Secret: how to cook rice porridge in milk. How rice porridge is cooked in milk: simple recipes - lick your fingers!


Milk porridge has long been popular in our country.

This is not surprising.

After all, milk contains animal fats, which break down more slowly than proteins and carbohydrates, provide the body with energy for longer and help vitamins to be better absorbed.

In addition, milk delicately emphasizes the taste of rice.

Delicate and aromatic porridge is an ideal dish for dietary and children's nutrition.

It serves an excellent breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner.

Whether the day will be successful depends largely on how well the porridge is cooked.

Rice is a wonderful slow carbohydrate that releases energy slowly. Therefore, a person who had breakfast with this dish will have a great mood and energy charge for many hours.

How to cook rice porridge in milk - general principles of cooking

To make porridge, you must have at hand two essential ingredients: milk and rice. All other products are added as desired.

Milk must be fresh. You can buy it both in the store and in the market. Make sure that it is suitable before you start cooking rice porridge in milk.

The taste of the finished dish depends directly on which rice is used. Best suited is round, starch rich. If you use a different type of rice, the porridge will turn out to be tasteless and uninteresting. Even adults, and not just children, will not want to eat it.

Rice should not be washed, otherwise it will turn out not porridge, but two separate ingredients in one pan. There is no need to be afraid of bonding. This is a plus for this dish.

It is advisable to first boil the cereal in water. If you immediately cook it in milk, then the process will take longer - rice is difficult to boil. You can soak the cereal in water at room temperature for half an hour.

Porridge will boil faster if the milk is boiled separately, and in the meantime, prepare the remaining ingredients.

Sugar and salt are added to the dish. To reduce the negative impact of the sweet ingredient, the finished porridge is sprinkled with cinnamon. Honey can successfully replace granulated sugar. It is added to an already cooked dish.

Dried fruits, chocolate, nuts are well combined with rice porridge.

It’s better to enjoy a dish right after it’s cooked.

After cooling, it can become very thick. However, lovers of chilled rice porridge with milk are also enough.

1. How to cook rice porridge in milk with pumpkin

This is not just milk porridge, but an original and slightly fabulous dish rich in taste. If you cook a meal according to this recipe, then even the most capricious baby will not refuse to eat a plate.


• Four or five tbsp. spoons of rice.

• 0.5 kg of milk.

• 0.2 kg of pumpkin.

• 10 g of vanilla sugar.

• 30 g butter

• 50 g of honey.

• Kitchen salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin into strips or grate with a grater.

In a separate saucepan, bring the milk to a boil.

Throw butter in a stewpan, melt it. Then fall asleep rice. When the cereal has absorbed all the butter (it will be oiled), transfer it to boiled milk. Cook for about fifteen minutes.

Then pour grated pumpkin into the bubbling milk and cook the same amount. Pieces of the vegetable are slightly dissolved in milk, and the porridge takes on a delicate pinkish tint.

Pour in vanilla sugar and season with salt before cooking.

When the porridge cools slightly, you can pour it on the plates. Add honey.

2. How to cook rice porridge in milk with dried fruits

Fragrant and healthy porridge is served on the table freshly prepared and still hot. Therefore, do not cook the dish with a margin.


• 0.600 liters of milk.

• A cup of rice.

• 50 grams of raisins.

• 40 grams of dried apricots.

• Three tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

• Art. a spoonful of butter.

• Half a liter of water.

• Kitchen salt.

Cooking method:

Pour pure rice into water, slightly salted. Cook until the cereal gradually draws in all the liquid. Stir constantly to prevent rice from burning.

Drown dried apricots and raisins in warm water so that they get wet and soft. Leave on for a few minutes.

Cut each dried apricots into four pieces.

Pour milk into a saucepan with rice and add sugar. Bring to a boil with constant stirring. Cook for about fifteen minutes.

Add dried apricots and raisins. Mix. Cook for about ten minutes.

Put the butter. Never mix! The oil itself slowly spreads over the surface of the rice porridge.

3. How to cook rice porridge in milk "Quick breakfast"

Breakfast will be good, but for dinner you can also please your relatives with rice porridge in milk. But let it be a meal not on the same day.


• 1.5 cups of milk.

• 0.25 kg of round rice.

• Two tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.

• Salt.

• A teaspoon of cinnamon.

• Butter - to taste.

Cooking method:

Leave the rice in water at room temperature for half an hour.

Boil milk and pour cereal. Mix. Add salt and add sugar.

Cook for about twenty minutes. It is not necessary to stir constantly, but periodically.

If the porridge is too thick, you can dilute it with milk or pour water.

A minute before the end of cooking, pour cinnamon, stir.

Cover the saucepan and before sitting down to eat, let the porridge stand for a while.

Oil can already be put on a plate with a rice milk dish.

4. How to cook rice porridge in milk with nuts and chocolate

Porridge with a delicate and velvety consistency will appeal to even those who have always refused such a dish. It’s not much more complicated than usual. The dish is pleasant not only to eat, but also to enjoy its chocolate-nut flavor.


• 600 ml of milk.

• A teaspoon of butter.

• Two tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.

• A handful of nuts (any).

• Half a bar of dark chocolate.

• Two pinches of raisins.

• Two tablespoons of black tea.

• Kitchen salt.

Cooking method:

Brew strong tea, cool. Pour a little into a plate with raisins and leave for ten minutes.

Melt a piece of butter in a saucepan.

Pour milk into a ladle, add sugar and heat.

Put rice in a saucepan with oil. Heat it well, stirring non-stop. Rice should become almost transparent.

Make sure that the sugar in the milk is completely dissolved. Slowly pour into a saucepan with rice. Add milk in portions and do not pour the next until the rice has completely absorbed the previous one. Add salt.

Cut nuts into small pieces. Break the chocolate into slices.

After cooking rice porridge with milk has been going on for about twenty minutes, you need to pour raisins into it and mix.

Throw pieces of chocolate into a saucepan. They dissolve quickly.

Pour the finished dish into a plate. Trump nuts on top.

5. How to cook rice porridge in milk with apples and cottage cheese


• 0.35 liters of milk.

• 0.15 kg of rice.

• Two tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

• A pinch of salt.

• One medium apple.

• Three tbsp. tablespoons of cottage cheese of medium fat content.

• 50 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

Pour rice with water so that it covers the groats for about five centimeters. We set to cook for half an hour. Rice should reach a viscous state.

Peel and cut the apple into small cubes.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Add milk, sugar and salt to rice to taste. Stir.

Throw the butter and do not stop mixing the dish.

We fall asleep apples and cottage cheese. The dish should be cooked for another five minutes and stand. After the rice porridge is cooked on milk completely, let it stand a little under the lid.

How to cook rice porridge in milk - tricks and tips

  • Milk has one feature that everyone knows: it loves to "run away", and does it very quickly and unexpectedly. But it can be outwitted. To prevent milk from escaping, the edges of the pan in which it will boil must be greased with butter. It will rise when boiling, but will not be able to fly above the oil strip and run away, filling the entire stove.

  • You can check the freshness of milk not only for taste. Pour it into a spoon and boil with a gas burner.

  • The ideal proportion of rice and milk in the dish leaves 1: 4.

  • Before cooking porridge with nuts, you need to make sure that family members are not allergic to them.

  • If you serve the dish in a frozen form with jam or berries, it will successfully replace the dessert.

  • When rice porridge is cooked in milk, you do not need to be distracted by other things. It is constantly necessary to stir the dish, make sure that it does not burn and does not spill out. Rice loves to be constantly stirred.

  • Porridge with dried fruits will get additional flavoring notes if the raisins and dried apricots are soaked not in water, but in cognac. The finished dish can only be offered to adults.


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