Sweet cherry without sterilization - we save time, energy, vitamins! A selection of cool cherry blanks without sterilization for the winter


Sterilization is a reliable way to preserve fruit blanks.

But it kills vitamins, distorts the taste and takes extra time.

There are wonderful ways to harvest cherries without sterilization.

Get to know them?

Cherry without sterilization - general principles of preparation

Berries for preservation are always picked. Ponytails are removed. Damaged and wormy cherries immediately need to be thrown away, they will not come in handy. Next, the berries need to be washed. It’s better to do it twice. Wash off dust and dirt first, then rinse with clean water. For this purpose it is convenient to use a large sieve or colander.

In addition to cherries, you can add other seasonal berries and fruits to the harvest: fruits: strawberries, early varieties of cherries, apples. Often put lemon and other citruses. For the flavor, add cinnamon, mint leaves, vanilla, lemon balm. All ingredients must be clean.

Self sterilization

The essence of sweet cherry harvesting without sterilization is a single or multiple pouring of ingredients into a boiling liquid. Sometimes syrup is boiled immediately with the addition of sugar. A frequent guest in compotes is citric acid. After filling and clogging, the cans need to be quickly turned over and covered with something warm. You can use blankets, old winter clothes. In the process of slow cooling, further self-sterilization occurs. You can’t bother her. Banks are kept covered until completely cooled. Sometimes it may take several days.

How to prepare the dishes

Sterilizing cans and lids is a straightforward procedure. You can hold the container in the old fashioned way over the steam, and boil the lids. Very often grandmothers simply washed the dishes with soda and roasted them in the sun for several days. Also an option, but not entirely reliable. You can warm the cans in the microwave by pouring a little water. But it does not fit large capacity tanks. A convenient way to sterilize dishes in the oven. You can lay a lot of cans and just warm it up well.

Recipe 1: Sweet compote without sterilization

Cool recipe for simple and quick compote from cherries without sterilization. The berries retain their natural taste, the drink for the winter is rich and very aromatic. Before use, it is advisable to give this preparation for at least a month. Calculation for one three-liter jar, in a smaller container such compote is better not to cook.


• 0.4 kg of cherries;

• 0.3 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp citric acid;

• 2.6 liters of boiling water.


1. Carefully sort the berries and rinse. Dry on a towel and pour into a sterile jar.

2. Add prescription sugar.

3. Immediately pour a teaspoon of citric acid. It is very important not to forget about it, since it serves as the main preservative and is responsible for the safety of the workpiece.

4. Now boil the water for about three minutes. The approximate amount is indicated in the recipe, and it directly depends on the size of the berries.

5. Pour cherries with boiling water to the very neck.

6. Immediately roll up the lid.

7. Now we take the jar from two sides and shake it well. You can put it on its side and just ride a few times. We use towels so as not to burn ourselves. Sugar must break up.

8. Put the jar on the neck and cover with something warm. We are waiting for complete cooling, sometimes it takes two days.

Recipe 2: Sweet cherry without sterilization with cooking syrup

For cherries without sterilization according to this recipe, you will need to prepare a saturated syrup from sugar with water. Citric acid is not added here. But if the berries are sweet and tasteless, then you can pour a teaspoon without a slide per liter of syrup.


• 1 kg of cherries;

• 0.8 kg of sugar;

• 3 glasses of water.


1. We put prescription water on the stove.

2. Pour granulated sugar into it, stir.

3. First, cook the syrup on a small fire to dissolve all the grains. After that, you can add a little. Boil the fill for at least three minutes. If you add a lemon, then do it now.

4. While preparing the syrup, prepare the berries. The washed cherry must be pierced with a fork.

5. Dip the berries in boiling syrup, boil for a minute and quickly spread out over the banks.

6. We leave the closed containers under the blanket for two days. Be sure to turn it over.

Recipe 3: Sweet cherry without sterilization in its juice

A convenient recipe for preparing saturated cherries in your juice, for which you need only juicy berries. In the same way, you can close the cherry. Preparation saves dishes, can be used for various desserts, as jam, for further preparation of drinks.


• 1 kg of cherries;

• 0.4 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp citric acid.


1. Rinse the cherries, prick each berry with a knife or fork. We fall asleep with sugar and leave for an hour. Juice should stand out and the sugar should be completely wet.

2. Stir, add citric acid and put on a small fire. Slowly, regularly stirring, melt the granulated sugar.

3. As soon as the berries begin to boil, bubbles go and sugar dissolves, take a large ladle.

4. We lay out the blank in sterile jars, quickly roll up.

5. Turn over and under the covers. We stand on the neck for two days.

Recipe 4: Sweet cherry without sterilization with honey

For the preparation of sweet compote according to this recipe, sugar is not even needed. It is wonderfully replaced by honey. He also gives the workpiece an unusual aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. But it is important that the honey be real, bought in a trusted place. Calculation of ingredients for 3 liters.


• 0.35 kg of cherries;

• 80 grams of honey;

• 1 tsp lemons.


1. Wash the washed berries in sterile jars. You can throw a cinnamon stick or vanilla pod. Cherry compote is more aromatic with them.

2. Boil water with honey and lemon for at least three minutes so that all microbes die.

3. Pour the prepared berries with boiling water and immediately clog.

4. Turn over, send under a warm blanket.

Recipe 5: Sweet compote without sterilization with mint and nutmeg

For this fragrant compote of cherries without sterilization, you will need nutmeg and a few fresh mint leaves. It is she who will give the drink a refreshing aroma and emphasize the taste of summer berries.


• 0.3 kg of cherries;

• 7 leaves of mint;

• 1 pinch of nutmeg;

• 1 tsp citric acid;

• 230 grams of sugar.


1. Boil sugar with nutmeg and 2.6 liters of water. The calculation goes to one three-liter can of compote.

2. While filling is being prepared, rinse, sort out the cherries. We make a needle puncture in each berry.

3. Mint leaves are also washed and dried. Instead of mint, you can take lemon balm. The flavor of compote will be even more interesting.

4. We lay the cherries together with the washed leaves in jars. Capacities are necessarily sterilized.

5. Pour boiling syrup, throw citric acid and quickly twist the lid with a special key.

6. The compote is cooled upside down under a warm cloak. As soon as it reaches room temperature, the workpiece is sent for storage in the basement or in another cool room.

Recipe 6: Sweet cherry without sterilization with strawberries (double-poured)

Double filling allows the berries to be steamed and is much more reliable than a single one. It is recommended for the preparation of dense berries and fruits, just for cherries, cherries, Ranet.


• 0.15 kg of cherries;

• 0.15 kg of strawberries;

• 0.5 tsp lemons;

• 160 grams of sugar.


1. Boil a little more than two and a half liters of water.

2. While the water is boiling, put the washed berries in a jar. Remove the ponytails from the strawberries.

3. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water. We close the lid with holes, after two minutes we pour all the liquid from the jar into an empty pan.

4. Add sugar, prescription lemon and boil the fill after boiling for two minutes.

5. Refill the berries in the jar, twist.

6. Turn over, send under a warm blanket for self-sterilization. After complete cooling, send to storage.

Recipe 7: Cherry without sterilization with lemon

It turns out that for the harvesting of cherries without sterilization, you can use not only citric acid, but citrus itself. Compote with oranges is similarly prepared.


• 0.35 kg of cherries;

• 5 slices of lemon;

• 0.35 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp grated zest;

• 1 leaf of mint or lemon balm.


1. In jars, lay washed cherry berries.

2. Once we throw lemon slices and zest. It is easy to remove from whole citrus with an ordinary grater. After cutting it is already more difficult to do.

3. Throw one leaf of mint or lemon balm. It will give a special aroma and emphasize the taste of citrus.

4. Boil prescription sugar in two liters of water for several minutes. Separately set the kettle.

5. Pour the berries with syrup and top to top with boiling water from a teapot or just from another saucepan.

6. Twist the cover, send it under the covers.

Recipe 8: Cherry without sterilization in triple-pour syrup

The beauty of this recipe is that the jar is full of berries. In winter, they can be used for various desserts, baking. A liter capacity will take about 600 grams of berries and 0.5-0.6 liters of filling.


• 1 liter of water;

• 0.5 kg of sugar;

• 1.4 kg of cherries;

• 2 grams of lemons.


1. We sort and wash the cherry. We put it on a clean towel and let it dry well, there should be no drops of water.

2. Put the berries in two liter jars to the very top.

3. Fill with boiling water, cover and leave for five minutes.

4. Pour the liquid into the pan, boil.

5. Pour the berries again, stand five minutes again.

6. Drain the resulting liquid, measure the liter and put on fire. Add sugar with citric acid, boil the syrup for about three minutes, maybe a little longer.

7. Pour the berries one last time, clog. We send to cool under the covers, turning upside down.

Cherry without sterilization - useful tips and tricks

• To easily pour syrup or just water from cans, you can use a special lid with holes. Such a device with a nose is especially convenient. The liquid does not splatter and is easy to direct to the right place.

• Drops of water on the berries reduce sterility, contribute to the rapid cooling of the fill and dilute the taste of the workpiece. To avoid this, the cherries need to be well dried before use.

• Sugar reduces the sterility of the workpiece and also contributes to rapid cooling. If a very sweet compote is prepared, then it is better to cook syrup from the sand and only then pour the berries.

• A teaspoon of acid is added to a three-liter jar of compote. But that is not the rule. If the cherry is fresh and tasteless, then you can add more lemons.

• Citrus peel in perfect harmony with cherries. Any housewife should have a preparation of dried lemon peel, which is very convenient to add to sweet preparations.


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