Treatment of type 2 diabetes with folk remedies is unreal! Endocrinologist's advice: is it effective to treat type 2 diabetes with folk remedies?


Type 2 diabetes - A dangerous pathology of the pancreas, in which there is a violation of the normal metabolism and dysfunction of most organs and systems.

Unlike type 1 diabetes, which is almost impossible to resist, because it is caused by objective organic causes (genetic disorders, pancreatic pathologies), type 2 diabetes, in the vast majority of cases, caused by obesity, and weight reduction is a key element of treatment.

For the rest, symptomatic therapy is carried out aimed at stabilizing blood sugar levels. And it includes only medications, but also proper nutrition.

Drugs for diabetes are quite heavy and have a lot of side effects. An important condition for the safety of treatment is strict adherence to dosage. The reason is that this pathology requires a subtle and careful approach. Ensuring safety using folk remedies is almost impossible.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with folk remedies: natural products

1) Tincture of garlic with alcohol.

Expert commentary: According to phytotherapists, the use of tinctures of garlic in alcohol / wine / vodka helps reduce blood sugar. It is known for certain that neither garlic nor alcohol produces such an effect. By itself, garlic helps in the fight against obesity, but only if the correct diet is observed. As for alcohol, ethanol increases the permeability of cell membranes for glucose (and, as you know, this is the main mechanism for the development of diabetes). By using ethanol for therapeutic purposes, the patient runs the risk of raising blood sugar to critical levels.

The treatment of type 2 diabetes with folk remedies should be carried out wisely. Such a recipe would rather drive a person to the grave than help.

2) Infusion of walnuts.

Expert commentary: questionable recipe for diabetes. But as measures of prevention of atherosclerosis (which inevitably arises in diabetes due to impaired lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, which leads to the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and the formation of fat deposits on the walls of blood vessels) is ideal. Walnut fights well with bad cholesterol.

The recipe is questionable, but effective in complicating the disease (atherosclerosis).

3) Alcohol tincture of onions.

Expert commentary: the treatment of type 2 diabetes with folk remedies such as onions has been carried out since ancient times, although people still did not understand the root of the problem. Onions are a source of sugar, and due to the esters contained in the vegetable, the permeability of cell membranes for glucose is reduced. The main disadvantage of the recipe is ethanol. As already mentioned, the use of ethanol in diabetes is deadly.

The recipe is dangerous.

4) A mixture of buckwheat with kefir.

Expert commentary: Buckwheat is recommended for diabetics. But in itself, it is not able to affect blood sugar levels. Even stranger seems the recommendation to use fatty kefir. Fatty dairy products with type 2 diabetes are strictly contraindicated. The fact is that the body is not able to process incoming substances efficiently enough, and it distills most of the nutrients into a fat depot. Following this recipe, the patient will pick up the extra 10-15 pounds and his health will become even worse.

The recipe is dangerous.

5) Lavrushka brewed with boiling water.

Expert commentary: Lavrushka is good only to add it when cooking in soups and dumplings. How phytotherapists themselves most likely will not tell you how a bay leaf can help with diabetes.

The recipe is useless.

6) Drink potato juice.

Expert commentary: outright wrecking. Treatment of diabetes of the second type of folk remedies, such as potato juice, can lead to the most dismal results. Potato juice is a storehouse of starch. In the body, starch is hydrolyzed to glucose. The result is. That a diabetic doesn’t take medicine, but a sugar bomb, which will raise blood glucose to unbelievable levels. Moreover, in their recipes, good phytotherapists recommend drinking 2 glasses of potato juice at a time.

The recipe is extremely dangerous. Suit, rather, for suicide.

7) Brew lilac and sunflower seeds.

Expert commentary: lilac is recommended only for aesthetic purposes, in the form of flowers. Lilac seeds do not have a therapeutic effect on diabetes. As well as sunflower seeds.

8) Red beans.

Expert commentary: Bean recipes are ineffective against diabetes. Another thing is that bean dishes are recommended to be included in the diet of diabetics. Red and white beans contain a large amount of animal-like fat. In conditions when it is unacceptable to consume animal fats in large quantities - a worthy replacement.

The recipe is useless

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with folk remedies: herbs and other recipes

1) Nettle juice.

Expert commentary: nettle juice, to some extent, is able to regulate blood sugar. But in order for the concentration of active substances to be sufficient, it should be consumed in such quantities that not a single person will master. Approximately 1.5-2 liters per reception.

The recipe is useless.

2) Roasted seeds infused with beer.

Expert commentary: beer, as, indeed, any other alcohol is strictly contraindicated in diabetes, fried seeds are absolutely useless in diabetes. They are rich in trace elements and nutrients, but are not capable of reducing blood sugar levels.

3) Horseradish with garlic and tomatoes against diabetes.

Expert commentary: Let's get the hell out of diabetes! Indeed, horseradish and garlic contribute to weight loss, which means they can indirectly help in the fight against type 2 diabetes. But only indirectly. The components themselves cannot cure diabetes. This recipe is not a folk treatment, but preparations for the winter.

The recipe is useless.

4) Infusion of rosehips.

Expert commentary: the remedy helps well for colds, and even then, only at its initial stages, since the rosehip contains vitamin C. Its effectiveness against diabetes has not been confirmed.

The recipe is useless.

5) Tincture of bitter wormwood.

Expert commentary: bitter wormwood contains many essential oils. They have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Of course, coping with wormwood diabetes is beyond the power. Somewhat surprising is the frequency with which "experts" herbalists recommend making tinctures. Any tincture is prepared in alcohol, and ethanol is one of the worst enemies of diabetics. Such recommendations are given either by people who are absolutely incompetent and far from medicine, or misanthropes, or advocates of the theory of evolution and natural selection who want to reduce the population.

6) Yeast

Expert commentary: often on the net there is a recommendation to eat 20-30 grams of raw yeast. This method of treatment is like a joke. Yeast fungi in the stomach and intestines will begin to multiply actively. Instead of the desired improvement in health, a person will get flatulence, bloating, pain and a lot of other discomfort.

The recipe is stupid and useless.

7) Chew the leaves of bird cherry or aloe instead of insulin.

Expert commentary: with an excessive increase in blood sugar, an insulin injection is necessary as soon as possible. While the patient is chewing the leaves, his body is trying to keep the metabolism, at least at the minimum level. Do not hesitate to take the drug. This can be deadly.

Neither bird cherry nor aloe can replace insulin, this is crazy advice.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes folk remedies: conclusions

Most of the prescriptions recommended on the Internet are nothing more than the invention of pseudo-doctors.

Some of the recommended remedies can be a good help in the fight against diabetes, but only indirectly, since they help only in the fight against excess weight.

In general, if the patient decides to resort to the help of folk remedies, there is number of recommendations:

• Eliminate ethanol use completely. Alcohol of any kind is the enemy of diabetes.

• Forget about trying to find an alternative to insulin. It's impossible.

• Consult with your doctor before taking any medication. The treatment of diabetes is not a joke and you need to approach it accordingly.

Most importantly, the treatment of type 2 diabetes with folk remedies can only be effective in combination with traditional medicines.
