWTH (July 2024).