How to get rid of the smell in shoes? What causes the unpleasant smell of shoes and how to prevent its appearance?


The unpleasant smell emanating from the shoes brings enormous problems to its owner.

The smell of legs makes a person feel discomfort, avoid communication and appear in crowded places.

The causes of this problem may be different, but most often they lie in the human body.

How to get rid of the smell of shoes: the causes of the unpleasant smell

Some people believe that the shoes themselves are the source of unpleasant odors in shoes, while others even consider such a smell to be the norm, but modern medicine has long proved the close relationship between the smell of legs and increased sweating.

Human sweat, which is 99% water and only 1% - salt, acids and ammonia, is virtually odorless. But if certain disorders occur in the body, then the composition and structure of sweat begin to change, which can lead to the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor. In addition, with increased excretion of sweat, it does not have time to evaporate and becomes the ideal environment for the life of bacteria, which also exude an unpleasant odor.

In order to get rid of the smell in shoes, in most cases, it is necessary to find the cause of excessive sweating, which becomes its source.

Of the main non-medical reasons, the following can be distinguished:

1. Wearing shoes, socks and stockings made of low-quality materials. Modern synthetic fabrics prevent the evaporation of sweat and do not allow the legs to "breathe". In addition, sometimes even the tissues themselves have a specific unpleasant odor. Therefore, for everyday wear it is better to buy shoes made of high-quality natural materials.

2. Wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. Uncomfortable footwear causes overwork and stress, which contributes to increased sweating.

3. Lack of proper shoe care.

4. Non-compliance with hygiene rules. Feet should be washed thoroughly and regularly, however, washing too often can lead to a violation of the protective layer of the skin.

Also, the cause of unpleasant foot odor and increased sweating can be some diseases:

1. Fungal infection. If, in addition to the unpleasant odor, itching and irritation appeared in the area of ​​the foot and toes, then you should consult a dermatologist with this problem.

2. Vascular damage and circulatory disorders. These leg diseases can cause trophic disorders and skin defects, in which bacteria quickly develop. This problem is typical for older people, and a phlebologist (vascular surgeon) will help to cope with it.

3. Diseases of the endocrine system. The appearance of a sharp specific odor of the legs can be caused by a change in the composition and amount of sweat as a result of disruption of the endocrine system. In this case, it is necessary to undergo treatment by an endocrinologist.

4. Hormonal changes in women. Cyclic rearrangements are often the cause of profuse sweating, and they should also not be ignored - it is better to consult a gynecologist.

How to get rid of the smell of shoes using special products

If excessive sweating is not caused by diseases of the body, and regular shoe care and foot hygiene do not help to completely solve the problem, then pharmacy and store products will help get rid of the smell in shoes. They usually contain tannins that reduce sweating and dry the skin, as well as antiseptics that destroy bacteria and microorganisms. According to their structure and method of use, the remedy for foot odor can be divided into the following types:


This convenient and affordable tool is well suited for daily use. Deodorant should be applied to washed dry skin, and then wait a while until the product is absorbed. According to their effect on the body, deodorants are divided into three types:

• Antiperspirants. They completely block the sweat glands, so they are not suitable for continuous use.

• Normalizing deodorants. Unlike antiperspirants, they do not completely block perspiration, but keep it at a minimum.

• Therapeutic deodorants. These funds are aimed at combating not with sweat itself, but with the bacteria living in it, which are the cause of the smell.

Ointments and creams

Creams, lotions and ointments that reduce sweating are an effective tool in the fight against unpleasant foot odors. Unlike deodorants, they do not remain on the surface of the skin, but are absorbed into it, so their effect has a longer lasting effect. Creams and ointments are well suited for regular use, in addition to their main effect, they also have beneficial effects on the skin of the feet, softening and moisturizing it.

Pharmacy products

In addition to ointments and deodorants, there are several more effective agents that reduce sweating in the legs and have an antiseptic effect:

• potassium-aluminum alum;

• Teymurov paste;

• lavender oil;

• boric acid;

• formidone;

• Oak bark;

• baths with sea salt.

How to get rid of the smell in shoes by folk methods

Medication and special drugs can effectively combat increased sweat, which in most cases causes an unpleasant odor. However, how to get rid of the smell in shoes, if the shoes themselves also gradually absorb sweat and, accordingly, can become a habitat for bacteria, and in some cases even fungus and mold? After all, shoes can not always be washed in a washing machine, and drying it is completely quite problematic. To combat the smell of shoes, many folk methods have been invented, and each of them is effective in its own way:

1. Direct sunlight. The rays of the sun not only dry the shoes well, but also have a detrimental effect on bacteria and microorganisms, which eventually accumulate in its internal tissue.

2. Freezing. Low temperature, as well as high, is a powerful tool in the fight against bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor. To get rid of them, just put the shoes, wrapped in a plastic bag, in the freezer for a long time.

3. Antiseptics. In order to get rid of the smell in shoes, it is necessary to treat it from the inside with a rag or sponge soaked in an antiseptic substance. From improvised means for these purposes, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, vodka or a solution of potassium permanganate are suitable. To achieve the best result, the processing procedure can be repeated several times.

4. Adsorbents. Household adsorbents include substances such as baking soda, flour and activated carbon. They absorb moisture and unpleasant odors, but they should be handled with extreme care so as not to spoil its appearance.

5. Toilet paper and newspapers. You can quickly dry sweat-soaked shoes by placing crumpled scraps of newspapers and toilet paper inside.

How to get rid of the smell of shoes forever: the secrets of shoe care

In the fight against unpleasant odors in shoes, not only correctly selected methods are important, but also prevention. Shoes, like foot skin, need regular care and hygiene.

Basic rule: shoes should be dry. Removed shoes and sneakers must be left open so that they have time to ventilate. Even if this is a favorite pair of shoes, you should not wear it every day, and even more so, leave socks in it. Wet shoes must be dried immediately, if necessary using newspapers or special electric dryers.

Shoes should be washed not only outside but also inside, regularly wiping it with a damp cloth and occasionally with antiseptic agents. Protective and water-repellents also play an important role, since they prevent strong soaking of shoes.

Do not forget about the insoles. It is better to use removable insoles made of high-quality natural materials that can be periodically changed, dried and washed. You can also use special deodorizing insoles, which have a pleasant aroma and are treated with antibacterial substances.

Cleanliness and dryness should be not only in the shoes, but also in the place where it is stored. Do not forget to wipe the cabinets and shelves inside and ventilate, and if necessary, put in special odorants that have a pleasant aroma and absorb unpleasant odors.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of Shoe Odor (July 2024).