Core: home treatment. Existing methods for treating corn callus at home


Typically, the appearance of corns is associated with a mechanical effect on a specific area of ​​the skin. Such formations on the skin cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the patient.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to begin treatment of corn callus at home or in the salon as soon as possible so that the disease does not worsen.

Corn kernel - what is it?

Core corn is a type of formation on the skin, which is a small hollow indentation inside the skin. The larger the recess in size, the more discomfort the patient experiences.

The callus can be localized anywhere. Most often, it is located on the sole of the foot or between the toes. This is due to the fact that this area is subjected to mechanical stress all the time. Another place of localization of such corns is the pads of the fingers. This arrangement of corns is less common than with the area of ​​the feet. Such a callus usually arises due to the constant work of some instrument.

Important: only one core callus appears at the site of localization.

Such an education may appear due to wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes. Another cause of the appearance of the callus is possible in the presence of any diseases of the legs (for example, flat feet)

Also, the cause of this type of callus may be the result of a skin lesion by a fungus or a foreign body entering the skin.

All the causes of the disease are quite serious and require special attention. It is necessary to start the treatment of corns as quickly as possible, because in the initial stages (when the recess is not very large), it is much easier to cure the core of the formation.

Methods for the treatment of core corn

There are many ways to get rid of corn callus at home and in the cosmetologist’s office.

Professional removal of corns is popular among people suffering from this ailment. You can get rid of them with the help of the following cosmetologist services:

· Drilling. A special device that cleans the top layer of corn is placed inside the core of the corn. After complete removal of the growths of corns, an antifungal and anti-inflammatory drug is placed inside the wound.

· Removal. This method is used in more advanced cases. The corn kernel of any length is burned out by a laser beam. In addition, the device destroys all the bacteria inside the rod, so the subsequent preparation of the drug is optional.

· Cryotherapy. The kernel is treated with liquid nitrogen. The drug “burns out” the upper layer of rough skin. 30-40 seconds after using the drug, the skin layer independently exfoliates.

The treatments offered by the beauty parlor are often replaced with free, home-made core callus treatments. Both methods of treatment are equally effective, but differ in the number of procedures required to completely get rid of corns.

Corn kernel treatment at home

If necessary, remove the callus at home, you need to prepare for the procedure. When choosing any of the possible methods of the procedure, it is necessary to steam the skin.

There are two main ways to remove corns of this kind:

I. Medicines (mainly gels or ointments) that can “freeze” callus. The main substance in the composition of such drugs is salicylic acid.

II. Patches. The modern tool is very easy to use: in the center of the patch is salicylic acid; all that needs to be done for treatment with this method is to stick it to the place where the formation appeared. If there is damage around the area on the skin, this method of removing formations must be discarded. The course of such treatment at home with a patch is from 2 days to a week, depending on the size of the rod.

After carrying out the procedures, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the infection does not get into the wound. We recommend using sterile dressings, clean underwear, and shoes.

Important: when carrying out the removal of corn, you must follow all the precautions specified in the instructions in order to avoid damage to a healthy area of ​​the skin.

Folk remedies for the treatment of corns at home

There are many folk remedies that can successfully fight at home with kernel corn, for example:

Recipe 1. Soap and soda. This recipe is suitable when the kernel of the corn is still not very large. A tablespoon of soda and a tablespoon of grated soap are mixed with hot water. Such a bath should be applied for about 30 minutes in the problem area. After the procedure, the callus needs to be wiped with a pumice. The procedure will completely save the patient from the callus after about 4-7 sessions (depending on the deepening).

Recipe 2. Mustard. For the procedure, mustard powder is dissolved in hot water. The bath is applied on the area of ​​damaged skin for about 30 minutes. After this, it is also necessary to rub the skin with a pumice stone. The effect will be noticeable after 4 treatments.

Recipe 3. Propolis. Before the procedure, the callus needs to be steamed well. A small piece of fat is melted with propolis. From the mixture obtained, it is necessary to mold the ball, give it the form of a “pancake”, put it on the corn and fix it. You can leave this bandage up to 12 hours.

Recipe 4. Vinegar. With this tool, you need to be careful not to burn healthy skin. Undiluted vinegar essence is poured onto a regular patch. You need to go with a bandage during the day, take off at night.

Recipe 5. Celandine. The recipe will be effective if the kernel-type corn has just begun its development. For the procedure, it is necessary to break the stem of the plant, squeeze the juice on the patch. Glue it directly to the callus, fix for several hours.

Recipe 6. Garlic and onion. If the corn is not very developed, this method will be useful in the process of its treatment. Onions and garlic are grated. The corn is steamed, the mixture is superimposed on the site of skin lesion and fixed with a bandage. It takes about 8 treatments.

Recipe 7. Burdock. It is necessary to lower it in hot water so that it warms up well, but cannot burn. A hot leaf of a plant is tied to a sore spot at night.

Choose a folk method for the treatment of corns with caution. When using any composition of the medicine, you must make sure that there is no allergy to it.

It is also worth paying great attention to the type of your own skin. For example, drying agents cannot be used on dry skin, because later deep cracks and dry corns can occur. And for skin that experiences constant irritation due to any factors, it is recommended to use more or less gentle traditional medicine or direct contact with a specialist.

If the applied folk remedy does not help, it can be replaced by another. This happens sometimes due to the poor sensitivity of the skin to a component of the composition. If the drug change is ineffective, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Preventive measures for the appearance of calluses

In order to prevent the occurrence of calluses, it is necessary to follow some simple rules.

First of all, you need to observe foot hygiene in order to prevent infection and the formation of foot fungus. You need to wash your feet with soap. After washing your feet, be sure to wipe dry.

It is necessary to abandon uncomfortable, small, tight shoes. You need to choose it only by size.

If you have any problems with the legs, you should be observed by a specialist. Examination should be done at least once every six months.

It is necessary to use a foot cream so that there is no excessive dryness of the skin and the formation of growths. You can also use cosmetics that can combat severe sweating in the legs.

If corns have formed on the legs or arms, you can try to act on them yourself; if this does not help, you should immediately contact a specialist.


Watch the video: Corn removal with callus: Three corns on one foot! (July 2024).