The secrets of a large crop of healthy and beloved raspberries: how to cut raspberries in spring. Growing remont raspberries: proper pruning (video)


Raspberries are an unusual shrub that bears fruit in delicious and healthy berries.

Each summer resident is engaged in raspberry cultivation on his site, but beginners in this matter often encounter problems due to a lack of necessary knowledge.

First you need to understand that raspberries bear fruit on two-year-old shoots, which die off immediately after fruiting. New young shoots grow intensively in the first year, and in the second year they begin to bear fruit. When pruning raspberries, you need to take into account the characteristics of the bush.

How to prune raspberries once fruiting varieties

Pruning raspberries is carried out in late summer after harvesting or in early autumn. First of all, you need to remove all the shoots that have repelled, then carefully examine the shrubbery and remove all weak and broken branches.

When pruning is carried out, it is necessary to remove all thickening and excess annual shoots that thicken the bush and interfere with air exchange. From one to eight beds, 8 to 12 annual shoots are left.

All cut branches must be burned to avoid infection of healthy bushes with fungal diseases.

Raspberry pruning in early spring

After winter raspberries need pruning, during which the tops of the shoots are shortened. This procedure helps to stop the growth of young lashes and directs all the forces of the shrub to the flower buds, so that you can get a high harvest of raspberries in the summer. As a rule, shoots are shortened by 10 cm.

Sometimes gardeners cut raspberry shoots to a different dyne, which gives a phased ripening of berries. Thus, the fruiting of the shrub stretches, which allows you to get berries from early July to the end of August. This pruning is carried out by dividing the shoots into three groups:

• in the first group of shoots, the tops are shortened to 15 cm;

• shoots of the second group are cut off half;

• in the third group, the shoots are cut under the root, leaving up to 10 cm.

Such pruning of raspberries in the spring forms a phased growth of the bush.

Pruning raspberries to increase bush yield

Some experienced gardeners resort to double pruning raspberries, which allows you to increase the yield of the bush due to the formation of lateral fruiting branches.

This pruning is carried out in early June. Annual shoots pinch 5 cm, removing the tip. During the season, lateral buds awaken, which form additional branches. Next spring, all additional side shoots are cut by 10 cm, which makes it possible to get a good crop on them.

Any beginner gardener needs to remember that pruning is necessary to increase the yield of the bush. The main rule for pruning is to prevent raspberries from thickening. Regular sanitary pruning and thinning of the bush increases the yield, prolonging fruiting, and allows you to grow healthy raspberries.

Preparing raspberries for the winter

When growing two-year raspberries in the fall, you need to carry out all the necessary work for a successful wintering of the bush.

1. After pruning raspberries, you need to remove all the leaves from the bushes. It is not recommended to cut them off, because you can damage the kidneys. It is easier to carry out the procedure with gloves, conducting from the bottom up along the bush. All leaves will fall off. You can’t leave raspberries for the winter with leaves, because they will rot and “burn” the kidneys.

2. All garbage under the bushes must be removed and burned, pests accumulate under it for the winter.

3. Experienced gardeners are advised to conduct crouching raspberries for the winter. After thoroughly cleaning the plants, the shoots must be bent as close to the ground as possible. This procedure allows the branches not to freeze in the winter. If there is not enough snow on raspberries in winter, you should add it.

4. Can to fill a bed with shrubs with a layer of strawthat will provide additional protection against rodents. The straw layer must be at least 20 cm.

If all the work is done correctly, then raspberries will successfully survive the winter, recover quickly and will please a good harvest.

How to prune repair raspberries (video)

Experienced gardeners advise you to find out what kind of shrub it is before pruning. Repairing raspberry varieties need special pruning. An improperly performed procedure can leave without a crop.

Repairing raspberry varieties - These are relatively new species that allow you to get a crop of berries twice a season. In the first years after planting, care for remont raspberries does not differ from ordinary. For two years, the bush needs timely watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil. After the first fruiting, the shoots are removed, the remaining shoots yield the next year.

When trimmed remont raspberries

You need to trim these raspberries immediately after harvesting the second crop. In late autumn, cut off the entire aerial part of the bush. All shoots are burned to prevent diseases. The bed is lightly loosened and watered abundantly. This procedure allows you to get strong annual shoots next spring, which will ripen more crops.

In winter, trimmed raspberries are well covered with snow, which will allow kidneys to recover quickly in early spring. Cropped shoots do not allow pests to winter, so raspberries are less sick.

In regions with a harsh climate and little snow, the shrub needs reliable shelter for the winter.

How to get an early harvest of remont raspberries

To get an earlier harvest of raspberries, in the spring you need to clear the shoots of snow and cover them with a black film, which will provide quick heating of the earth. Such shoots begin their growth much earlier, which makes it possible to get a crop two weeks ahead of schedule.

Caring for raspberries is not a simple matter, but if everything is done correctly, you can get an early good harvest. The medicinal properties of raspberries are not comparable to any cold tablets. Therefore, you need to try to grow raspberries on your site.

To summarize: when and how to trim raspberries

Caring for raspberries and pruning is a very simple process, but it greatly affects the productivity of the bush. Neglecting pruning, the gardener risks being left without a crop.

Trimming two-year raspberries in spring and autumnbut many do not. Trimming raspberries once, the bush thickens and the yield decreases.

The main task of the gardener in the fall - This is to save the bush until spring, to create comfortable wintering conditions for it. To do this, the shoots are freed from all that is unnecessary, the bush is trimmed and the branches are bent. This contributes to the accumulation of nutrients.

Spring pruning goal - A push for the growth of young shoots. After pruning, you can feed the bush with nitrogen fertilizers. Spring pruning allows you to grow berries larger, increases the yield of the bush.

Pruning raspberries should be in accordance with its grade. Repairing types of raspberries need full pruning of shoots in the fall. Caring for such raspberries is not very different from ordinary varieties. It is important to remember when pruning that repair raspberries produce crops on annual shoots. Therefore, summer pruning of raspberries after the first fruiting is carried out carefully.


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