What is the dog dreaming about


What the dog dreams about - according to Miller’s dream book

When you dream of an affectionate, kind dog - you will be lucky and surrounded by loyal friends. An angry dog ​​portends the failures and treacherous acts committed by your opponents.

In a dream, they were the owner of a thoroughbred dog - get rich. Chased by a bloodhound - you need to be careful, as some temptations can destroy you. Dog bite - in the near future there will be conflicts and tension in relations with business partners and the second half.

What the dog dreams about - according to Wangi’s dream book

A pure white dog means that you can always hope for the help and support of a true friend. Sometimes such a dream predicts a meeting with an old friend who has not been seen for many years.

Black dog - does not bode well. You may be disappointed in a person who has long been considered your friend. In difficult times, he will not only refuse you, but will also give out all the secrets in order to discredit your reputation.

A dream with a stray dog ​​indicates a rather difficult situation for your friend. Only because of the unwillingness to burden with his problems he does not ask for your help.

What a dog dreams about - according to Freud’s dream book

If a friendly dog ​​was dreamed, then this portends new acquaintances, and if aggressive, a quarrel with friends. In your dream, the dog bites - discord will occur due to resentment and will be protracted, or rather, eternal. A white dog means great success achieved with the help of friends, and extremely affectionate - a close friend or loved one will appear. She dreams that she got a dog - soon there will be pleasant domestic chores. If the dog is large and terrifying, then a loved one or friend will fall ill.

What the dog dreams about - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A stray dog ​​is a warning that this year there is a very big risk of losing what has been acquired and accumulated over many years.

If you dreamed of a person who had assumed the appearance of a dog, then new discoveries were coming on the topic of Bigfoot or his closest "relatives".

What the dog dreams about - according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, dogs represent fierce enemies and loyal friends, trusting and reliable friendships. Wild dog - you are trying to resolve an insoluble conflict.

What the dog dreams about - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

In general, a dreaming dog represents a friend. If she barked - the news of victory awaits you, attacked - friendly defense. A large dog - perhaps you will have a patron with influence or a big friend if she fought with relatives - a big quarrel awaits.

What a dog dreams about - according to Hasse's dream book

The dog followed you on the heels - wait for the troubles associated with the affairs; heart afflictions are possible.

If the dog caressed in your dream, a meeting with loyal friends is waiting, if it is bitten, an old friend will betray you, and if you barked, it is possible to part with your loved one or a quarrel with friends.

What the dog dreams about - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

This indicates emotional dominance in relation to the younger. In most cases, a negative relationship with the mother.

What the dog dreams about - according to Longo's dream book

A dog licks your hand in a dream - get a good job with a friend. Lying dog - in the near future you will have to postpone work because of children in need of your care.

The dog goes to meet you - you have to survive the misfortune. Bitten - changes in life are coming. Walking with a dog is considered a very good dream.

The dog in dreams symbolizes friends. If you dreamed that when she saw you, she wagged her tail, then soon you will meet friends from a deep past. A meeting with a dog portends happiness, life satisfaction and carelessness.


Watch the video: Dogs Dreaming: Compilation (June 2024).