DIY lampshade decoration for a floor lamp: the best ideas. DIY lampshade for a floor lamp made of fabric or cans


Comfort in the house depends on lighting.

It is necessary not only so that the owners could do their favorite things on a quiet evening or relax, but also so that the room visually looks more spacious.

With the help of various lighting devices, you can add height to the ceiling, beautifully design a relaxation area or decorate a corner with flowers with light overflows.

But not a single chandelier, lamp or table lamp can be compared in terms of multifunctionality with a floor lamp.

A floor lamp is a lighting device that has high support, and the lamp itself is covered with a beautiful lampshade. Unlike table lamps or lamps, a floor lamp does not need walls, tables or nightstands, because this kind of lamp itself is a separate item that can decorate any room. Usually floor lamps are installed on the floor near the bed or in the corner. This is very convenient, because sometimes you want to dim the light coming from the chandelier, but at the same time leave a small illuminated area of ​​the room.

Many grandmothers get old floor lamps that have not yet failed, but have an inappropriate appearance. A pretty shabby lampshade, faded and torn cloth in some places, a peeled and shabby stand of such a night lamp - all this still does not give reason to say goodbye to the interior attribute. It’s enough to make a new lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands and this item will become not just a mundane lighting fixture, but also an exclusive thing that can be boasted to guests.

DIY fabric lampshade for floor lamp

So, you have a ready-made lighting fixture that works, but the lampshade is very damaged, possibly burnt in places. In order to give it a new gloss, it is enough to make a new fabric lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands. You can choose a fabric of absolutely any, as they say, to your taste and color. It can be both organza and jeans. The second option is the most original. If you do not have special skills when working with a lamp, just drag the frame over the old lampshade with a new cloth.

However, you can go the more difficult way. For example, create a whole collage of shreds of various texture and color. Some needlewomen decorate the floor lamp frame with a fabric canopy with the presence of flower buds on it (also made of fabric). Let's look at the last option in more detail. For work you will need any fabric and hot glue. One canvas should be enough to fit the floor lamp itself, and to create colors you will need a fabric of the same color or different in texture and shade.

After the metal frame is covered with a large canvas, you can start making flowers. You don’t even have to fit the lamp frame, but simply glue the old lampshade with homemade fabric flowers. It is necessary to cut the fabric into thin strips, and then twist each shred, creating a shape like a rose. The updated lampshade will look more original if the flowers are different in size - some large, some smaller.

On one side of each such flower you need to apply hot glue and stick it to the base. When the whole lampshade for the floor lamp with your own hands will be covered with decorative fabric flowers, your work will be finished. It is only necessary to wait until the glue has completely dried, after which you can safely use a nightlight.

DIY lampshade for floor lamp made of metal covers

You can transform a floor lamp using not only fabric, but also any other improvised materials. The lampshade, reminiscent of metal chain mail, looks very stylish. Often, lovers of such drinks as Pepsi or Coke have tin cans. They can be useful to you to create a unique lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands. All you need is to accumulate as many of these jars as possible. But the main element that you can use are metal openers from such containers.

To begin with, you need to disconnect the metal elements from each tin can with which they open. This is most conveniently done by slowly loosening metal cavities in different directions. It is worth noting that to create a medium-sized lampshade, you may need at least 200 of these openers. You will also need the metal frame itself from the floor lamp, if, of course, you have one. If it is not there, then you can buy a finished construction on the market or make it yourself from thick wire, fastening its ends with rivets.

The upper row of the lampshade will be openers bent in half from tins that will cling to the upper ring of the frame. To give the metal elements a similar shape, you can use ordinary pliers. Further, the bent covers are, as it were, put on the upper hoop of the frame, their ends are compressed tightly for strength as shown in the photo below.

For the second row you will need nippers, with their help it is necessary to make a cut on each side in each cap. Such a gap between the two elements of the cap will allow it to pass through the elements of the caps from the upper row. When each cap is attached to the caps of the upper row, it is necessary to tightly squeeze the ends of the parts so that the elements hold firmly.


Similarly, you need to do with the rest of the metal covers, thereby continuing the ranks. At this stage, the lamp shade for a floor lamp with your own hands will already be well "drawn". The photo below clearly shows how the details should fit together. Depending on the height between the upper and lower hoops of the frame, you can get from 15 to 20 rows, consisting of metal openers.

Over the last row will have to work a little. The fact is that you need to attach every detail to the lower hoop, so that in the end you get a reliable and aesthetically beautiful design. To do this, each lid with the help of nippers needs to be cut strictly in half. On the resulting half of the parts, also make a slot on one side to fasten them with the elements of the penultimate row. Bend the other end of the halves of the covers a little to attach the parts to the lower hoop of the frame. How exactly this is done is clearly shown in the photo below.

As a result, you should get a very original lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, resembling a little chain mail. When creating a decorative element, you should not have any difficulties, because the metal lids from the cans are easily bent. And using improvised tools such as pliers and wire cutters, things will go even faster and you don’t need to put a lot of effort.


Watch the video: DIY Lamp - How to Make a Lampshade from Recycled Materials - Best Out of Waste Lamp Shade (June 2024).