Where does pediculosis come from and how to get rid of lice in 1 day forever. We get rid of lice and nits in one day - how?


Pediculosis is not a pleasant disease that you want to keep secret from others.

Lice parasitize on the head and on the scalp.

They are not only a source of intolerable itching, but also carriers of infectious diseases, eggs and scabies larvae.

Fortunately, there are effective ways to get rid of lice in 1 day.

Where does the infection come from?

Detection of lice in the head always happens unexpectedly and causes a lot of negative emotions. It is important to understand that a person is always a source of pediculosis infection. Lice can not live in animal hair, on furniture or clothing because of their inability to do without food for a long time.

The exception is body lice, who live in folds of clothing, occasionally rushing out to eat.

Despite the fact that parasites do not know how to fly and jump, they successfully move from a sick person to a healthy one with very close contact.

More often infection occurs:

• in public transport;

• in kindergarten or school;

• to crowded places of homeless people;

• in prison camps, hospitals and prisons;

• in places of collective use (public shower, pool).

Before getting rid of lice in 1 day, it is important to carefully examine the heads of all family members. And in the presence of nits or lice in an adult, you should, first of all, check the child. Children are more likely to suffer from head lice due to their increased sociability and curiosity. In addition, the child is not so zealous in observing the rules of personal hygiene.

Usually solitary individuals fall into the hair. Therefore, if a large number of lice are found, then the infection occurred at least 1-2 weeks ago. Insects multiply rapidly by laying eggs - nits, and attach them with a sticky substance to the surface of the hair.

Normal shampooing is not the most effective way to get rid of lice in 1 day. As well as washing things manually or in a washing machine at ordinary temperature will not give the expected result. Even if it is possible to overcome lice in this way, then the ability of nits to stick tightly to the hairs will ensure the appearance of adult individuals in the near future.

Abroad, there are advanced ways to get rid of lice by heat treatment of the head. A hot air stream from a special hair dryer effectively neutralizes nits as well. But, unfortunately, domestic medicine is far from being introduced to the masses of this method.

Drugs from the pharmacy and how to get rid of lice in 1 day with their help

Today, the choice of pharmaceuticals for pediculosis is so great that it allows everyone to choose an affordable price product. When choosing poison for lice, it is important to pay attention not only to its effectiveness, but also to ease of use.

The most popular drugs against biting parasites on the head are:

1. "Permethrin" (trade names "Nittifor", "Nyx", "Akromed", "Veda"). This is a natural insecticide produced from chrysanthemum extract.

2. "Lindane" - the toxicity of the drug is slightly higher, but the use in recommended amounts is safe.

3. "Malathion" (analogues of "Atlant", "Pedilin", "Fufanon") is usually well tolerated, an allergic reaction is rare.

4. "Tetramethrin" ("Neo-Pinamin").

5. "Benzyl benzoate" has previously been widely used to treat head lice. Now it is rarely used because of the superiority of toxicity over its effectiveness.

Remedies for lice are available in the form of a cream, shampoo, lotion, solution, aerosol or emulsion. The substance is abundantly applied to the scalp, rubbing into the roots of the hair and over their entire length. Stand for 10 to 40 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with running water with ordinary shampoo.

The exposure time of the mixture depends on the sensitivity of the skin. With severe burning, it is better to wash off the substance after 10 minutes, after which the drug has already begun to act in full force. Lice in this case should completely die.

If after 1-2 weeks there are signs of re-emergence of lice, then the treatment is repeated. This is because new individuals begin to emerge from those eggs through which the poisonous mixture did not penetrate.

Sometimes children and people with delicate skin can have side effects:

• burning;

• tingling sensation;

• itching;

• redness.

If a woman is breastfeeding, then during the treatment, feeding should be discontinued. By expressing breast milk, you need to stock up for about 2-3 feedings.

There are a huge number of manufacturers producing drugs for the elimination of lice. It is very important to pay attention to contraindications, described in detail in the instructions, and age restrictions.

Before you begin to get rid of lice in 1 day, you should carefully study the attached insert. For each drug, a clear dosage, methods of application, and reprocessing intervals are indicated. Detailed instructions are also given when it is possible to wash off the preparation, what to do with bedding and underwear.

Is it possible to get rid of lice in 1 day using folk methods

If you are ashamed to go to the pharmacy or do not want to spend money on the purchase of special funds, then there are folk ways to get rid of lice. It will be difficult to do this in 1 day, so you need to be patient.

Invented many ways to bully lice on the head. The most effective and at the same time safe recipes are:

1. Wine Vinegar and Salt. Stir a glass of vinegar and 50 gr. salt, add a teaspoon of alcohol. Wash and dry hair first. Dip a piece of gauze in the resulting solution and attach to the affected area.

2. Kerosene. Pour a tablespoon of kerosene into a glass of vegetable oil. Treat hair and scalp with a mixture. Then wrap with polyethylene and a towel, stand the night. The next morning, wash your hair with shampoo with hot running water.

3. Geranium essential oil. Pour ordinary shampoo into your hand, drip a few drops of oil there and rub into the hair roots. Leave the mixture for an hour, then rinse the hair with water with the addition of vinegar.

4. Angelica help get rid of body lice. Grind the roots of angelica and white hellebore, add 4 parts of pork fat and rub the resulting ointment into the head.

If you already decided to remove lice in folk ways, then adhere to safety rules. Before applying the prepared potion to your hair, test it on the bend of your elbow or behind your ear. If after 6-12 hours there is no redness and inflammation, then you can safely use the remedy for its intended purpose.

How to get rid of lice in 1 day on clothes and underwear

Bed linen, towels and clothes need to be boiled or steamed. Machine wash temperature must be at least 90 °. But how to get rid of lice in 1 day on those things that can not be exposed to high temperatures? Unfortunately, this cannot be done so quickly.

Delicate items must be treated with insecticides in the form of an aerosol (with the same lice medicines as for the head) and packaged in plastic bags. Tie the bags tightly, blocking the air inside, and leave for three weeks. You can put the bags on the balcony so as not to interfere.

Even an experienced specialist probably does not know how to get rid of lice on textiles and clothes in 1 day. The best option would be to spray upholstered furniture, carpets, bedspreads and other fabric elements of the decor with a good remedy for lice, and then go for a few weeks to relax or stay with friends.

It is important to leave the windows tightly closed so that all parasites die. Before arrival, it is advisable to ventilate the rooms.

What to do with nits?

How to get rid of lice in 1 day is already clear and very easy, but cleaning your hair from their eggs using toxic chemicals is not so simple.

In order to defeat lice and nits once and for all, it is necessary to carefully comb the hair with a special comb after baiting insects. On the ridges there are notches that easily separate the nits from the hair. But even an ordinary comb with thin and frequent teeth copes with this task perfectly.

If you have a child in your house, it is better to spend money and buy a special comb (for example, LiceGuard, NitFree, RobiComb, etc.) made of medical steel, which will last for more than a dozen years.

There are even electronic combs, the cost of which is an order of magnitude higher, but the principle of action is the same. The only difference is that adult lice that fall on its prongs receive a weak electric discharge and die immediately.

In conclusion, I would like to recall on preventive measures pediculosis infections, compliance with which will help prevent trouble:

• it is necessary to examine the heads of children 1-2 times a week;

• try not to make close contact with people who live in unsanitary conditions;

• adhere to hygiene rules, regularly wash bedding, clothes;

• do not take into operation other people's personal belongings (especially hats, towels, underwear).

Prevention will help not only to avoid infection with lice, but also relieve other possible infections, as well as physical and moral discomfort.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice (July 2024).