More than a third of Russians prefer smooth-shaven men


Once upon a time, beards were extremely popular, and Peter the Great even introduced a "bearded tax" in due time. Today, light unshaven in men is back in fashion. To find out whether a guy should be clean-shaven, whether brutal "spiky cheeks" are popular, and how Russian women feel about bearded men, the Women's Opinion portal conducted a social survey on the topic "Do you like men's unshaven?"

According to a study, only 5% of women surveyed adore men with a full beard. They consider them courageous, strong and courageous. Many survey participants draw attention to the fact that some members of the stronger sex are well with different beards, while others look unattractive and even ridiculous.

About 19% of Russians admire the three-day stubble and enjoy touching the “spiky” cheeks of their beloved, but note that in our country “there is tension with this.” But such girls categorically do not accept beards and mustaches, referring to the fact that men seem so older than their age.

Another 40.8% of women do not like beards, but they are not so categorical in their judgments and some bearded men are still nice to them. Especially, "if the guy has a short beard with a mustache."

But more than a third of Russians (35.3%) do not recognize beard or stubble. In their opinion, a man should be clean-shaven. Some argue that the beard grows unevenly, and therefore does not look attractive. Others say that bristles in men are like "iron." Many women perceive unshaven guys as convicts or homeless people, and consider them untidy and unwashed.

Thus, Russian women prefer a three-day stubble over a beard. The study involved 5980 Russians aged 20 - 45 years old, who live in 149 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: testing stripper life hacks for shaving my bikini line (June 2024).