How to choose a foundation properly


Exercises in the art of makeup are familiar to every member of the fair sex. How does it all start? Of course with skin care. If we talk about make-up - the main ability to hide possible defects (uneven color, pallor, masks pigment spots, under eye circles and fine wrinkles, etc.). In this actively help foundation or powder. But which foundation is the best (reviews)?

How to choose the right foundation

When choosing a foundation it is important to pay attention to several factors:

• age-related skin changes;
• makeup type;
• skin type and condition.
The selection of colors is also important.

Product for a young girl

Experts give the following recommendations to young girls:

• in winter it is better to use light colors;
• during the off-season (autumn, spring) - warm;
• in summer - the tone is darker.

If we talk about the natural color of the skin: for dark skin poured with good tan use colors close to beige, and for light - slightly pinkish shades.

Such a cream is, in fact, every self-respecting manufacturer: Avon, Max Factor, Yves Rocher, etc.

The best foundation for aging skin (reviews)

Cosmetologists and makeup artists advise women who have age-related manifestations to use a cream with a lifting effect. They include: ivy and corn (extracts), caffeine and glycolic acid. These components improve the blood microcirculation and make the face more toned (smooth fine wrinkles), and therefore young. Given the increase in sales in the market of age creams - positive feedback from consumers can be noted.

The best concealer - analysis of skin types

The right approach begins in the selection of cosmetics, in accordance with the type of skin. The most difficult option is a mixed type, i.e. in some places fat (usually T-zone), in some places, on the contrary, dry (cheeks, cheekbones). Therefore it is necessary to choose a product for combination skin.

Which concealer to choose for dry and sensitive skin

Dry skin requires an attentive approach. She tells her hostess about the lack of moisture, respectively, her owner should choose a cream with additional moisturizing ingredients. They are more liquid than conventional cream, but this is only an additional plus - it will not be difficult to apply a thin layer.

For problem (sensitive) skin, you should use special rulers designed specifically for these purposes (anti-allergenic, for example). They contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components, which reduces the risk of new foci of inflammation or irritation. Note that these creams are not intended for use in the area around the eyes.

Products for oily dermis

The main problem of oily skin - it constantly shines, which causes discomfort among its owners. Fortunately, manufacturers have not avoided this problem. Cosmetics manufacturers have excluded any oils from this product line, replacing them with special particles that absorb sebum. Therefore, matting products are made especially for you. During the day, you can wipe your face with matting wipes, so you will always be fresh and beautiful.

What does a person with dilated pores require?

For porous skin, you need a tonal painter with the addition of microscopic powder grains that will not accumulate around the pores, but be evenly distributed over the entire face. It is better to select the basics, which include anti-inflammatory components. This will help to avoid even greater problems when masking existing ones. Such cosmetics is applied with a light sponge slightly moistened with water.

Before applying, you can lubricate with an alcohol-based solution and narrow down slightly enlarged pores.

What is advised to owners of normal skin

Makeup artists advise happy owners of a normal type to use lightweight creams with nourishing ingredients with a light texture. Do not forget about the type of makeup and light of the room in which the sacrament of reincarnation occurs. A prerequisite for the correct application of cosmetics - good light, ideally free access to daylight.

How to apply tone to face

To face, after makeup looked natural, you should apply a thin layer of cream, otherwise it will look like theatrical makeup (we just want to emphasize the natural beauty, and not sketched it). The method of application does not matter, i.e. this can be applied with a sponge (or a beauty blender), a brush or fingers. The main thing is that the result should be achieved, and the layer should be as thin as possible. It is only important to observe the sequence (to do everything in stages): starting from the center, moving to the periphery. Take care and that the boundaries between the end line and clean skin was not noticeable (requires careful feathering).


Watch the video: HOW TO GET PERFECT SKIN WITH MAKEUP (July 2024).