April 17th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays April 17th.


Holidays April 17

World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day is celebrated annually by many countries on April 17th. The overall goal of the events organized by the World Hemophilia Federation is mainly to attract public attention to the problem of the most complex genetic disease, as well as to promote medicine to improve the quality of life of people with hemophilia. According to experts, the number of patients today is about 400,000 people in the world, that is, every ten thousandth man has an incurable genetic pathology (in women this disease does not occur), which violates blood coagulation.

Even 50-70 years ago, few of the men with hemophilia survived to adulthood. As a rule, the average life expectancy of such people varied within twenty-five to thirty years. However, modern medicine has in its arsenal everything necessary for prolonging and improving the quality of life of patients with hemophilia. With a sufficiently qualified, correctly selected drug therapy, the patient can lead a full-fledged lifestyle - work, create a family, that is, be a full member of his state.

Veterans Day ATS and Internal Troops

Veterans of internal affairs agencies and internal troops began celebrating their professional holiday in 2011 - from the moment the Interior Minister signed the corresponding decree. And the date of April 17 is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of ATS and BB Veterans. This organization was formed in 1991.

Today, about 700,000 ATS and BB veterans live in the Russian Federation, who continue to bring some benefit to society: they promote the observance of the rule of law in the country, conduct preventive conversations with schoolchildren, and share their knowledge and experience with young employees of the ATS. According to most experts, it is thanks to the skill of life of veterans that more than 30% of crimes are revealed. On this day, veterans of the police department and internal troops take many warm words addressed to them, congratulations and presents from friends, relatives and colleagues. Many veterans have evening meetings and other celebrations.

April 17th in the folk calendar

Alder bridegroom (Joseph Pesnopevets)

On April 17, the Orthodox Church commemorates Joseph the Songwriter. He lived in the 9th century, served in the Solunsky monastery, during which he became a strict ascetic. Throughout his life he was repeatedly arrested by the emperor of Byzantium, who despised Christianity and tried to eradicate it. The Lord awarded Joseph a skillful talent in writing beautiful liturgical chants, which he used.

The people called the saint a Pesnopovets, since on April 17, as the peasants noticed, a cricket began to sing, and cranes began to give a voice. These birds in Russia were especially loved for their ability to protect the yard and drive evil out of it. Today, people, having heard the voice of the crane, went out onto the porch and bowed to him. It was also believed that these birds encouraged summer with their click. Alder flowering was observed on Joseph. Log houses for wells were usually made from it. There were some signs associated with alder. For example, this: if there are a lot of earrings hanging on a tree, then now oats will be freed. And alder bark was often used for medicinal purposes (especially to stop bleeding and inflammation), because it is rich in astringent tannins, trace elements and vitamins.

Historical events of April 17

April 17, 1912 - In Russia there was a "Lensky execution"

On April 17, 1912, in the deep taiga along the banks of the Lena at the mines of a gold mining partnership, about 600 workers were shot to plan to write a complaint to the prosecutor about harassment of their superiors. As a result, about 300 people died, and more than 200 were injured of varying severity. Many believe that Vladimir Ulyanov took the nickname Lenin on the basis of this tragedy. Although this is only an assumption.

April 17, 1941 - Igor Sikorsky demonstrated the first amphibious helicopter

The invention belongs to the outstanding aircraft engineer Igor Sikorsky. On that day, he showed his first amphibious helicopter to the American public. He took off from the water, after which the helicopter landed safely on land. The whole flight lasted exactly one and a half hours, and the speed at which the helicopter flew was equal to one hundred kilometers per hour. Soon, Sikorsky created another eighteen types of helicopters. Subsequently, they were flown over the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Aircraft machines were intended for both civilian and military purposes.

April 17, 1970 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy the First, a true guardian of the Orthodox faith, passed away

Alexy was born (Sergey Simansky in the world) in Moscow, at the age of 25 he cut his hair as a monk. Simansky was arrested more than once by the Bolsheviks; on several occasions he miraculously managed to escape death - he survived the massive Bolshevik purge that occurred after the Kirov assassination. In 1943, he, along with the metropolitans, attended one of the Stalinist receptions, at which the leader allowed the church to elect a patriarch (until that time there were locum tenens). And in 1945, Simansky was elected patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Born on April 17

- Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971) - Russian politician, first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, since 1958 - chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1964 he was removed from the main posts. Having resigned, he formally retained his place in the Central Committee.

- Valeria (born in 1968) - a famous pop singer of Russian pop music. Recently, Honored Artist of Russia. Her first album, The Taiga Symphony, was released in 1992. In 2001, the singer decides to leave the stage due to a divorce, but, after two years, the star flares up again. Today Valeria is the wife of a famous producer and mother of three children. She continues to perform on stage and delight the audience with new singles.

- Semen Shchedrin (1745-1804 gg.) - Russian painter, landscape painter. The composition of his works had an identical style and was fully consistent with the rules of academic classicism. The heyday of his work was in the 1790s. Despite the similarity of the compositions, his works were saturated with pleasing simplicity, naturalness, they felt an individual charm, natural color. Shchedrin is the first painter to approve the landscape as an independent painting genre.

- Alexandra Dorokhin (born in 1941) - Soviet and Russian film actress. Since 1967, she worked at the Moscow Theater. Lenkoma, where she played many major roles ("Moliere", "Sudan Madonnas", "Crossroads of Fate", etc.). And she made her film debut in 1965 in the movie "Your Son and Brother". Also, the actress starred in the films: "Twelve Chairs", "Incorrigible liar", "Kin-dza-dza", "About the Little Red Riding Hood" and others.

April 17th

April 17 will be celebrated by representatives of the names: Joseph, George, Nikifor, Benjamin, Nikolai, Ivan (John), Maria, Zosima, Jacob, Nikita, Fedor, Feona, Thomas, Catherine, Anika, Adrian, Maxim.


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