August 5: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 5th.


Holidays august 5

International traffic light day

In 1910, the device was invented, which became the progenitor of the first traffic light. The device was a design of two lights - green and red. When switching, a sound was emitted. However, this was not the first model - back in 1868, an apparatus manufactured by Jay Knight was installed near the parliament building in London, but it exploded, injuring a passerby policeman. Almost 50 years after this, no one addressed this topic. And already in 1920, three-color traffic lights were installed on the streets of Detroit, which over time became popular in all cities of the world. The first traffic light in Russia was installed in 1930 by a goal in Leningrad, then in Moscow and Rostov-on-Don.

Thanksgiving Day in Croatia

On this day, very significant events took place in the self-proclaimed Serbian republic - Operation Storm, which ended in victory for the Croatian army, which entered Knin. The operation lasted two days, and became the largest after the end of World War II. For Croats, it symbolizes victory in the war, the liberation of the occupied territories, ethnic cleansing. The US constantly criticizes ethnic cleansing, but there are rumors that it was American strategists who developed this operation. This was more precisely confirmed by Charles Boyd, who at that time held the post of deputy commander of forces in NATO. The Balkan countries have set themselves the goal of joining NATO, but Croatia appears to be the leader in these efforts, at the same time trying on the role of regional leader.

Civic Day Holiday - a civil holiday in Canada

This holiday is conceived only in order to celebrate a free day without any reason. The desire to have another summer day for relaxation among Canadians arose in the 19th century. In the British Empire, the day was allotted in 1871. Bankers also got a bank holiday, and on the initiative of Sir John Lubbock (a politician, biologist, archaeologist and just a respected person), this day was recommended for organizing a free day holiday. Civil Monday is held every first week of August.

Celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The Russian Orthodox Church has some of the most famous and revered icons. The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is just that. She is revered not only in Russia, but also abroad, and not only Orthodox Christians, but also supporters of other branches. Pochaev Monastery is an ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy. The icon has miraculous properties. Many miracles were recorded from her - healing of illnesses, liberation from captivity, repentance of sinners and conversion to true faith.

During the war with the Turks in 1675, only prayers and appeals to the icon helped to survive - the Turks did not dare to storm the Lavra, although the monastery was not guarded by anyone. Their vision was stopped by the Mother of God with the heavenly angels, although the Tatars mistook him for a ghost. But the facts are that - arrows returned back and wounded those who let them out. Some Tatars were even captured - later they converted to the Christian faith and remained in the monastery.

August 5th in the folk calendar

Trofim Insomnia

This day marks the memory of Trofim and 13 saints who suffered along with Saint Theophilos during the persecution of Christians. At the beginning of 4 centuries, during the reign of Emperor Dialectian, a return to pagan idols led to persecution of the martyrs. They were tortured, interrupted by members and thrown into the fire. But a miracle happened - the saints came out of the fire on their feet and remained completely unharmed. In desperation, the Gentiles beheaded them.

Why is this day nicknamed the insomnia? In the midst of a working suffering, there was absolutely no time left for rest, it was necessary to do many things - pick berries, raspberries or viburnum. Another name for the day: Kalinin - raspberry. The ancestors valued berries, especially viburnum and raspberries for great health benefits, taste, and sweetness. Herbs were also collected and medicines were prepared to treat various diseases.

Historical events of August 5

August 5, 1772 - first partition of Poland

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century lost its power obtained after unification with the Principality of Lithuania two centuries earlier. On August 5, 1772, Poland was divided. This happened during the signing of the convention between Austria, Russia and Prussia. The territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth decreased: the lands of the South Baltic were transferred to Prussia, Russia was given the lands of Eastern Belarus, Austria received large territories of Galicia, and several other principalities. The Sejm submitted to this section; no measures could already help. The Poles could not show any resistance.

August 5, 1941 - the beginning of the defense of Odessa in World War II

The southern front of the Red Army was under great threat already in August 1941. German and Romanian troops advanced deep into the USSR and the borders of Odessa were opened. An order was given by the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to defend the city to the last strength. Odessa was completely blocked from land, the number of troops protecting it was only 4 divisions against 14 enemy divisions. The commander of the Soviet troops was Marshal G. Zhukov. The city survived at the cost of incredible efforts.

August 5, 1967 - the first album of the rock group Pink Floyd went on sale

The album was called Piper at the Gates of Dawn and consisted of 11 songs, mostly written by Sid Barrett. He immediately took 6th place in the British charts. The group has existed for more than 30 years, and still retains its fans and fans. The main direction is art rock, another name is psychedelic art rock. The texts of compositions devoted to the complex problems of mankind - madness, fear, alienation and loneliness - became noticeable.

August 5, 1996 - The establishment of official symbols of the Presidential authority in Russia.

The newly elected president of the country was to receive the symbols of power - the Flag of the President of Russia, the official publication of the test of the Constitution of the country. Flag (Standard) is a square panel consisting of three stripes, in accordance with the color of the national flag. On the edges is a golden fringe, and in the center is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. The president’s badge is similar to the Order of Merit to the Fatherland Order of the 1st degree - a cross with expanding ends, the words “Benefit, Honor and Glory” are written along the edge of the round medallion. These symbols are transferred to the subsequent president immediately after taking the oath.

Born on August 5

Guy Dae Maupassant (1850 - 1893) - French realist writer of the 19th century. The basis of his work is a study of the essence of social relations. "Pyshka" is the most famous novel with an anti-bourgeois orientation. (Other works - "Life", "Dear friend", "Strong as death", many erotic poems).

Vasily Lebedev-Kumach (1898 - 1949) - Soviet poet and songwriter.
His creative legacy is a lot of songs for the comedies "Children of Captain Grant", "Funny Guys", "Volga-Volga", "Circus", etc. and also the famous song, which became a kind of anthem of the Great Patriotic War - "Holy War" .

Ilya Repin (1844-1930) - Russian artist, painter.
His most famous works are Burlaki on the Volga, Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan, Job and his friends. A memorial museum has been opened in the artist’s homeland (Now Repino), a monument on Bolotnaya Square has been opened in Moscow.

Naum Gabo(1890 - 1977) - painter, great experimenter in the direction of the avant-garde, creator of constructivist sculptures. He worked as a designer of the ballet troupe Sergei Diaghilev, taught at the university.

Name day 5 august

Name Day Celebrate: Andrey, Anna, Vitaliy, Trofim, Fedor


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