Suffer from acne - you need proper care for a fat face. Alternative methods will help in the care of an oily face at home.


Oily skin not only looks unethical in terms of increased gloss on the face, but also creates many health problems.

Lack of proper care for a greasy face threatens the appearance of acne, inflammation on the skin.

Owners of oily skin can be comforted by the fact that they are not threatened with rapid aging of the face due to the elasticity of the epidermal layer.

The main signs of increased oily skin

With an increased fat content in the subcutaneous layer, enlarged pores appear on the surface of the skin. If you don’t organize proper care in time, but instead of normal skin, an orange peel will appear, with a lot of acne, blackheads and rashes.

Well-groomed oily skin becomes thick, has a grayish tint, it is very difficult to apply makeup on it.

The simplest test for determining the oily surface of the skin and finding problem areas with combination skin will be a simple, paper towel, which we put on the face, preferably in the morning, before washing, and firmly press it to the face. Now look at where the prints appeared, if on the entire surface the skin is oily, on some surfaces it is combined.

Normal, and even more so dry skin leaves no residue.

What should not be done when caring for a fat face

Care for a fat face is just the case when not all methods are good, and excessive efforts can be harmful.

- Trying by any means to remove traces of fat from the skin, we provoke its additional production. After all, the cause of the appearance of fat is the increased work of the sebaceous glands, therefore it is necessary to get rid of the oily sheen both from the inside of the body and from the outside. Inside the body, there is a program that the skin needs grease, removing it only by degreasing, we thereby give a signal to send a new portion of fat, so you should find the cause of the failure inside your body.

The cause of oily skin may be malfunctions:

• gastrointestinal tract;

• nervous system, including stress;

• organs of internal secretion;

• during puberty or menopause.

- The appearance of acne is not obvious evidence of oily skin. Partial skin salinity leads to blockage of the glands and the appearance of inflammation; acne can appear from various causes, including during the PMS period, when taking medications and from allergies.

Attention! Acne can never be squeezed out, because the pus that has appeared at the base can enter the bloodstream and spread the infection throughout the body.

If your hands are very "itchy", then do it carefully, squeezing out only the ripened acne, after washing your hands clean with soap and treating the skin surface with alcohol.

- Peeling is designed to rid the upper layer of the skin from dead cells, and not from fat, so it should be done no more than once a week, otherwise removing the greasy film, we again give the body the command to submit a new portion of fat.

- If you have oily skin, you should review your diet, water regime and abandon bad habits, such as smoking, sitting for hours on a TV or computer and sleeping in an unventilated room.

Proper cleansing is the main step in the treatment of oily face

1. Every morning we start with washing, but who of the owners of oily skin knows that in this case washing with hot water is strictly forbidden, which in itself is a stimulator of strengthening the sebaceous glands.

2. The use of gels or soap is allowed in the form of foam, which we first form with our hands and gently apply to the face, making light, circular movements. Allowed the use of special brushes that cleanse the pores well.

When washing in the evening, you can add a few drops of alcohol to the water:

• salicylic;

• camphor;

• boric.

3. There are cases when oily skin peels off, then before washing, apply kefir, yogurt or a few drops of any vegetable oil for a few minutes on the face.

4. It is recommended to wipe a greasy face with a towel, while improving blood circulation.

In the case when washing with just soap and water is not enough, we resort to additional methods.

- A cotton swab, previously soaped, dipped in powder from borax and soda and lightly applied to the face with massage movements, left until completely dry and washed off with slightly warm water.

- Dilute the lemon juice with water 1: 1 and wipe the face with this mixture 2 to 3 times a day.

- You can independently prepare a lotion of vodka with lemon balm, in a ratio of 5: 1 and insisting for a week.

- A wonderful evening tonic is obtained from grated oranges with peel and poured with 100 ml of vodka, all this is infused for 7 days, filtered and then 20 ml of glycerin is added to this composition.

- Our grandmothers, great-grandmothers also fought with oily skin, rubbing their skin before washing with a simple juice of sour cabbage.

Care for a fat face does not exclude its nutrition

The biggest mistake of owners of oily skin is the rejection of nutrients, citing the content of fat in them. Creams - hydrogels are developed, in which there is practically no fat.

Self-prepared masks will also help restore normal skin.

Herculean mask

We prepare the mixture in the form of gruel from 2 tbsp. oat flour and one egg white, apply it for a third of an hour to a cleanly washed face and rinse with plain water.

Lemon mask

This composition not only relieves the skin of excess fat, but also gives it freshness, an even tone due to vitamin C. We mix milk cream and lemon juice in equal proportions, apply the mixture to the face using massage lines, leave for a quarter hour and rinse.

Yeast mask

This mask copes with skin with clogged pores. We take yeast, yogurt and any berry juice in a ratio of 1: 3: 1/2, mix thoroughly and apply to the problem areas for a quarter of an hour, then remove with a sponge and wash.

Bread mask

We mix dry bread crumbs and ground almonds in a 2: 1 ratio, with green tea, dilute to the state of gruel and apply on the face until it dries and rinses off. Get 2 in 1, mask and peeling.

Almond and White Clay Mask

We take in the same proportion:

• ground almonds;

• white clay;

• grated cucumber;

• oatmeal or ground Hercules.

We cook the gruel, if necessary, add a little water and apply on the face as well until dry. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Expanded pores will become much less noticeable with regular use of scrubs, which we apply on the face and massage in circular motions, rinse with water at room temperature.

Lemon and Salt Scrub

In this case, it is advisable to replace ordinary salt with sea salt, but any one will do. Take 1 tbsp. salt and lemon juice, mix and apply to a cleanly washed face with massage movements, starting with the forehead.

Attention! In the presence of inflammatory processes on the face, this scrub is not recommended.

Green clay and yogurt scrub

We buy green clay in the pharmacy and mix it with homemade yogurt in a ratio of 2: 3, apply it to the face and massage it, after which we wash off the scrub with warm water.

Massage for oily face

Pinch massage will help improve the secretory function of the glands, which frees them from fat and improves filtrate.

With special massage techniques, we squeeze the sebaceous glands, automatically cleansing the skin, freeing it from excess fat. At the same time, dead keratinized cells are removed, and skin peeling is reduced. The increased blood flow to the muscles helps to remove carbon dioxide, while the complexion improves. After such a massage, turgor and skin porosity are reduced.

Massage is performed after applying talcum powder for the face, stroking, then proceed to tingling along the massage lines.

We conditionally divide these areas into 4 sections:

• from the middle of the forehead to the temples;

• from nose bridge to temples;

• from the wings of the nose to the tragus;

• from the middle of the chin to the earlobes.

We start the manipulation with the chin and end with the surface of the forehead.

We work through each area 3-4 times, making easy tingling on each line at the expense of 6.

We finish the manipulations stroking and patting the fingertips. Massage for oily and combination skin is recommended to be done 2-3 times a week until a lasting effect is achieved, while the exposure time on the skin of the face should not exceed ten minutes due to the high intensity of exposure.

Care for a fat face will be successful with the regularity of all the techniques in the complex, sometimes it takes quite a long time.


Watch the video: Put an End to Adult Acne (June 2024).