Can honey and other bee products be available to children? From what age and what honey can be consumed by children


Many people know that honey is not only a delicious treat, but also very healthy, which favorably affects the state of the immune system.

It is widely used in the treatment and prevention of most diseases.

However, with all this, honey is a very allergenic product.

Therefore, young mothers cautiously give it to their babies and often ask themselves the question: “At what age and what kind of honey can children use?”

Is it possible for children up to a year to give honey

Considering all the useful properties of this product, many believe that honey is a real treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients for the baby. Especially often it is kneaded in a mixture with artificial feeding as a sweetener. Indeed, often, young mothers note that if honey is added to the mixture or milk, the babies do not suffer from colds, do not suffer from gas formation, sleep better.

However, despite all the positive reviews of young mothers, doctors still do not recommend giving honey to children under one year old. This is due to the fact that natural honey in its composition contains spores of bacteria that bees collect with nectar. It is not possible to purify honey from such bacteria, even with the use of special technologies.

The body of an adult is immune to this type of bacteria, as its immune system and digestive tract suppress and process them. As for babies up to a year old, their immunity is not perfect at that age, and the digestive juices do not have sufficient acidity to suppress such microorganisms. Therefore, in the case of the penetration of such bacteria into the baby’s body, microorganisms begin to actively develop and multiply in the baby’s intestines, producing and releasing toxins.

This process contributes to the development of serious intestinal poisoning like botulism. Therefore, the use of honey by a child up to a year is considered extremely dangerous, which can even lead to death. In many Western countries, it is officially forbidden to give honey to children under one year of age, and this is even indicated on the packaging of this product.

At what age can children be given honey

Some doctors believe that honey can be given to children in small quantities only after reaching 18 months. However, most doctors are prone to the fact that honey should not be consumed by children under 3 years old. Do not forget that this sweet treat is a serious allergen. And even if there are no allergic manifestations, but to consume honey in large quantities from an early age, this can contribute to the development of allergies in the future.

If the parents nevertheless decide to give the child honey, they should follow the dosages recommended by the doctors so as not to harm the child. Up to 2 years, the amount of honey eaten per day should not exceed half a teaspoon. After reaching the age of two, it is allowed to eat up to one spoon per day. It is advisable to add honey to tea, milk or cereal. Do not dilute honey with boiled water.

Parents should monitor the condition of the skin and the child's reaction to this product, so as not to miss the effects of allergies. If diathesis or other manifestations of an allergic reaction appear, it is forbidden to continue giving honey to the child.

In addition, if the baby cries and refuses to eat honey, do not insist and force the child. It is recommended to use honey in the evening or at night. This will favorably affect the digestion processes and prevent gas formation, as well as contribute to a good quiet sleep of the baby.

What types of honey can children

The mildest and least allergenic honey is lime. It is with him that you should start if you decide to give honey to the child. It is not recommended to dissolve it in hot drinks, since at the same time it loses its beneficial properties. Do not give linden honey before walking. This is due to the fact that this type of honey stimulates the sweating system, which can cause a cold if you are in a draft.

Preschool children are not recommended to give honey from herbs. It is desirable that the product was from one honey plant. This is due to the fact that mixed varieties of honey are considered more allergenic. In addition, light varieties should be chosen. They also carry a lower risk for allergies compared to dark varieties.

After the age of 7 years it is recommended to use propolis honey. This is the most powerful means of protecting the body from colds. However, unlike linden honey, propolis should be given to the child immediately before a walk. If such a procedure is taken as a rule, then colds will not be scary for the child, even in the autumn-winter period. Besides the fact that propolis favorably affects the immune system, it is also an excellent natural antibiotic, to which resistance is not developed. For colds, doctors recommend not only consuming honey inside, but also gargling with propolis tincture. However, this applies to children older than 7 years. For preschool children, it is recommended that for colds, dilute linden honey in a glass of warm milk.

Honey is really a natural storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for the human body. And the strengthening of the immune system should be dealt with already from childhood. However, it is always necessary to observe a measure and a sound approach. If parents decide to give honey to the baby, they should carefully listen to the advice of specialists, so as not to harm him, as well as carefully monitor the reaction of the child to this unique product.


Watch the video: What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Honey Every Day (July 2024).