Hamburger cutlets - recipes from Canadian to Hawaiian. Juicy and crispy hamburger cutlets, recipes can not be counted


Hamburgers are not only fast food eaten on the fly.

This is a great snack, taken with you on the road.

And lunch "brakes" in the bag of the worker.

And also this is a unique way to make the baby gobble up calorie meat patties for both cheeks.

There are a lot of hamburger recipes, although they all look alike as twins.

Nevertheless, small differences in the ingredients allow you to choose or design your family recipe.

As with all simple dishes - don't be afraid to experiment. Try a cutlet from one, sauce from another. Well, combine the salad from several.

Hamburger Cutlet Recipes - General Cooking Principles

• When preparing hamburger patties, they often use beef, turkey or chicken.

• The meat is crushed by twisting through a meat grinder, or chopped into small pieces with a knife.

• Cutlets from lean meat are fried in a pan, and from fatter, at home, fried on an electric grill. In nature - above the coals, on a special grill.

• Shape and thickness depend on the type of burger. They can be round, square or oval.

• Given your taste preferences, beef can be replaced with pork, veal or lamb. Turkey meat for chicken.

• The main rule in the preparation of hamburger patties according to our recipes is to keep your hands with minced meat as little as possible. Even when cutting it into cutlets, it is recommended to do only kitchen utensils (two forks).

• Cutlets from minced and hand-ground minced meat are rather dry and less tender.

• It is recommended to fry meat semi-finished products on a moderate high fire until a crispy crust is obtained. It is this crust that will prevent the excessive loss of meat juice. And only after receiving it the fire is reduced to medium and the cutlets are brought to readiness.

• Beans and cheese can be added to minced meat for cutlets according to the recipes described below. In fish - honey and orange zest. Cutlets can be cooked with cheese filling.

• In addition to hamburger patties, on the buns, according to the classic recipe, put vegetable filling. The recipes briefly describe the recommendations for the preparation of such vegetable side dishes.

Hamburger cutlet - chicken fillet recipe with cheese

This cutlet is put together with a vegetable side dish and decorated with lettuce leaves. For a side dish mix straws from boiled carrots with boiled corn (canned). Add a little chili pepper, sprinkle with vinegar slightly and warm slightly. Vegetables on the cutlet spread chilled.


• 450 gr. chicken breast (you can cook minced meat);

• half a red sweet pepper;

• 50 gr. - white crackers;

• onion head;

• 50 gr. hard mild cheese;

• yogurt - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. In sunflower oil, spasser the finely chopped onion until light golden brown. Add chopped bell peppers. Warm everything slightly and then completely cool.

2. Twist well-washed and dried chicken in a meat grinder. Combine minced meat with vegetables. Add crackers and coarsely grated cheese. To your taste, add the minced meat with pepper, put a little salt and stir well.

3. Divide the resulting meat mass into six equal parts. From each form a round patty and sauté. Pre-cooked foods do not panic before frying.

Beef juicy hamburger cutlet - a recipe with an unusual addition

Ideal for those who follow the figure. The cutlet is placed on a salad sheet in buns of flour with bran. You can add a burger with thin rings of tomatoes and medium-sized straws of bell pepper.


• lean beef - 750 grams;

• instant onion soup package.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse a piece of meat well. Cut off all excess films with a knife and cut into small pieces. Twist the beef in a meat grinder, add the powder for the soup and knead thoroughly.

2. Form six flat round cutlets from ground beef. In a large thick-walled pan, heat the sunflower oil and fry the semi-finished products in it.

3. Fry on each side until the patties are lightly browned. It will take about 5 minutes.

Beef burger cutlet - recipe for "slider burgers"

Small squared beef patties. It’s convenient to cook small burgers with them. During each frying, put a thin plate of hard cheese of a slightly larger size during frying. In the process of roasting, the cheese melts and becomes a little malleable.


• a pound of ground beef;

• a pinch of black pepper;

• butter - one and a half tablespoons;

• small table salt;

• a couple of spoons rast. oils;

• any cheese easily melting at high temperature - 250 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pepper and salt the beef, add oil and mix. Place the forcemeat between two parchment sheets and roll out a rolling pin into a rectangular layer, not thicker than 1 cm. The length of one side is 15 cm and the other 20 cm.

2. With a long knife or spatula, divide the meat layer into 12 identical squares and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. On medium to moderate heat, heat a thick-walled pan. Melt butter on it. Lower the patties and fry for 3 minutes, until the bottom is browned. Turn over, lay a thin piece of cheese a little larger on top. Continue frying for another 2 minutes until cooked.

4. When forming a sandwich under the cutlet, you can put a thin ring of lightly fried lemon in a dry frying pan.

"Cheese" hamburger cutlet - chicken recipe for grill

Hamburger chicken cutlets with a viscous cheese filling. A side dish of mushrooms fried with onions will suit them well.


• 700 gr. minced chicken;

• "Russian" or "Poshekhonsky" cheese - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Divide the minced meat with four identical "balls". In each, make a wide and fairly deep notch. Fill the resulting funnel with two tablespoons of coarsely grated cheese. Stuff the minced meat and roll it up again. Squeeze lightly to make a two-centimeter cutlet.

2. Put the convenience foods on a cutting board and refrigerate for 40 minutes.

3. Cooled products a little pepper, a little salt. Prior to moderate heat, preheat the grill and fry the semi-finished products until cooked. Each side will take about 5 minutes.

Hamburger cutlet - turkey burger recipe with beans

Before putting the turkey cutlet with beans into the bun, the lower part is smeared with hot mustard mixed with honey, and the top with mayonnaise. As a side dish put sliced ​​tomatoes, onions and lettuce leaves.


• a glass of white beans (canned);

• 500 grams of turkey minced meat;

• clove of garlic;

• wheat crackers, breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l .;

• half of sweet pepper;

• a tablespoon of tomato sauce;

• a small bunch of feathers of green onions (50 gr.);

• a teaspoon of table salt;

• three tablespoons of quality vegetable oil;

• a third of a small spoonful of ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Mix canned beans with minced garlic and olive oil. Mash bean grains slightly with a fork.

2. Add all other ingredients and knead the minced meat well with a spoon. Form round flat hamburger cutlets. Workpieces should not be thicker than one and a half centimeters. Sprinkle each with fine salt and ground pepper to your liking.

3. Preheat the pan. Sprinkle with a pinch of coarse salt and warm it. Pour in frying oil and let it burn. Lower and fry the burgers on both sides until cooked.

Hamburger fishcake - salmon recipe with honey and zest

A fish cutlet prepared according to this recipe is suitable for any kind of burger. But it is best served on a fried baguette with goat cheese and salad leaves. You can flavor with low-fat mayonnaise.


• a pound of salmon fillet;

• smoked bacon - 100 grams;

• a small orange;

• a teaspoon of honey;

• two tablespoons chopped parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the salmon under the tap. Dry the fish well with a towel and chop finely with a knife.

2. Add crushed bacon in the same way. Soda with a fine grater zest of orange and put honey.

3. Pour chopped parsley into the minced fish, add salt and pepper to your liking. Stir the mixture well until a uniform consistency.

4. Stuff the mince into four equal parts and fashion the oblong cutlets (no wider than the baguette).

5. Put the semi-finished products in olive oil well preheated in the pan. Fry for three minutes on each side.

Hamburger Chicken Cutlet - Hawaiian Burger Recipe

According to the classic recipe, the cutlet is grilled. Despite this, it can be fried in a frying pan in oil. A hamburger with a Hawaiian patty is made from special buns. A leaf of lettuce is placed on their lower part, and only then the cutlet. It is recommended to put a slightly fried pineapple ring on it and pour everything with sweet and sour sauce.


• fresh minced chicken - 500 grams;

• 100 grams of breadcrumbs or whole wheat crackers;

• one raw egg;

• three table. spoons of walnut kernels (ground);

• a small piece of ginger.

Cooking method:

1. Combine grated ginger with bread crumbs and ground pepper. Add the mixture to the minced chicken. Salt to taste and introduce the egg. Mix well with a spoon.

2. From the prepared meat, form four flat cakes and fry the products until grilled.

"Canadian" hamburger patties - recipe with grilled mushrooms

The turkey cutlets for hamburgers according to this recipe are juicy and tender. Pieces of fresh champignons added to the minced meat give them a special mushroom flavor. A vegetable side dish for a burger with such a patty can consist of sliced ​​tomatoes and pickled sweet onions.


• ground turkey meat - 500 grams;

• two or three large champignons;

• half a liter of milk;

• a small slice of white bun;

• a small onion;

• sprigs of salad parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Soak a slice of white bun in milk. After 15 minutes, squeeze and put to the minced meat.

2. Chop the mushrooms and onions finely, and chop the parsley. Transfer shredded vegetables and mushrooms into minced meat.

3. Add salt to your taste and pepper. Insert the egg and mix thoroughly until smooth. Take the minced meat for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator.

4. Form low cutlets and grill. With nominal heating, it will take 8 minutes on each side.

Hamburger patties - cooking tips and tricks

• Do not crush cutlets when frying with a spatula. She’ll cook well. When squeezing, part of the juice will leave, and the cutlet will become dry.

• To make cheeseburgers, place a piece of cheese on the patty one minute before cooking. Cover the pan tightly and let the cheese melt well.

• If you use lean meats and fish for cooking minced meat, put some minced lard in the minced meat. You can put a small piece of butter in each cutlet.

• The thickness of hamburger patties should not exceed two and a half centimeters. Also, they should not be thinner than one and a half centimeters.


Watch the video: Hobo Burger Packet Dinners- with yoyomax12 (July 2024).