What is the meaning of human life on earth


Each of us, being a schoolboy and going from class to class, at least once wrote an essay on the topic: "What is the meaning of human life on earth?"It would seem that the difficult question of strict teachers, how can you demand from young children answers to the questions of being, if adolescents still do not know how to live, what to become and what to do in this difficult world.

But everything is simple: the purpose of this task is to teach children to think: what is the meaning of human life, why do we all appear on this earth, what do we bring to the world? And if at least one schoolchild in the essay brings not just quotes from great famous people, but their own thoughts and arguments, understands what values ​​are central to him, then the goal of the teacher is achieved: growing children try to comprehend life and their place in it.
However, the statements of great minds who lived for a long time and reached enlightenment, who saw different epochs, countries and cities can help in the search for the meaning of life.
Where should the young man go to find the great thoughts of great people about the meaning of life?

What is a sense of life? Answers to great questions.

Different people search for themselves in life in completely different ways. Lazy teenagers and adults, days without a break, sit around their pants in the offices as middle managers, and spend evenings in front of TV screens, not thinking about such complex issues as searching for the meaning of human life on earth.

At best, they go on the Internet, look for the popular expressions and wise aphorisms of great people - philosophers, writers, politicians, musicians, artists - read them without thinking about the depth of what was said. As a result, no knowledge is ever used in life.

This is a very simple, primitive way - to flow with the flow, not to answer for anything, not to take responsibility for what is happening in your life, blaming everyone and everything for all their troubles. Sometimes it seems that the whole misfortune of humanity is that people simply don’t just ask themselves questions. They get all the answers to the questions from the media, and the thoughts that “push” to the masses become, like, their own thoughts about the environment. A person has ready answers to questions, invented ideals and excuses for his own inconsistency (... the government is to blame, ... the environment is bad, .... there is no time).

But it is necessary to stop and ask yourself the question: who am I? what am i doing and why? am i happy what makes me happy? why I don't have what I want? What have I done to be happy? what do i live for? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MY LIFE?

After you manage to answer these questions, train yourself to ask questions and look for answers to them.

You can look through smart books and find the great sayings of the wise men who have achieved enlightenment through hard work and work for themselves. We must pay tribute to such "seekers": clever phrases of people who left their mark on art, culture, science and politics are very useful, because they are short and capacious, full of wisdom and depth, the philosophy of the whole life of a politician is often expressed in a few words, a poet or a writer.

Let's sum up the small intermediate results: the Internet helps other sloths in finding the meaning of life, because the problem of searching for literature on this topic is completely leveled; various sites offer the most beautiful words and sayings of such great people as Omar Khayyam, Nietzsche, A. Chekhov, F. M. Dostoevsky, Dale Carnegie. One thing is bad: this is someone else’s life, someone’s philosophy and others’s conclusions ...
Not very difficult in terms of moral search and the lives of people looking for the answer to the question "What is the meaning of human life is not the earth" in the bible.

If you ask an Orthodox Christian to write an essay on what the meaning of life is, he will answer unequivocally: the happiness of a Christian is in righteous life on earth and trying to deserve paradise, in another dimension ... For people who are accustomed to believe that God is the creator of the universe and of everything alive, everything in life is unequivocal: there is good and evil, there are righteous deeds and unrighteous, mercy is everyone’s personal choice. And, if such a person wants to earn a place in paradise, in this life he does only good, does not gain and does not give in to pride. They do not need to know and understand who or what actually caused the emergence of earth and life on it, they just believe in God and that death is no more than a line between this life and eternal life, and only good gives man eternal existence in paradise, only in this way the human soul will keep warm.

Of course, such an opinion has the right to exist, faith, whether Christianity or Islam, is a personal matter and is good if it helps people find the answer to the question of what is the meaning of human life on earth.

Any biblical parable teaches a believer to follow the covenants of God.
The problem is that the religiosity of a modern person reflects the spiritual level of personal development, and if a person chooses good only from what fears hell after death, this is not so good. Good should be the only possible choice of people. regardless of whether they believe in some creator or not, they consider eternal being possible or not. Consciousness of a modern person is a huge storehouse of thoughts, feelings, knowledge and sensations, just believing in God is an opportunity to live easily and not to wonder why we came to this world, not to think, not to answer difficult questions and not to look for our own meaning. of life. Absolute faith in God was good in the Middle Ages, when people did not know the causes of many processes on earth, but now, in order to get some knowledge, you just need to want it, faith in the creator is permission for yourself not to become better.
If a person has experienced a stage of absolute faith, he begins to look for his self-determination. Many girls at a certain point are wondering

What is the meaning of life for a woman

If earlier this question could have been answered unequivocally: the meaning of a woman’s life is to get married, have a baby and raise her, now everything is much more complicated and, at the same time, more interesting. Nowadays, the appointment of a woman can be not only that she has a husband and a child, but also to take place in a career, carry out spiritual quest, engage in creative work and what the soul belongs to. And yet, even now, the meaning of a woman’s life is first and foremost love. Not necessarily in the love of man and child, but also in the love of the world, nature, work and all others.

A person who radiates love, who prefers not to receive, but give, is happy by definition, can exist in any conditions and see the good in everything.
Nobody has canceled gender self-determination even in the insane conditions of the modern world, and therefore young people also sooner or later always ask

What is the meaning of life for a man?

This is really a very important and difficult question, and even hundreds of years ago there was no definitive answer to it.
It is impossible to speak about this in general and in the abstract; every man should try to seek an understanding of the reasons for his coming into this world.

It used to be that all men are warriors, and the meaning of their life lies only in this. Is it really? Now, when wars are being fought in many corners of the globe, for a real man the most important thing is not to fight and destroy, but to restore peace and create.

In the life of a man, something can turn out and not turn out, but this does not mean that a man should stop in search of truth and knowledge of the world, be afraid and not take some steps.
The paradox is that very often we think and fear too much and therefore do not take any steps. In this sense, men are more correctly structured than women: a man who knows that all people will die anyway will hardly be afraid of something and ask permissions for his life from unknown mythical creatures. The meaning of a man's life is in absolute freedom of choice, actions and his own path.
When fathers bring up sons like this, bold and strong men, real personalities, grow out of the latter.

Nowadays, it is always interesting for people, young and not so much, to learn from famous writers and poets what they think is the meaning of human life on earth.
Each of the classics of Russian and foreign literature answers this question in its own way.
So, Leo Tolstoy at some point chose the path of non-resistance to evil, and his views on this are outlined in the epic novel War and Peace.
Through the mouth of the classic Tolstoy, his hero says: the thoughts of the young and vain Andrei Bolkonsky, in the heat of battle, turned out to be seriously wounded and for the first time in a long time looking into the high eternal sky - this is the reasoning of the writer himself. It is Lev Nikolevich Tolstoy who understands how small a man is in front of the greatness of nature, how ridiculous all the desires of a tiny man are on the vast land.
No less interesting in this novel are the quest of Pierre Bezukhov, who has experienced growth from a weak-willed reveler and revelers to an exemplary family man and thinker. The spiritual values ​​of an adult Pierre are unequivocal: love, family, active citizenship. Such notions are close and important to the modern Russian person, which is why the novel has not lost its relevance even today.
But other classics of Russian literature - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko - in their prose and verses helped many people to find the answer to the question

What is the meaning of life if you are alone?

Many of the heroes of these poets and writers are very lonely, Eugene Onegin, Grigory Pecherin and Mtsyri in general gave birth to a whole generation of desperate lonely fatalists, sad, lost and abandoned, simultaneously suffering from loneliness and not living well with other people.

The characters of Korolenko have a different story: they suffer from loneliness, because they are different from others, and they are looking for the meaning of life not in denying life itself, but in creative work, science, trying to find soul mates and find human warmth.
Young and adult people can learn life from the works of great classics, and at different ages the same works are perceived differently, so it is useful to re-read "Eugene Onegin", "Hero of Our Time", "Blind Musician" at different periods of life.
And sometimes it is useful to read Latin sayings. First, everything written in Latin sounds very nice. Secondly, in every Latin phrase there is a very deep philosophical meaning that helps a person understand what is the meaning of life in general.

Presentation, miniature, essay - it's all nothing more than a form, and the search for the meaning of life begins and ends not in the school walls.

What is the conclusion of all this? Of course, each independently answers the question, what is the meaning of life.

And if you briefly describe the whole article, the meaning of life in order to love, be happy and sow love!


Watch the video: The Real Goal of Human Life (June 2024).