Manty in a slow cooker - this is the solution! Cooking manti in a slow cooker with meat, potatoes, pumpkin, mushrooms


A slow cooker does not allow you to cook a large number of manti, since the area of ​​the basket is limited.

In a miracle saucepan, you can cook no more than three servings, but it is very convenient to do this.

Manti in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

Any manty consists of dough and minced meat. It cannot be otherwise. The dough is used fresh on water. How to knead it, as well as the right amount for a slow cooker, can be found in the first recipe below.

For classic manti, minced meat with onions is used, and these ingredients are laid in the same amount. But more often cook manti with vegetables. Among them, the leaders are potatoes and pumpkins, meat can also be added to them. All of these recipes are below.

In a slow cooker, manty is prepared for the program "Steam cooking". Products are placed on a special basket, always lubricated. Products should not fit snugly together. Before turning on, it is necessary to pour in water for soaring.

How to sculpt manti

For some reason, for some housewives, sculpting manti seems complicated. In fact, everything is very easy, it is enough to perform several successive actions.

How to sculpt manti:

1. Take a tortilla with minced meat for two opposite sides and pull it to each other, leaving the ends open. We make a seam in the middle.

2. Now we tighten the lateral side to the central seam and glue them together, we get ears. Similarly, we hide the filling on the second side.

3. It remains only to connect the ears in pairs with each other. That's all!

It is not necessary to sculpt manti according to the above technique, although it is considered classic. If convenient, you can make envelopes. You can find manti in the form of bags that resemble large khinkali.

Manti in a slow cooker with meat

The recipe for ordinary manti in a slow cooker with meat and onions. As expected, these ingredients are taken approximately equally. From this amount of products, it will turn out to dazzle 7-8 pieces.


• flour 1.5-2 cups;

• egg;

• 400 grams of meat;

• 4-5 bulbs;

• 0.3 cups of water;

• salt and pepper;

• A little oil to grease the basket.


1. Immediately make the dough, as he needs to lie down a bit. Mix water with an egg, add a pinch of salt. Pour the flour into a bowl, make a hole. Pour the prepared liquid into it and knead. We do this until the dough ceases to absorb water.

2. Put the dough in a bag or just cover with a bowl, turning the dish upside down.

3. There is time to cook the filling. The meat needs to be chopped or chopped very finely. Often, housewives just use prepared meat.

4. Bulbs are peeled, cut into thin slices. We send to the meat.

5. Salt and pepper, stir.

6. We take out the dough. During this time, the gluten in the flour was supposed to swell, the mass became smooth, more elastic. Divide it into 7-8 pieces.

7. Distribute the filling.

8. We make manti. How to do this is written a little higher.

9. We shift into the greased basket from the multicooker, do not forget to pour some water into the container (better boiling water). You can salt to make the pair more.

10. Set the cook for 50 minutes. We get out and quickly send manti to the table while they are hot.

Manti in a slow cooker with pumpkin and meat

Another recipe for manti in a slow cooker, which is distinguished by a special juiciness of the filling. Also, the advantage of this dish is its relative cheapness, since less meat is used. Knead the dough according to the previous recipe using 70 ml of water and one egg.


• 250 grams of meat;

• 40 grams of fat or oil;

• 100 grams of onions;

• 150 grams of pumpkin;

• salt with pepper.


1. As already mentioned, prepare the dough according to the recipe above or use your own version. Take a quarter of an hour so that it lies down.

2. For minced meat, chop the meat into small cubes, salt, pepper, stir and leave until in a bowl.

3. We clean the onion heads, chop in small cubes, pour over the meat.

4. Take a piece of pumpkin. The weight of the pure product without crust is indicated. We cut it in the same cubes as onions.

5. The beginning must be well mixed. Black pepper is enough from spices. If you wish, you can add garlic, sweet paprika, a little parsley.

6. We get the pastry dough, divide it into pieces, mold ordinary manti, but put a piece of butter or fat on top of the filling.

7. We transfer to the tray from the multicooker pan, before this, grease the pan. It is better to use vegetable oil.

8. Set the steaming mode, pour boiling water immediately into the cup to reduce the time.

9. Cook the manti under the lid for 30-40 minutes, depending on the meat used and the size of the manti.

Manti in a slow cooker with potatoes

For these manti in a slow cooker meat is not needed. The filling is prepared from vegetables, but it does not spoil it at all. Knead the dough according to the first recipe.


• 350 grams of potatoes;

• 250 grams of onions;

• pepper, salt;

• 50 grams of butter.


1. Peel the onion, cut into thin slices, in small cubes. Put in a bowl.

2. We clean the tubers. Cut potatoes into small cubes. A grater for filling in manti is not used. We shift the pieces of potatoes to the onion.

3. The dough should already be ready and seasoned. Divide it into pieces, as in previous recipes. Roll thin cakes.

4. Now you can salt and pepper the filling of potatoes. If this is done earlier, then the vegetables will release juice, it will interfere with the molding of manti. If the filling is filled earlier and has already started juice, just lift the edge of the bowl and rake the filling so that the juice collects from the opposite side.

5. We spread the potato filling in circles. Put pieces of butter on top. You can use pork or fat tail fat.

6. We sculpt products of a classical or any other form.

7. We shift to a multicooker tray.

8. The potato manti is prepared as much as with meat. It will take about 30-40 minutes.

Manti in a slow cooker with cabbage and meat

Another option for a juicy and economical filling for manti in a slow cooker. Cabbage is used only fresh and juicy. We prepare the dough according to the first recipe.


• 0.2 kg of cabbage;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 0.2 kg of meat or minced meat;

• spices.


1. We chop the onion into thin slices, drop it into a bowl.

2. Add minced meat or chopped meat to the onion, season with spices.

3. We also cut the cabbage into cubes, but so far we do not connect it with the bulk.

4. Cut the dough for manti, roll out flat cakes.

5. Return to the cabbage. Add to non-salt and grind with your hands to remove the volume of the filling. We do not overdo it much, a lot of juice should not stand out.

6. Mix the cabbage with minced meat and immediately mold manti.

7. Such products are cooked for half an hour. If you used chopped beef, then the time can be increased to 40 minutes.

Manti in a slow cooker with mushrooms and potatoes

Lent version of manti. For the filling, absolutely any mushrooms will go, even pickled. We start the dough again according to the first recipe, since it will require just such an amount. You can cook such manti with boiled potatoes, the cooking time will be reduced to 10 minutes, but with raw vegetables it is much tastier.


• 3 potatoes;

• 3 onion heads;

• 0.2 kg of fresh mushrooms or 0.1 pickled;

• oil, dill, spices.


1. So that the manti in this recipe does not turn out dry, you need to fry the onions and mushrooms in vegetable oil. Pour 5 tablespoons into the pan.

2. Throw two chopped onions, cook for a couple of minutes.

3. Add chopped mushrooms to the onion and also lightly fry. Cool the filling.

4. Cut the remaining onion into thin cubes, mix with mushrooms, add chopped potatoes, season with spices.

5. We make ordinary manti, move it to the greased basket from the multicooker pan.

6. We prepare such products for half an hour after boiling water. It is better to pour boiling water so that you do not need to control the process.

Manti in a slow cooker with zucchini and meat (chicken)

Another option for filling for manti. Since zucchini is quite juicy, you can even combine it with chicken breast. Great idea to reduce the calorie content of the dish. The recipe for the test can be viewed above.


• 0.25 kg of chicken or meat;

• 0.25 kg zucchini;

• 1 onion;

• salt and pepper.


1. As usual, we start cutting with meat. We twist or chop it to a smaller, homogeneous mass.

2. Add chopped onion.

3. Next we throw the zucchini cut into cubes. In no case do not salt yet, otherwise everything will float and drown in the juice of the vegetable marrow.

4. We are doing the test. It should already lie down and become smooth. Divide, roll cakes.

5. Quickly mix the filling with salt and pepper, arrange them on flat cakes and sculpt the desired shape.

6. We shift the manti.

7. Water at this point should already boil, pour into a slow cooker, also salt.

8. Set a tray with manti, close and cook for half an hour.

Manty in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• Water will soar much better if you add a spoonful of salt to it. Manti will turn out more aromatic if, in addition to salt, add peas of black pepper to the water, you can throw a bay leaf.

• Manti love fat, especially if they are cooked with vegetables. In addition to butter, pork lard can be added to them, but a particularly tasty dish is obtained with fat tail fat. It is with him that they cook a dish in Asian countries.

• Fresh dough dries quickly, which complicates the molding of manti. Therefore, do not keep it in the air. If this has already happened, the edges of the cakes are crusty, then simply grease them with water, the dough will soften.

• Real, juicy manti cooked with lots of onions. But what if the house is not enough? Add chopped cabbage to the onion, you can use zucchini, a slice of pumpkin. They are also juicy and will not spoil the taste of minced meat.


Watch the video: Slow Cooker Caramelized Onions. Cook With Us (July 2024).