How to excite a man quickly and strongly


One of the signs of love - excitement in the eyes of a partner. But for a number of reasons, it happens that this symptom begins to fade or disappear completely. How to fix the situation in this case? Today we offer to consider the topic: the excitement of his boyfriend, various techniques and advice of sexologists on this issue.

How to excite a man - advice sexologists

What can excite the representative of a strong half of humanity? First of all, they are visuals due to their nature, which means that the appearance plays a significant role, especially if all this is accompanied by a slow undressing and / or dancing. But it is important to understand the difference between outright vulgarity (pornography) and the art of arousal.

The second thing that attracts the attention of a strong sex is the smell of a woman. This moment, of course, is individual in nature, but knowing the passions of your partner is quite a feasible condition (it allows you to have a young and mature, married or single, even without his knowledge).

And for a snack - praises in his honor. He is a conqueror. He needs the realization that his companion admires his sexuality and sexual superiority in bed.

Here are the three main whales that will help regularly maintain the flame of love. But it is important to learn how to dose the "portions" correctly.

Words how to excite a man quickly

Words also play an important role. Contrary to the well-established opinion that only women "love with their ears," guys are also not against verbal expression. There are three main secrets that work flawlessly:

1. The story of erotic dreams and fantasies. It does not matter whether the partners implement them or not. Enough of a fascinating description, and preferably with the appropriate intonation.

2. Memories of joint sexual moments. They will help to visually arouse fantasy, and then the matter of technology and desire.

3. Desire partner. If a woman shows her secret desires at least with words, perhaps even taking the situation into her own hands, this will not leave the guy (or older satellite) indifferent and the response will not take long to wait.

These methods can be used not only in a comfortable home environment, but also in a public place (on the street, in a theater, in a restaurant, etc.) or in a car (it helps to seduce even a lazy aged partner, excites thoughts (fantasy) and body).

Ways to excite a man before sex massage

Erotic massage is a whole art, but it helps to make the guy strongly want his soul mate. It differs from the standard by the lack of clothing on both partners (partial or complete) and the impact on the erogenous zones. The alternation of temperatures (cold and hot) makes it possible to enhance receptor perception. Try using wax from a candle (can be replaced with a hair dryer) or pieces of ice during the process, but be careful not to harm the partner.

Another trick is petting. Start with the impact hands (you need to touch gently gradually increasing the pace), connecting lips (kiss) and finally go to oral caress. Some guys like a slight impact on the anus (here helps proximity to the prostate, the effect on which in moderate doses also leads to excitement and prolong pleasure).

How to excite a man with a look

The languid, inviting gaze with invocatory gestures melted more than one man’s heart. Try it and you, it will definitely bear fruit. But do not forget that in this case the eyes are involved. And this means that they need to be highlighted. About a ton of cosmetics we are not talking. Eyelashes are important here, preferably long and fluffy. They give a special charm and make the look mysterious and exciting. And such a decoration can excite her boyfriend, not only with the help of an alluring look (because he is only the beginning), but also by affecting the skin of a man, and the more erogenous the impact zone is, the better: ears, chest, stomach and, of course, member. There is an erotic technique, which has the name "butterfly", its essence is in touching the body with eyelashes blinking. Try it! You will not regret!

How to excite a man in bed

Technique of excitement is the whole art that must be comprehended if you want to preserve attraction for a long time. Remember the truth of the people, which says that you can not keep a man borscht. The main thing is that he feels satisfied. And in this embodiment, even a difficult character will not alienate him for a long time. Although the effects of eating should not be discounted: celery, oysters, liver, bananas, caviar, bananas, chocolate and figs. Include these products in your menu and the result will surely please you.

Ways to excite a man in bed with touch

The tactile effect on the body of your boyfriend, which is able to wind up a man in a few minutes, has several main forms:

• hands / fingertips / hugs;
• lips / kisses / tongue;
• parts of the body (breasts / nipples, eyelashes, hips, labia, etc.);
• external objects (silk scarf, feathers, etc.);
• food (soft juicy fruits, whipped cream, etc.).

And here it is important to influence the erogenous regions:

• spine (the most erogenous place of the back from the middle to the tailbone to the hollow between the buttocks);
• ears;
• chest;
• belly and on the list.

The advice of a sexologist - do not switch too quickly from one zone to another (act in stages), this may cause your partner to have a feeling of lack of pleasure (not complete satisfaction).

As in bed, kiss a man to a maximum

The most outspoken way to arouse your boyfriend is a blowjob. But it is better to approach him gradually, starting to shower with passionate kisses from the neck, slowly and gradually sinking down "downstream." Kisses do not have to be very gentle, alternate them with a slight bite or suck. This will have the desired effect.

How to wake up a sleeping man

If a man is tired and fell asleep, while her partner is not satisfied with her desire, you can wake him up gently. The easiest way even for a sleeping man was and remains a blowjob (a universal method to raise the libido to the limit even if there are problems with erection), but what if a man sleeps on his stomach? Stroking his buttocks gently touching them, you can even slightly squeeze and unclench them (useful advice allows you to deliver maximum pleasure for a young or older adult or even an old partner).

You can also affect the zone of connection of the thighs and the spine (here are the nerves, which facilitates the process of excitation), you can gently act on the anus. Include kisses in the process, and the man will not be able to continue his serene rest (he will want you even in a dream) and will surely "connect" to the process even if there is a weak potency (for example, a 50-year-old man, if problems with potency have gone far or she is missing fully, it is better to consult a specialist and get advice (you need to follow his recommendations in order to prolong the joy of the intimacy of the relationship)). Do not forget to gently kiss him in the process.

Ways to excite a man at a distance

It may seem surprising, but there are plenty of ways to excite your boyfriend from a distance, no matter how old he is. Especially considering the modern possibilities and technologies: telephone conversation, Skype, SMS, etc., etc. And, if everything is clear with Skype (virtual online sex), then we suggest to dwell on phone options that are not supported by visual communication.

How to excite a man by SMS, so that he was very excited

It is important to "push" on the most intimate. Tell your boyfriend sms about the passion burning in your body, sexual desire. The text in the letter can be written in any form: poems, prose. If you are not inspired to create your own masterpieces, you can use books (quotes from women's novels, for example), statuses or quotes, etc. Here is one of the poetic examples for correspondence: “I want to surrender all with passion, I have already put on my laundry. I’m waiting. Play and conquer me in the night, slave, I go to bed”. These methods work flawlessly regardless. which zodiac sign the partner belongs to: twin, cancer, scorpion, fish, archers, aquarius, little body, ibex, lion, etc.

How to excite a man on the phone

In this variant, not only mentions of your sexual desire will be useful, but also a languid voice (allows you to quietly arouse even the elderly and increase interest). You can play the game "phone sex" (use a kind of role-playing game in the context of a guy - a girl, for example) or send a few photos of erotic content to your chosen one with your participation. In a word, connect your imagination and you will definitely succeed (this method can even bring to orgasm)! In such a situation, the man will be in a hurry to go home after work and meeting friends.

Video how to excite a man strongly

Those who do not have much experience in love amusements, experts recommend watching movies of appropriate content. This will not only help to see the practical side, but also when viewed together with a beloved man will help to understand his preferences. It helps to diversify the sexual life and the study of the Kama Sutra (you can simply study the pictures in it). Well, if you do not have time to watch full-length films, we suggest to plunge into the world of sexology with the help of an instructional video (a man’s arousal video lesson can be downloaded for free):



Watch the video: How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You (June 2024).