How to get rid of acne in a teenager: the basics of treatment and facial care. Getting rid of acne in a teenager: tips for parents


Parents of older students are faced with the inevitable problem - how to get rid of acne to a teenager?

Medicine and traditional healers have invented many ways to get rid of acne in adolescents.

Skin defects are not just a temporary inconvenience.

Their dangerous consequences are scars, scars, nervous breakdowns, prolonged depression.

Acne in adolescents: causes and types

Age from 12 to 18 years - puberty. The glands of the teenage body produce a large amount of male androgen hormones. This stimulates the production of keratin and sebum protein. Standing out through the pores, bacon clogs them. The skin around greasy plugs becomes inflamed.

This is a classic development of teenage acne (acne). They are formed on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back. Acne affects 85% of boys and girls. Other causes of acne:

• Heredity. If parents suffered from skin problems, children have a risk of similar illnesses.

• Some medicines for chronic diseases. For example, drugs for epilepsy, lithium, hormones cause acne.

• Oil-based cosmetics and make-up clog pores.

• Extruding single acne. This spreads the infection further.

• Long-term wearing of backpacks, bicycle helmets, narrow collars. In places of compression acne appears.

• Menstruation in girls. The release of hormones 6 to 7 days before the “critical period” causes acne.

Acne does not pose a serious health risk. They cause moral harm, infringing on self-esteem. Before choosing a way to get rid of acne to a teenager, you need to determine the type of rash.

Beauticians distinguish between:

• blackheads - red inflamed tubercles with a purulent head. They form in the upper layer of the skin;

• comedones - tiny cysts of skin pores. They look like black dots on the skin. Blackness is not dirt, but an accumulation of bacteria, dead cells and oxidized fat.

• papules (pustules) - painful swollen masses. They are inflamed, as an infection has entered the clogged follicle.

• cysts - deep pus-filled acne.

In humans, several varieties of acne can occur simultaneously. Each teenager is ill in different ways - someone from time to time has a pair of pimples on his forehead, the other suffers from a continuous rash. In any case, you need to know acne treatment methods.

How to get rid of acne in a teenager: skin care and medications

The first rule for acne prevention is to keep your skin clean. Acne appears due to a hormonal surge. But they become inflamed and do not heal for a long time when hygiene rules are violated.

Common mistakes teenagers:

1) Rare or too frequent washing. You need to wash your face in the morning and evening, with warm water and mild soap. The best option is to buy salicylic or glycerin soap at the pharmacy.

2) Sleeping with makeup on your face. Make-up must be removed in the evening.

3) Do not cleanse the skin after vigorous activity. Walking, sports, disco - in these situations, the skin sweats, attracts dust. Returning home, you should thoroughly wash your face, neck, shoulders.

4) Squeeze acne with nails. The most dangerous area is the middle of the face, from the nose to the chin. People called it the "triangle of death", since the infection introduced here can go to the brain, bones, eyes. Instead of squeezing, grease the acne with cotton wool with alcohol tincture of calendula.

5) Use alcohol lotions to wipe the face. This mistake is typical for young men. Alcohol, of course, dries the skin. But the stronger the skin dries, the more fat is secreted. It is better to use a lotion without alcohol (for example, salicylic) or herbal decoction.

6) Use oil-based cosmetics. "Adult" powder and blush clog pores, already full of fat. Cosmetics should be water-based or dry, apply them in a thin layer.

7) "Mask" acne foundation. Even young men use such tricks. Acne is more inflamed from makeup.

Acne Care includes masks and steam cleaning. Masks are made from kefir or yogurt. It is necessary to moisten a gauze napkin in kefir and put on your face for 15 minutes. or just wash yogurt for the night. Such procedures are carried out daily.

Face cleansing makes a beautician in a specialized office. Procedure can spend at home - subject to good hygiene. To do this, brew 2 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. spoons of medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, mint), leave to infuse for half an hour. Then the infusion is boiled to get more steam and poured into the basin. The head is covered with a bath towel and the face “hover” over the basin for 15 minutes. Wipe the face with a sterile cloth from the pharmacy packaging. Most black comedones from healing steam come out on their own. It is impossible to squeeze out acne on steamed skin. It is necessary to wash with a hot broth of chamomile and let the face dry naturally.

In severe cases, when acne takes the character of a continuous rash, deep painful cysts often arise, should consult a dermatologist. Having diagnosed, the doctor will determine how a teenager to get rid of acne. The most common methods of medical treatment:

• creams and gels with tretionol, benzoyl peroxide;

• ointments with antibiotics;

• oral antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin, doxycycline, metronidazole, amoxicillin, cephalexin);

• vitamins A, B, C;

• hormonal drugs.

In the absence of the effect of conventional treatment, large deep cysts leaving scars, isotretinoin therapy is prescribed. No drugs should be taken without the appointment and supervision of a doctor.

How to get rid of acne to a teenager: folk remedies

The main thing in the treatment of acne is to balance the pH level of the skin and prevent the growth of bacteria. A good home remedy is washing with acidic fluids. You can mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 10 parts boiled water and apply a cotton swab to the skin.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice helps cleanse the skin. It is applied directly to clean skin for a few minutes. Wash the juice with cool water.

Honey contains enzymes that act as an antimicrobial agent. A thin layer of raw honey is applied to the face and left for 5 to 7 minutes. This removes bacteria and dirt from the pores.

Many organic oils are natural antibiotics and antiseptics. If you lightly grease acne heads with tea tree or jojoba oil three times a day, inflammation quickly disappears and does not occur again.

Herb experts know many treatments for oily skin with inflamed comedones..

For example:

• 10 min. boil in a glass of water 2 tbsp. spoons of dry leaves of hypericum. Strain. Wash face, neck with chilled composition;

• pour a glass of boiling water into a ceramic container with 1 tbsp. spoon of dried marigold petals. In 20 minutes. strain. Apply chilled to wash and lotion;

• apply for 20 minutes. mashed berries of wild strawberries or viburnum.

All sour berries and fruits are cleaned, oily skin disinfected, and acne healed: apple, cranberry, lemon. Mashed pulp is mixed with raw egg white, lubricated face. The treatment time is 20 minutes. The composition is washed off with warm water.

How to get rid of acne to a teenager diet and lifestyle

Natural acne remedies help reduce acne. The most effective of them:

• Reduced toxins. If the body has a lot of harmful waste, the liver and kidneys can not cope. The skin takes on the elimination of toxins. Acne occurs. Refusal of products with dyes, preservatives reduces the amount of acne. Salt and sugar in large quantities are also toxins.

• Drinking water. Pure water flushes toxins from the body. Factory lemonades and juices, on the contrary, pollute the body.

• Greens, raw vegetables, fruits, whole grains cleanse the digestive system. Waste does not enter the bloodstream, does not affect the skin with acne.

• Vitamins A, C, E and zinc improve the appearance of the skin, reduce acne eruption. Vitamin A is found in the liver, green and yellow fruits and vegetables; Vitamin C - in berries, citrus fruits, salads; Vitamin E - in avocados, vegetable oils, legumes, nuts, seeds. Zinc is present in egg yolks, fish, legumes, liver, meat, mushrooms.

• Omega-3 fatty acids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They can be obtained from salmon and mackerel, fish oil and walnuts.

The correct mode of life is very important for getting rid of acne. Boys and girls like to snack on chocolates, ice cream, chips. This habit is the first enemy of clean skin. Night seats at the computer and TV cause hormonal disruptions. If a teenager wants to look good, he must eat right and get enough sleep.

Acne is annoying, annoying, causing nervous stress. Help from parents is an important factor in solving an unpleasant problem. Patience and care help cure acne in 3 to 4 months.


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