Seafood risotto - Italian rice. The best recipes, delicacies and tips for cooking risotto with seafood


Hundreds of various dishes are prepared from rice, and all of them are quite popular due to their taste and the availability of cereals.

One of the common rice dishes, along with Uzbek pilaf, is considered an Italian risotto.

Seafood risotto - general principles

Not all rice varieties are suitable for making risotto, so that the dish turns out to have the right consistency and the right taste, take those varieties that contain a sufficient amount of starch: padano, arborio, baldo, maratelli. If you were unable to find such cereal on the shelves of the store, use any round-grain variety, choosing not chopped, large groats.

Of seafood, you can use squid, shrimp, mussels, octopuses, sea cocks and more. They are purchased predominantly in frozen form. Interesting and not burdensome in preparing a mix of marine reptiles. Seafood is prepared separately from rice and introduced into already prepared cereals.

Another important component of the dish is the broth. It is he who gives rice the structure and texture of a real risotto. You can use meat, and mushroom, and fish broth, it is permissible to take a vegetable broth or plain water mixed, for example, with tomato and spices.

1. Seafood risotto


• half a glass of rice cereal;

• squid - 80 g;

• some olive oil;

• 1 fresh octopus;

• 6 mussels;

• 5 sea cocks;

• 5 shrimps without heads;

• parsley - a small bunch;

• 3 mini cuttlefish;

• allspice powder, salt - a pinch;

On the sauce:

• onion - 1 pc.;

• carrot - 1 pc.;

• a little tomato puree;

• flour - 1 handful.

Cooking method:

1. Boil rice cereal.

2. Rinse all seafood and finely chop with a knife, put on a hot frying pan with olive oil, add chopped parsley and fry for literally several minutes.

3. Put previously boiled groats in a pan for seafood and fry for another 3 minutes.

4. Pour wine into the pan, simmer until it evaporates completely.

5. Slowly in small portions pour in the broth (preferably fish).

6. Sauce preparation: fry the onion in a pan until golden, crumbs, carrots on a fine grater.

7. Add tomato puree to vegetables, warm for 3 minutes.

8. In another pan, fry the flour and pour into vegetables, stir well, pour cold water or broth, mix again and boil for 3 minutes.

9. Pour tomato sauce into the seafood, stew a little.

10. Put the finished risotto on a serving plate, sprinkle with parsley.

2. Risotto with seafood and mushrooms


• rice groats - 15 tbsp. spoons;

• chicken broth - 1 liter;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• onion head;

• garlic - 1 clove;

• white wine - half a glass;

• various seafood - 0.5 kg;

• 3 champignons;

• Parmesan cheese - 1 pack;

• saffron, basil - 5 leaves each;

• salt, allspice powder - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the cereals and put them in a separate bowl.

2. Peel the mushrooms, rinse, fry a little in a pan with oil.

3. Wash all seafood, finely chop and add to the mushrooms, simmer for several minutes.

4. In a separate frying pan with olive oil, fry the onion chopped with a knife for one minute, transfer it to a plate and set aside.

5. Pour olive oil into the same pan again, squeeze the garlic through the garlic press and fry a little.

6. Put the cooked cereal to the garlic, mix well, add the saffron and basil leaves.

7. Pour wine into the rice, mix again and darken until it evaporates completely.

8. Pour in a little chicken stock, mix so that the rice completely absorbs it.

9. Pour in the rest of the broth, mix again and simmer over moderate heat.

10. Put seafood with mushrooms in a frying pan for rice, onion, stir, add salt, pepper.

11. When serving, put the risotto on a plate, sprinkle with cheese, decorate, beautifully laying basil leaves.

3. Risotto with seafood in a slow cooker


• rice groats - 12 tbsp. spoons;

• various seafood - 300 g;

• 150 ml of white wine;

• 2 onions;

• 1 carrot;

• canned corn and peas - half a jar;

• broth - 600 ml;

• a little butter;

• salt, allspice powder, any seasoning - 30 g each;

• dill, parsley - 3 leaves each.

Cooking method:

1. Put the carrots grated on a coarse grater into the multicooker bowl, onion in half rings, set the machine to the “frying” mode for five minutes, fry the vegetables.

2. Add the rice a little more fry.

3. Adjust the slow cooker to the "quenching" mode, pour the wine into the vegetables and rice, add seasoning and darken until the wine evaporates.

4. Pour in the broth, switch to the "porridge" mode, cook for several minutes.

5. Put a piece of butter in a pan on the stove, put a sea cocktail and fry a little.

6. Transfer the fried seafood into the multicooker bowl to all prepared ingredients.

7. Add the corn and peas, mix well, add seasoning, salt, pepper, and fry a little.

8. Turn off the device and insist with the lid closed for half an hour in the "heating" mode with minimum power.

9. Put the risotto on a portioned dish, arrange parsley leaves on top.

4. Seafood risotto in creamy sauce


• long-grain rice groats - 1 cup;

• any seafood - a little less than half a kilogram;

• cream (not very greasy) - 250 ml;

• vegetable broth - half a liter;

• 3 leaves of shallots;

• white wine - 80 ml;

• frying oil - a small amount;

• allspice powder, salt - a pinch;

• any greens - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Put the onion in a hot frying pan with oil - small crumbs, fry over low heat until transparent.

2. Rinse the cereals and put to the onion, stir well, fry for several minutes.

3. Pour in wine, obscure until evaporation.

4. Constantly stirring the grits, pour in a little broth, stir well, then add another broth.

5. Add cream, washed seafood, sprinkle with salt, pepper, slightly obscure.

6. Put the finished risotto on a plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

5. Seafood risotto and zucchini


• 1 zucchini;

• 1 squid;

• 6 shrimp;

• 200 g of rice "Arborio";

• clove of garlic;

• a mixture of olive and sunflower oil - 150 ml;

• 2 sprigs of rosemary;

• paprika powder - half pack;

• allspice and burning powder, salt - 35 g each;

• white wine - 30 ml;

• vegetable broth - half a liter;

• 1 onion.

To decorate:

• zucchini flowers.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared squid into strips, fry in a pan with olive and vegetable oil for a couple of minutes.

2. Put the squids in a plate, wash the pan.

3. Put onion in a hot pan, chopped with small crumbs, with chopped garlic, add a sprig of slightly squeezed rosemary, fry until transparent. After frying, remove the rosemary from the pan.

4. Pour the cereal into the pan, fry until the broth is absorbed.

5. Pour wine into the rice and darken until evaporated.

6. Pour in the broth and simmer for 25 minutes, with frequent stirring, until the broth evaporates.

7. A few minutes before the end of cooking put zucchini - with straws, add salt, pepper, stir everything.

8. Add seafood, stir again.

9. Add the remaining sprig of rosemary, cook until half-cooked cereal.

10. When serving, put the risotto on a portioned dish, sprinkle with a mixture of red and black pepper.

11. From above, beautifully put zucchini flowers.

6. Dietary risotto with seafood


• steamed and wild rice - 75 g each;

• various seafood - 0.5 kg;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• 2 tomatoes;

• white wine - 200 ml;

• allspice powder, salt - 30 g each;

• onion head.

Cooking method:

1. Pour two types of rice into a cast iron, warm without oil, add chopped garlic.

2. Pour the wine, stir, close the lid and darken until evaporated.

3. After evaporating the wine, pour in water. Stir occasionally, cook for 25 minutes.

4. In another pan, fry the onion, chopped with small crumbs, in oil for several minutes.

5. Add finely chopped seafood to the pan with onions, a little darken.

6. Add tomatoes without skin to the cast iron to rice - slices, mix well.

7. Put the seafood with onions in the rice, mix thoroughly, simmer for no more than five minutes.

8. Serve on a plate, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Seafood Risotto - Useful Tips

• For the preparation of risotto do not use previously prepared broth, only freshly cooked.

• The broth cannot be poured in one go, the risotto is prepared by pouring the liquid in small portions.

• Before cooking, it is recommended to fry the rice until transparent on a mixture of olive (vegetable) and butter.

• The taste of risotto with seafood will be more tender if you add a little grated cheese, butter or pour cream. Add additional ingredients after the dish is ready.

• Typically, rice for risotto is not washed so as not to “lose” the necessary starch. But if you doubt the cleanliness of the cereal, rinse it, but do not soak it.

• In order for all the ingredients to reach readiness and stew to the desired consistency, choose the right dishes: stewpan or deep frying pan with high sides and a thick bottom.

• To prevent the risotto from burning, do not turn on a strong fire and do not forget to stir the dish from time to time.

• It’s better to salt the risotto at the end, as both the broth and the ingredients used may already contain salt.

• Risotto is served with sherry or vermouth.


Watch the video: How to Cook a Seafood Risotto - Homemade Seafood Risotto Recipe (June 2024).