The benefits and harms of parsley, calories, composition and methods of use


Green Smelling Grass - Parsley or "stone celery»Is considered one of the leaders in content Vitamin C.

Parsley, due to its beneficial properties, is widely used in as a seasoning for dishes and as a medicine in the treatment of many ailments.

It is known that the plant comes from Greece. The inhabitants of this country since ancient times used parsley for cooking culinary delights. Also, greens were used during ritual ceremonies and holidays.

There is more than one variety of parsley. In Russia, the most popular parsley is ordinary, curly, Japanese. Regardless of the type, parsley is extremely healthy.

Composition, calorie content and methods of using parsley

The main benefit of parsley is in its rich composition of vitamins and minerals. The plant contains more vitamin C than the generally accepted leader - lemon.

And vitamin A in it is almost as much as in carrots. Parsley is also a source of vitamins B1, B2, PP and E.

The plant also includes magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, essential oil, folic acid.

Calorie parsley is not too high - just 50 kcal per 100 g greens. This allows you to safely use the miracle plant for weight loss.

Useful properties are possessed not only by the parsley itself, but also by the root from which decoctions and infusions are prepared. It is added in crushed form to the finished dishes.

In modern medicine, parsley seeds have a therapeutic effect.

1. Parsley is used with edema. Such a recipe will help get rid of the disease: plant seeds crushed to a state of powder are poured with boiling water

(2 tablespoons per glass of water) and simmer for 15 minutes.

After cooling, the composition is filtered and drunk, strictly adhering to the dosage - 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

2. Parsley is useful for the body by its property to help with irregular periods. Also a plant relieves pain, copes with discomfort with menopause, improves the general (including mental) condition.

During menstruation, it is recommended to use healing tea from parsley. To prepare it, take 3-4 tablespoons of chopped herbs and pour them with a glass of boiling water. The product is allowed to stand for a while, after which a couple of spoons of honey and 1-2 drops of lemon juice are added to it. They drink with women's problems like tea.

3. Seed infusion parsley able to increase appetiterelieve cramping. They just cook it. Pour 2 tablespoons of powdered seeds into a powder of a glass of water. Put the mixture on low heat and boil for just a minute.

After that, the composition is insisted, filtered and consumed in 2 large spoons three times a day before meals.

4. Low calorie parsley makes it possible to use for obesity. In this case, the healing composition is prepared in this way: combine a spoonful of crushed parsley seeds, dandelion roots, fennel fruits and mint leaves.

The composition is added 3 large tablespoons of crushed buckthorn bark. All mix and brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with boiling water (500 ml). Drink strained 2 glasses a day.

5. Parsley is useful and for men's health. It is able to alleviate the condition of the patient with inflammation of the prostate gland. The healing mixture is prepared as follows: combine the crushed roots of the plant (4 teaspoons) and half a glass of boiling water.

Allow the composition to infuse all night, after which it is consumed a little bit (1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day) before eating.

6. The beneficial properties of parsley have found their application in cosmetology. Most often, fresh leaves of a plant of the usual variety are used. The easiest way to find a beautiful complexion is to use ice cubes from the decoction of the plant to wipe the skin.

In addition, you can wash your face with a healing broth or infusion, which are often part of masks, compresses.

7. Parsley juice is extremely beneficial for the body. It is used with eye diseases: cataract, conjunctivitis, etc. As a rule, fresh juice of a plant is diluted with carrot juice (1: 3) or celery juice.

8. Plant seeds are actively used. with cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, liver diseases. The healing composition is prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of seeds with cold water (1 l) and leave overnight.

In the morning, start the reception. The recommended dose is 3 large spoons every 3 hours.

9. As a means of promoting better urine separation, as well as to relieve spasms, the following composition is prepared: the crushed root of the plant (4 teaspoons) is poured with half a liter of boiling water. The mixture is allowed to infuse for at least 15 minutes, and then drink for two days.

10. In combination with lemon juice, fresh parsley juice copes with freckles. It is enough to grease daily (morning and evening) annoying age spots with a therapeutic composition.

11. Parsley broth, from any part of the plant, is used as a remedy with bruises, abscesses, insect bites.

Parsley leaves, seeds or rhizomes are brewed (everything has useful properties) in a traditional way (a spoon on a glass of boiling water) and used for lotions.

12. Parsley root and greens themselves are widely used in cooking to give dishes a taste and aroma.

Parsley: what are the benefits for the body?

The benefits of a unique unpretentious plant are obvious:

1. Parsley contains a lot of protein (in 100 g of herbs 4, 4 g). This valuable quality is indispensable for people who, for whatever reason, do not eat meat or other products of animal origin.

2. Parsley has a lot of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which makes it very beneficial for vision.

3. The high content of iron in piquant greens is a godsend for those who need a natural increase in hemoglobin in the blood.

4. Parsley - a source of potassium - a substance that normalizes blood pressure, has a diuretic effect.

5. Parsley is able to gently and gradually whiten teeth, relieve bad breath. The plant is rich in phosphorus, fluorine, calcium - those elements without which it is impossible to imagine healthy teeth.

6. A large amount of vitamin C makes the plant a powerful immunostimulant.

7. Parsley protects the body from free radicals, pushes the aging process, promotes cell renewal.

8. Parsley does not have too many calories, but there are a lot of nutrients. Therefore, it is useful for people who "sit" on a diet.

9. Greens help improve metabolism due to the considerable content of fiber.

10. The rich composition of vitamins and minerals improves men's health.

11. The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing effect, which makes parsley healthy.

12. The benefits of parsley - in the recently discovered by scientists phylloquinone, which normalizes blood coagulation, relieves internal ulcers and bleeding, helps the normal formation of bone tissue.

Parsley: what is the harm to health?

Parsley is harmful if consumed too much. The greens that were grown in poor environmental conditions using nitrates are not beneficial.

In order for parsley to bring only benefits, it must be kept in a bowl of cold water before use.

Plant can not be used for jade, kidney stones, cystitis, gout.

Parsley is not recommended for individual intolerance. Green juice has the strongest beneficial properties. Therefore, it can not be taken in its pure form, but only in combination with carrot juice.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm and benefits of parsley

Parsley is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, therefore it is useful for the body.

Expectant mothers should use this product with caution. And if the greens added to the salad or the first dish will not do absolutely any harm, then you should forget about taking a decoction or infusion of pregnant parsley.

The plant is the strongest muscle stimulant and can cause miscarriage. In addition, the composition of popular greens includes such a substance as myristicin, and it is dangerous for a pregnant woman to have hallucinations, loss of balance, dizziness, and convulsions.

All these side effects can be expected if the plant is misused.

Parsley is good for the health of the future mother and baby:

• it has a lot of iron (protection against anemia)

• the plant helps reduce swelling due to its diuretic properties

• strengthens the immune system, protects the body from various infections

• relieves joint pain

• helps get rid of bloating and gas

Parsley is harmful to pregnant women only if a large amount is consumed in the form of a concentrated decoction, infusion or juice.

Parsley should be in the diet of a nursing mother, but in a limited amount so that do not cause an allergic reaction in an allergy-prone child.

Parsley for children: useful or harmful?

The beneficial properties of parsley are due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in greens. So, in 100 g of the plant there are two daily doses of vitamin C, provitamin A.

Dishes with a pinch of greenery stimulate appetite, promote better digestion, nourish the child's body with useful substances.

However, a green product must be given to children no earlier than one year of age. For babies from a year, a tablespoon of chopped parsley per day is enough, and for a little older children - 1.5 tablespoons.

Parsley - everyone’s favorite tasty fragrant greens, giving strength and energy. Use it reasonably and the body will say thank you.


Watch the video: How to lose weight fast with parsley (July 2024).