Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven - favorite recipes. Cooking chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven in different ways


Chicken drumsticks with potatoes.

What could be better?

Only drumsticks cooked with potatoes in the oven!

The dish is popular, tasty and has many variations.

And each hostess has its own secrets in its preparation.

And here are the most delicious, tried and tested recipes for chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven.

Do you cook them too?

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven - the general principles of cooking

Chicken drumsticks are cooked fairly quickly and can not be pickled in advance. But if there is time, then why not? During pickling, spices will better soak the chicken, it will be even juicier and tastier. The legs are washed, dried, rubbed with spices or poured sauces.

What can marinate shins:

• in favorite spices or seasonings;

• in soy sauce;

• in sour cream, mayonnaise, cream;

• in vegetables and juice from them;

• in lemon;

• in mustard, honey, adzhike.

Often, several ingredients are mixed and fragrant mixtures are prepared with which the chicken is rubbed or poured.

Potatoes can also be marinated first or just smeared and baked. Potatoes, like chicken, also go well with a wide variety of seasonings and sauces, it is difficult to spoil it. Tubers cleaned, cut into pieces. Young potatoes can simply be washed well. Lay in the form can be raw or pre-fry, boil. It all depends on the recipe.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven in the sleeve

The easiest way to cook chicken drumsticks with potatoes is to put them in a sleeve and send them into the oven. Although, there are some subtleties. To make the dish tasty, you need a suitable marinade. Oven expose at 190 ° C.


• 10 drumsticks;

• 10 potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• 0.1 kg sour cream;

• 1 tsp. seasonings for chicken;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• salt;

• 2 spoons of ketchup (any).


1. Immediately prepare the marinade. To do this, squeeze the peeled chives into sour cream, put spices for chicken or any other. Add ketchup, although instead you can put tomato paste, but two times less. Mix, if necessary, then fill up with salt.

2. We wash the washed legs with the marinade and leave for now.

3. We clean the potatoes, cut each into 6 parts. If the tubers are large, then it is possible for eight. Sent to the shins.

4. Add the onion sliced ​​into half rings. All mix.

5. We put the products in the sleeve, tie the ends on both sides.

6. We shift on a baking sheet or in a form, we take a needle and we do a puncture from above.

7. We put baked for 40 minutes.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes and tomatoes in the oven

Unusual for this recipe for chicken drumsticks in the oven gives pre-boiling potatoes. This allows him to prepare more quickly and not remain tough under the action of acid from tomatoes.


• 0.8 kg shins;

• 0.8 kg of potatoes;

• 0.4 kg of tomatoes;

• 2 bulbs;

• salt;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp. curry or paprika, you can mix;

• 4 spoons of mayonnaise.


1. Soy sauce and mayonnaise combine, add seasonings and ship to chicken drumstick. Stir, let it marinate.

2. Clean the potatoes, cut into slices of 3 millimeters and boil in boiling water for three minutes. Throw in a colander, let all the liquid drain.

3. Onions cut into half rings, tomatoes in circles.

4. Put the cooked potatoes, salt. If you like fat, then you can also add a bit of mayonnaise in it, as in the shins.

5. Top chopped onions, and slices of tomatoes on it.

6. From above, lay the legs, pour out the remnants of the marinade.

7. Put the form for forty minutes in the oven. Bake shins to a ruddy color at 180 ° C.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven with roasting

Pre-frying the ingredients helps preserve the juices inside the product. And another feature of such chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven is that they can be prepared in advance. And then, at the right time, just put them in the oven for about 15 minutes and bring the dish to full readiness.


• 6 shins;

• 0.6 kg of potatoes;

• spices;

• butter.


1. Wash the drumsticks, remove feathers, if any. Then wipe and sprinkle with spices. But we do not allow to stand so that the chicken does not release the juice. Immediately fry in a hot skillet on both sides, making the maximum fire. Five minutes is enough.

2. We clean the potatoes, cut into slices and fry to a crust after the chicken. We also make a big fire.

3. All that remains is to fold the chicken and potatoes into a mold and bake for 15 minutes, maximum 20. Focus on the softness of the legs, they should be easily pierced.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven under the cheese coat

The peculiarity of this recipe is not only cheese crust, but also a very fragrant sauce with garlic based on sour cream. The dish is juicy, tender and easy to prepare.


• 8 shins;

• 8 potatoes;

• 150 ml sour cream;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• salt and pepper;

• 0.2 kg of cheese.


1. Rinse your legs, dry them or just wipe them off with napkins. We shift in a bowl.

2. We clean the potatoes, cut into pieces of any size, send to the chicken.

3. Put off a spoonful of sour cream, add chopped garlic and dill to the rest, add salt and other spices, mix well with a spoon.

4. Pour the sauce to the chicken with potatoes, mix. You can leave to pickle for two hours. Or immediately shift the form.

5. Three large cheese, fall asleep on top.

6. We put baked for 50 minutes at 190 to full soft foods. Check the puncture of a fork or knife.

7. In the middle of cooking, when the cheese begins to brown, we take out the form and grease it with sour cream, which we left. This will not let the cheese burn and make the coat more tasty.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes and mushrooms in the oven

A wonderful recipe for baked chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven, a special flavor that is given to mushrooms. Of course, you can take other mushrooms that are.


• 5 shins;

• 5 potatoes;

• 0.3 kg of champignons;

• 0.1 kg of cheese;

• spices;

• 25 ml of oil;

• bulb onion;

• 60 ml of mayonnaise.


1. Shred the onion rings, shift to the bowl.

2. We wash the legs, send to the bow. Add spices, put mayonnaise and mix.

3. Cut the champignons into slices or cubes and fry quickly in a frying pan with butter. It does not take long, just two minutes.

4. Peel potatoes, cut into slices, mix with salt and other spices, put in a greased form.

5. Fried mushrooms on top of it. There is no need to lubricate the potatoes, moisture will still come out of the mushrooms, it will soak the pieces.

6. Now turn the shins with mayonnaise.

7. Bake the mold at 180 for about half an hour.

8. We get, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake further until complete readiness.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes and other vegetables in the oven

The recipe for a juicy dish of shins and vegetables, which is prepared much easier than stews and do not need to stand at the stove. We use a deep shape with sides of at least 5-6 centimeters.


• 0.6 kg shins;

• 0, 6 kg of potatoes;

• 2 eggplants;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 onion;

• spices;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 3 spoons of mayonnaise.


1. Immediately turn on the oven, you need to set 190 ° C.

2. Clean the potatoes, cut into thin slices.

3. Onion half rings, eggplants with carrots and tomato ringlets.

4. Spread potatoes on the bottom, sprinkle with spices, no need to lubricate.

5. Now sprinkle with onion, put carrot circles.

6. Top lay out the legs, which also need to sprinkle, and even better to rub with spices.

7. Now there are eggplant circles. If they are soaked in salt water from bitterness, then you can not add any spices.

8. Now the top layer of tomatoes, cut into slices.

9. Coat with mayonnaise and bake until ready. The exact time depends on the thickness of the layers and the size of the pieces, but on average about 40 minutes.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven "Ruddy"

The drumsticks cooked according to this recipe with potatoes are very appetizing, rosy and fragrant. And all thanks to a special sauce with paprika and honey.


• 8 shins;

• 0.8 kg of potatoes;

• 1 tsp. paprika;

• 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• 0.5 tsp. spices for chicken;

• 3 spoons of mayonnaise;

• salt.


1. Pound soy sauce with honey, put spices for chicken and paprika.

2. Drain the washed legs and rub the resulting mixture. For now, leave to pickle.

3. Clean the tubers, cut them into thin slices, salt and mix with mayonnaise. They can add any spices or special seasoning for potatoes. If you want to get a beautiful color, you can also add paprika.

4. Put the potatoes on top of the leg and it's done!

5. It remains to bake the dish in the oven until golden brown and fully cooked.

Spicy chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven

This dish will require a sharp adjika. Sauce for potatoes is made on the basis of mayonnaise, but sour cream or cream can be used in the same way.


• 6-7 tibia;

• 0.7 kg of potatoes;

• 2 bulbs;

• 1 spoon adjika;

• 1 spoon of mustard;

• 3 spoons of mayonnaise;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• seasoning for potatoes.


1. Combine half of mustard and half of adzhika with mayonnaise, chopped garlic and seasoning for potatoes. Stir the sauce.

2. Tubers clean, cut into plates, combine with the sauce.

3. Onions cut thick rings, laid on the bottom of the form, on top of him potatoes.

4. Ajiku mix with the remaining mustard and rub the legs. Spread over potatoes.

5. We stretch a piece of foil on the form and bake for half an hour. We set 190 ° C.

6. Then we remove the foil from the mold, fry the dish well, it will take another 20 minutes and you can call the household to the table.

Chicken drumsticks with potatoes in the oven - tips and tricks

• Baked potatoes will be tastier if smeared with melted butter. It also contributes to the formation of brown and crisp on the surface of the slices.

• If there is green pigment on potato tubers, they should not be used as food. The finished dish will have an unpleasant taste, and green tubers are not safe for health.

• Potatoes will be juicier if you add slices of chopped bacon or bacon to it. And after cooking, they can be removed or served right, many people like the taste of baked lard.

• The bone in the chicken drumstick is prone to burning, which spoils the overall look of the dish. But you can wrap the edge of a piece of foil. It will also help to carefully eat chicken and not to smudge your hands with fat.

• If you put the temperature in the oven below 170 degrees, the dish will dry, there will be no juiciness and a beautiful crust. If it is above 220 degrees, it will fry nicely, but the pieces inside may remain moist. It is important to choose the right temperature, taking into account the size of the products, the recipe of the dish and the characteristics of your oven.


Watch the video: IN keke's kitchen #32 Oven Roasted Drumsticks & Potatoes crispy crunchy outside juicy inside (June 2024).