Fruit soup - breakfast, afternoon snack or dessert? The best recipes for wonderful fruit soups: hot and cold


Sweet fruit soups are light and tasty dishes.

They can be prepared for breakfast or afternoon snack, served as a healthy dessert or treat for children.

And also such soups are quickly prepared, consist of the simplest ingredients and always turn out successful!

Fruit Soup - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of soups use any fruit. They can be fresh, frozen, dried. Berries can be added to them. Before use, all ingredients must be rinsed, cleaned, removed, if any. Then the products are cut or grinded, often decoctions are made of them - compotes. They serve as the basis, i.e. broth.

Sometimes fruit soups are prepared on the basis of dairy products, juices, jelly, carbonated drinks. Various sweets can be added to them: chocolate, marshmallows, waffles, sweets. For aroma put vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, different essences.

Recipe 1: Rice Fruit Carrot Soup

The recipe for a sweet, but satisfying and nutritious fruit soup. Rice can be used any: long, round, large or small, steamed. Dried fruits give the dish enough sweetness, but if not enough, then sugar can also be added.


• 80 grams of dried apricots;

• 80 grams of raisins;

• 50 grams of rice;

• 3 apples;

• 1.6 liters of water;

• 1-2 carrots.

Sugar to your taste.


1. Boil water. Add the grated carrots and set to cook for three minutes.

2. Add the rice washed several times and cook together.

3. Rinse the dried fruits, remove the twigs from the raisins, cut the dried apricots into cubes.

4. Peel the apples and cut them into cubes too.

5. Alternately throw dried fruits, after them we throw apples. Each time, let the soup boil.

6. Cook until rice is cooked. In the end we try, if necessary, then sweeten.

7. Serve this soup can be hot or cold.

Recipe 2: Fruit and Yogurt Soup "Lightness"

The simplest recipe for fruit soup without cooking. Instead of yogurt, you can use leaven, yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir are suitable.


• 1 banana;

• 1 orange;

• 1 apple;

• 500 ml of drinking yogurt;

• sugar, vanilla, cinnamon as desired.


1. Peel the apple and cut into small cubes no more than 0.5 centimeters. Otherwise, the pieces in the soup will be tough.

2. We also clean the orange, separate it into slices and cut each into pieces across. Send in a bowl to the apple.

3. Add the banana, which also needs to be peeled and cut. Here the size of the slices can be any, since the banana is quite soft.

4. If the yogurt is sweet, then you can add nothing. If unsweetened dairy products are used, then add sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, stir well to dissolve.

5. Pour sliced ​​fruits and you can try the soup!

Recipe 3: Okroshka Fruit Soup

Children will be delighted with this fruit soup. Great dessert, especially for the summer. Instead of lemonade, you can use any other carbonated water, but only so that it does not contradict the taste of the fruit, for example, cola or tarragon will not work.


• 2 bananas;

• 1 liter of lemonade;

• a few cubes of chocolate;

• 2 peaches or 4 canned halves;

• 1-2 kiwi;

• some ice cream.


1. Peel the bananas, cut first along and then across.

2. Peaches are cut in half, remove the stone, then in half and cut across into thin slices.

3. We clean the kiwi, cut into four parts and also into slices.

4. Stir the fruits, arrange them in plates.

5. When serving, pour lemonade, put a spoonful of ice cream and 1-2 cubes of chocolate.

Recipe 4: Fruit Soup with Dumplings

It turns out that dumplings are tasty not only in the usual first dish. They can also find a place in fruit soup! Dried fruits can be used absolutely any: raisins, apples, prunes, pears, dried apricots, etc. But the mixture is better, not just one kind.


• 200 grams of dried fruit;

• 2 liters of water;

• sugar;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• 2 eggs;

• flour;

• a pinch of salt.


1. Dried fruits are washed, poured with water and boiled. But just not completely ready. Fruits should not boil and become tasteless.

2. Add sugar to taste.

3. For dumplings, beat two eggs in a glass with a pinch of salt and top up with milk or water. Combine with flour and knead soft dough. By consistency, as for fritters.

4. Scoop the dough with a spoon and lower it into a boiling compote. The smaller the pieces, the more accurate the dumplings will be.

5. Boil for about three minutes until cooked.

6. Add a spoonful of flour to the sour cream, stir and put into the soup, let the dish boil well and turn it off. Before serving, cool to 5 degrees, but can be used chilled.

Recipe 5: Rice Dumpling Fruit Soup

A feature of this fruit soup is the addition of rice dumplings. For the dish you can use absolutely any fruit and berries, we will cook with apples.


• 700 grams of apples;

• 300 ml of milk;

• 100 grams of round rice;

• 30 grams of sugar;

• 50 ml cream.


1. Rinse the apples, remove the peel. Cut into cubes, fill with water and boil pieces until soft. But make sure that they do not boil. Especially often this happens with summer apples. Cool the broth.

2. Rinse the rice, but not until clear water. We need a viscous porridge, so just wash off the dirt.

3. Boil rice for 10 minutes in boiling water. Drain the broth, pour the boiling milk and cook a thick porridge, add granulated sugar.

4. Spread porridge in a plate with an even layer and cool. Then cut the dumplings. Any shape: cubes, squares, rhombuses, triangles. If the porridge is well frozen, then this will be easy to do.

5. We put dumplings in plates, fill with chilled soup and add cream.

Recipe 6: Fruit and Chocolate Soup

Fruit soup with chocolate - it's just a miracle! To make it, you will need any juice: orange, apple, grape, you can take a mixture of several types. Chocolate can be taken milk or black.


• 4 yolks;

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• 4 tablespoons powdered sugar;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 500 ml of juice;

• 500 ml of water.


1. Pour water into a saucepan, add pieces of chocolate and put on a stove. The chocolate will melt, let the mixture boil.

2. Combine the yolks with powder and vanilla, stir and add a little juice, pour in a thin stream into hot chocolate. In the process, you need to constantly stir so that the egg does not curl.

3. Enter the remaining juice, warm the mass, it will become thicker.

4. As soon as it starts to boil, you need to turn it off. Done!

Recipe 7: Fruit Soup with Yogurt

You can cook such a soup with any fruits and berries, but it turns out especially well with melon, bananas, peaches and oranges. Yogurt can be taken natural or with additives, but drinking, it should not be thick.


• 0.5 kg of melon;

• 8 pieces of dried apricots;

• 1 orange;

• 0.5 grenade;

• 1 liter of yogurt.


1. We clean the melon, cut into neat and small cubes, throw it into a bowl or saucepan.

2. Dried apricots soaked in hot water, but not boiling water, give swelling and cut each into 4 parts, send to the melon.

3. Add peeled and diced orange.

4. Pour yogurt, stir and pour into plates.

5. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top and you're done!

Recipe 8: Fruit Soup with Vermicelli

The recipe for a wonderful fruit soup, very tasty and quite satisfying. It can be cooked not only with vermicelli, but also with other pasta.


• 1 apple;

• 1 pear;

• 0.5 cups shallow vermicelli;

• 1 tablespoon of starch;

• 1 liter of water.

Sugar is added to taste.


1. Boil vermicelli in salted water in the usual way, after which we recline in a colander.

2. Cut the apple and pear into cubes, cook in 900 grams of water, sweet compote.

3. In the remaining water, we dilute the starch and add to the boiling broth.

4. As soon as the soup begins to thicken, put cooked pasta in it.

5. Let’s boil and can be poured into plates!

Fruit Soups - Useful Tips and Tricks

• If you want to sugary fruit soup, you do not have to use sugar. For this purpose honey also copes wonderfully. And losing weight people can use a low-calorie substitute.

• When boiling compote for soup, the fruit does not need to be brought to full readiness. Otherwise they will be tasteless.

• How to decorate a sweet soup? You can sprinkle with coconut, chocolate chips, add a ball of ice cream, squeeze whipped cream on top. Figured slices of fruit or berries contrasting in color look spectacular.


Watch the video: Soothing Cold & Flu Recipes (July 2024).