Hyssop - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Hyssop - general description

Hyssop (Hyssópus) is a perennial odoriferous grass or shrub of the Lamiaceae family, sometimes a branched shrub 50-60 cm high. The stalk is hard, leaves are oblong, dark green, the edges are down. The flowers are zygomorphic, blue, white or pink, collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences growing from the axils of the leaves.

Each flower blooms for a short time, then a new one blooms. The flowering period is July-August. Fruits are nut-shaped, ripen in September. Hyssop is considered a winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant. Propagated by seeds, cuttings or division.

Hyssop - types and places of growth

In some places, this plant is called blue hypericum. In total, about 50 species of hyssop growing in the south of Siberia, in Asia, regions of the Caucasus, and central Russia are known. The plant is not demanding on soils, prefers steppe or rocky slopes and gentle dry hills.

Hyssop - healing properties

This weed was used in ancient times, even Avicenna himself prescribed antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, antitussive and stimulating properties of the plant in his treatise. Traditional medicine of various nations uses its medicinal properties to treat many diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, catarrh of the respiratory tract and inflammation of the urinary tract. This is not the whole list of diseases; conjunctivitis, rheumatism, worms and excessive sweating can be added to it.

Hyssop - dosage forms

Hyssop is not an exception among herbs containing a large percentage of essential oils and tannins, glycosides, as well as diosmin, hesperidin, resins, and isopin. To obtain them, use green grass, which is cut before the flowering period in May - June. 100 grams of fresh leaves contains at least 170 mg of ascorbic acid. Succulent leaves and tops of twigs with flowers have bactericidal properties. In official herbal medicine, infusions, decoctions, syrups, drinks and lotions from this herb are used.

Hyssop - recipes

- Lotions of hematomas and bruises effectively resolve internal hemorrhage.

- A bath with infusion of hyssop herb is effective in treating eczema.

- Hyssop tincture for the treatment of pulmonary diseases (asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis): pour 50 grams of hyssop herb into 0.5 liters of vodka, put in a dark place and leave for a week, drain. Take 1 spoonful before meals 3-4 times a day.

- Hyssop infusion: chopped hyssop grass is brewed as tea, infused for 1 hour, then filtered and used for digestive disorders, chronic colitis, rheumatism, anemia and constipation.

Hyssop - contraindications

Hyssop in any form is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and those suffering from the following diseases: epilepsy, hypertension. In any form - whether it is aromatic oil or tincture - hyssop can cause cramping in patients with these diseases.

This plant is widely used in the form of spices, a pungent smell will limit its use and save a person from an overdose. In cooking, it is used in pickles for pickling vegetables.

Hyssop - interesting facts

- This weed was first mentioned in the Bible - the Jews used it as a sprinkler in order to sprinkle holy water. The rite of purification with its use was used in ancient times.

- Grass came to Russia for cultivation in monasteries.

- As a seasoning, the plant is used in the manufacture of liquors and fruit drinks.


Who knows, can a dog with the above indicators of the disease be treated with hyssop broth?

Alexander 09/11/2016
OOOOOo !!!! I add hyssop to the moonshine ... I insist (if possible) a week ... Scotch or Irish whiskey cried .... This is my invention - RESOURCE !!!!! I have patented it !!!!

Tatyana 04/22/2016
And how much ascorbic acid is in this weed! Not every plant can boast the presence of such an amount of this vitamin. And the information that this common herb helps cope with tuberculosis is very useful.

Alena 04/22/2016
ABOUT! This herb even helps with excessive sweating. Both anemia and rheumatism treats. Very good weed. Indeed, it is growing everywhere, you do not pay attention to it, but it turns out to be so useful. For cough, many can come in handy.

Sasha 04/22/2016
It is not surprising that this hyssop grows everywhere, because it reproduces in every possible way, like an ordinary weed. In our country it grows in any meadow. But the name, I did not know him. And the fact that this is a spice that is added to liquors, etc. also news for me.


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