Raspberry jam: how to cook raspberry jam


Raspberry Jam - General Description

Raspberry jam - a traditional treat for our country. If we talk about the benefits, then raspberry jam deservedly bears the status of the most wholesome. We all know about this from childhood. Any housewife seeks to make the largest possible supply of this healing treat for the winter. Everyone knows that raspberry jam not only helps with colds, but is also considered an excellent prophylactic.

The composition of raspberry jam includes natural salicylic acid, which is the basis of most antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you use raspberry jam instead of the same aspirin, you can avoid stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Vitamins PP, A, E, B2 stimulate vitality, increase skin elasticity and provide a healthy complexion. Thus, jam helps a person to prolong his youth.

Iron, which is also in abundance in the composition of this jam, has a positive effect on the blood formation process.

Raspberry jam contains a large amount of copper. As you know, it is copper that is found in most antidepressants. For this reason, those who suffer from depression and are in stressful situations, it is highly recommended to include in their diet a tasty medicine - raspberry jam. By the way, copper gives the hair a rich color. And this is another great reason to increase vitality.

To prepare this delicacy, you should choose berries that are ripe, but not overripe. The most suitable berries are medium-sized and dark in color. From these, a very tasty and beautiful jam is obtained.

Raspberry Jam - Tableware

Our grandmothers used to make jam in large copper basins. But today we know that copper utensils are not very suitable for this purpose. It's not even that copper oxides can get into jam. Raspberries are a sweet berry, and oxides are formed during the cooking of sour ones. Just the minimum amount of copper ions provides the decay of ascorbic acid. And this means that there will be no vitamins in such a jam.

If, in addition to the copper basin, no other suitable dishes are found, you need to carefully check its surface for the presence of copper oxide. It should be etched by rubbing this place with an abrasive. Sand, for example. It is necessary to wash the basin thoroughly with soap and hot water, then dry it thoroughly. Now you can cook the jam.

However, this is a compromise option that does not completely solve the problem. An aluminum basin is also not suitable for jam, since the increased acidity of the jam destructively affects the oxide film on the surface of aluminum. Jam with aluminum is not good. You can solve the problem by applying enameled dishes. However, when using it, care must be taken so that enamel chips do not form.

It is better to stock up with a good stainless steel basin - this is the perfect dish for cooking raspberry jam. While the jam has not yet been cooked, it's time to make jars and lids. Thoroughly washed cans should be put in the microwave for several minutes. And you can use other sterilization methods. The lids are best simply boiled.

So, now perfectly prepared jars, covered with sterilized lids, wait until raspberry jam reaches the desired condition.

Raspberry Jam - Berry Preparation

Fresh raspberries must be sorted out. Unripe and overripe berries, as well as sepals with peduncle should be removed. Put the selected berries in a colander and slowly immerse in water. Under running water, raspberries can not be washed, because it is a very delicate berry, and it can lose its shape. After removing the berries from the water, you need to wait until the water completely drains. After that, carefully transfer the raspberries into the prepared basin.

Note that raspberries can be infected with small white worms. These are the raspberry beetle larvae. Such berries should be pre-treated with saline. To do this, take 10 grams of salt per liter of water. The berries are placed in this solution for about ten minutes. Larvae should float to the surface. They must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon. Rinse the treated raspberries twice with clean water.

Raspberry Jam - Recipe 1

For raspberries, as well as for strawberries, there is also a recipe called "five-minute". The beauty of this jam is that a small heat treatment of berries allows you to better save salicylic and folic acid, potassium, copper, iron and vitamins B and C.
So, the proportion required by the prescription: 1 kg of raspberry should fall on 1 kg of sugar. Sprinkled with sugar raspberries leave for 4-5 hours. All juice formed during this time is drained and boiled for 10 minutes. It turns out syrup. Berries should be poured into it, then over low heat bring the jam to a boil and boil for exactly 5 minutes. This jam will retain its beneficial properties for a year.

Raspberry Jam - Recipe 2

The cooking process itself does not take much time and when making jam according to this recipe. 1.5 kilograms of raspberries should be used per kilogram of raspberries. Place the berries in the container in which they will cook, cover them with sugar and leave them in the refrigerator for 10 hours. After that, bring the jam to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. The jam is done.

Raspberry Jam - Recipe 3

When cooking this jam, the berries will not retain their shape, but it will be simple and delicious. A kilogram of raspberries should be filled with 200 ml of water. Then boil for 3 minutes. Rub the cooled mass through a sieve, add 400 grams of sugar and boil again. Almost everything. Although, when the jam is already laid out in banks, it will need to be sterilized for 15 minutes. And only after that roll up.

Raspberry Jam - Recipe 4

And in Bulgaria, raspberry jam is cooked a little differently. Two kilograms of sugar should be poured into a prepared bowl. Then add a kilogram of raspberries and pour 4 cups of water. Next, cook the jam until fully cooked in one go. We choose a weak fire for cooking. But still, jam should be periodically removed from the fire and carefully mixed in circular movements. When cooking is about to end, you can add 2 teaspoons of citric acid. Everything.

Raspberry jam - useful tips from experienced chefs

The readiness of raspberry jam is checked by dropping a drop on a saucer: if the syrup has not spread, the jam is ready.
The jam will be fragrant and cooked quickly if you do not cook more than 2 kilograms of raspberries at a time.

An additional aroma of jam will give the juice of red currant if you replace it with water. By the way, this type of jam will never be candied. This jam will be thicker, but not cloying.

The level of jam in the jars should be 5 millimeters below the neck.


Mihrafruz Norova 05/31/2018
Thanks for the detailed advice, you helped us a lot.

Elena 08/28/2016
thanks for the advice, it’s very good that sterilization and the level of jam in jars are described in detail) no one writes about this, and it’s important for beginners to know)


Watch the video: Raspberry jam without Pectin. Homemade Raspberry Jam (June 2024).