How to grow a pine in a summer cottage: the main secrets. All about planting and caring for a pine tree: choosing a variety is the basis of success


Choosing trees for planting in a summer cottage or in a country house, many prefer pine trees. And this is no coincidence! Evergreen trees grow quickly, purify the air of all bacteria and spread the wonderful aroma of the forest. Doctors have proven that pine has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Choose a time for landing

The best time for planting pine is spring or autumn, as well as for planting all the trees. In the summer, planting is not worth it, since during active growth the plant needs a lot of moisture, and the transplant injures the root system, which dries up. In a pine tree, this period lasts from the moment new shoots are formed until they are completely lignified.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting a pine somewhere in the middle of spring. During the summer period, the plant is fully adaptable and will meet winter well. If planting is planned for the fall, then it must be carried out at the moment when the tree is preparing for rest. During this period, all processes slow down, and the plant tolerates the transplant well.

If time for planting is lost, the plant did not have time to plant in spring or early autumn, then you can carry out the procedure later, with the onset of stable frosts. After planting, it is necessary to cover the seedling, otherwise it will not tolerate winter. For this, any covering materials or spruce branches are suitable. With the advent of spring, all protection is removed. This should be done after all the snow cover has melted.

How to get a seedling for planting

Planting material can be purchased in the nursery, which significantly saves time for cultivation. The purchased trees are completely healthy, their root system is in excellent condition, and caring staff will give all the necessary recommendations for care.

The simplest, at first glance, way is to dig a seedling in the "wildlife". But there are pitfalls.

• Simplicity lies in the fact that you do not need to spend money on a seedling, but that’s all.

• Digging and transporting a young tree injures the roots, there is no guarantee for a successful planting.

• It is very difficult to choose a tree, you can’t take which one you get. It is better to dig a young shoot that will die in the forest due to a lack of light.

• The disadvantage of such seedlings is their structure, they do not always grow vertically upward, many are curved. This does not look quite aesthetically pleasing when landing on a flat prepared area.

With forest seedlings a lot of trouble, which, sometimes, is beyond the power of the gardener. The root system of such a tree does not always tolerate a transplant. When transporting a seedling, it is necessary to save a lump with the ground, otherwise the plant will die.

Some lovers grow seedlings themselves from seeds. This is very exciting, but very long. If you have the desire and time, you can try this technology. To do this, you need to pick up seeds that are sown in loose nutrient soil. Before sowing, they must be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, as they can be infected with late blight. The first shoots will appear no earlier than in a month. Seedling care includes potassium permanganate watering, weeding and shelter from frost. With proper care and nutrition after five years, you can plant a plant in the garden. Young plants grown from seeds need additional shelter for the winter.

Choose a place for planting pine

Pine belongs to photophilous plants, but it is better to shade young seedlings. In the natural environment, they do not grow in open areas, but are under the shadow of mature trees. Therefore, you need to choose a place for landing is bright, but without direct sunlight.

An evergreen plant prefers sandy soils. In areas with heavy soil, drainage must be done. For this, a layer of broken brick can be put in the landing pit.

Choosing a place for planting pine, you need to consider the location of the roots in the soil. Most of them are in the upper layer, at a depth of about 50 cm. If the groundwater is high, then there is a risk of damage to the root system. After a few years, the pine tree may die.

Planting pine seedlings (photo)

The landing pit should be larger than the root system of the plant. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pit, mineral fertilizers for conifers are added, and mature compost can be used.

Before planting, you need to check the seedling. After all, a "dead" tree retains its presentation for a long time. Yellow needles and fragility of branches should be alarming. Such a plant does not need to be planted.

The planting hole is filled with water by a third and the seedling is lowered. When planting, pay attention to the root neck, it should be flush with the ground. If you deepen it during planting, the tree will rot and die.

After planting a pine tree, the soil is well mulched with needles, which help retain the necessary moisture. In the process of growth, the mulch is added, rotting, it feeds the tree with everything necessary, inhibits the growth of weeds.

If you plan to plant more than one tree on a site, then you need to think about their location in advance. The distance between plants should be at least 4 meters, otherwise mature trees will interfere with each other.

Care for pine seedlings (photo)

Young plants suffer from spring sunlight, which is detrimental to the needles. To protect the pine tree, you need to cover the branches with spruce branches in spring. Adult plants tolerate winters well and do not need shelters.

Pine is undemanding to care. All that she needs is timely watering, loosening the soil, removing broken branches, forming a crown.

A pine tree is a very tall and beautiful tree, but over time it can give too much shade, blocking the light of other shrubs and flowers. Experienced gardeners resort to the formation of the crown, the tree is regularly pinched and pruned. This limits the growth of pine.

When trimming and forming, not only the upper branches need to be shortened. For a beautiful crown, you need to trim all the shoots.

Important! The top of the tree cannot be cut, otherwise the trunk will split, the appearance will be damaged.

In spring, it is necessary to prune the lower branches, since it is they who begin to dry first. Young shoots shorten by a third of growth.

Types and varieties of pine (photo)

There are quite a few varieties of ornamental pines that are grown on sites.

• Pine ordinary - unpretentious plant, different growth rate. The tree is undemanding to soil, but does not tolerate gas contamination, which does not allow it to grow in the city.

• Balkan pine - a bush up to 40 cm high. The crown is dense and dense, needles of dark green color.

• Mountain pine - winter-hardy species that tolerates drought. It is undemanding to soils, resistant to pests and diseases.

• Pine yellow - has an openwork crown with long needles. In severe winters it can freeze, you need to plant in places protected from the wind. In Russia, it does not exceed a height of 10 meters. It grows well in the southern and western regions.

• Dense-flowered pine - grown in central Russia. The variety is known for its twisted needles at the ends. Undemanding to the soil, but in the conditions of the city is not grown.


Watch the video: How to Dwarf a Tree (July 2024).