What spices are needed for meat, and which in no case can be used?


Once upon a time, they paid for spices in gold. Treasured bags with fragrant contents were exchanged for horses and camels. It’s good that those days are gone. Now you can buy any spices in stores, in markets, on the Internet. But this does not mean that you need to intensively add them to dishes. It is important to understand what is combined with what, otherwise you can just ruin everything. It is especially annoying when the meat is not obtained. Let's miss it?

Universal spices for any meat

There are spices that must be settled in the house, but not a vegetarian. They are combined with all types of meat, they will often be used, you can safely add without worrying about compatibility. By the way, in boiled and stewed dishes (soups, stews, fries) seasonings are introduced at the very end one or two minutes before turning off the stove. If the meat is baked, marinated, grilled, then they rub it with spices, soak it, they are added immediately.

What is ideal for any meat:

  • Pepper. Seasoning of all time. Peppers are fragrant, black, white, cayenne, pink, chili. This also includes sweet paprika. Despite the difference in species and origin (some peppers from seeds, others from pods), you can safely add to any meat.
  • Bay leaf. In general, it is added to soups and meat roasts. sauces. In the second and large-sized dishes, laurel can be used in crushed form, but gently, a pinch.
  • Ginger. It goes well with any meat, gives a spicy aroma and light spiciness. You can use dry ginger or fresh root.
  • Turmeric. This spice has a slightly sour taste with sharp notes and a beautiful shade. It fits organically not only into fried meat, but also stews, sauces, and can be poured into minced meat for meatballs, ravioli, stuffed cabbage.

In addition to these spices, vegetables are ideal for meat: onions, garlic, carrots. They also give the right taste, emphasize the aroma of other seasonings.

It is important to understand that the amount of spices in a dish is a purely individual matter. Each person has their own taste preferences. Also, the spices themselves have different properties. Seasonings in bags from a regular supermarket are usually inferior to analogues bought in special shops in the markets. And only ground herbs and seeds are much more aromatic than powders prepared in advance.

The best spices for pork

Pork itself does not have a pronounced aroma and taste. This is the freshest meat that can be. It contains a lot of fats, soft fibers, the dishes are tender and very tasty, but under the right seasoning. Therefore, you can safely add different spices and in considerable quantities, if only they suit your taste.

How to season pork:

  • Rosemary. This is a fresh twig or dried grass. Ideal for any pork dish. You can simply put twigs under pieces of meat or next to the form, they will certainly share the aroma.
  • Saffron. Another perfect pork spice. It is undesirable to use it with a lot of other seasonings.
  • Oregano. Spice with excellent aroma and economical consumption. One pinch of oregano will change the aroma of the dish, give it Italian notes.
  • Basil. Another spice that is especially loved and respected in Italy. But basil is combined not only with pasta or mozzarella, it is ideal for pork, can be used in marinades and sauces.
  • Fennel. It also has a bright aroma, interesting taste, ideal for baked or stewed meat.

Do not mix all these types of spices at the same time. It is enough to add one or two spices to the pepper, add salt, you can squeeze the garlic.

The best spices for beef

Beef in itself has a strong taste, the meat is rich, bright, it does not need too aromatic additives. But it is advisable to use spices that soften the coarse fibers. Unlike pork, beef is cooked and pickled longer.

What spices to add to beef:

  • Thyme. He is thyme. Strengthens and improves the taste of beef, does not interrupt natural meat. Ideal not only for main dishes, but also for saturated broths.
  • Tarragon. He is tarragon. It gives a pleasant fresh aroma, can be added to marinades, stews, put in a form with boiled pork, add to the roast.
  • Coriander. Seeds or powder will do. This spice will give the meat a spicy oriental touch.
  • Mint. A few leaves of fresh mint or a pinch of dry grass will positively affect the taste of beef.

In addition to spices, soy sauce, mustard, honey can be safely added to beef. These ingredients will speed up the preparation of meat, give juiciness and an unusual aroma.

Spices for lamb and goat meat

Not everyone loves lamb and goat meat for its unusual aroma. But these are very tasty types of meat, it is only important to learn how to cook. Often they are supplemented with bell pepper, onions, eggplant and other vegetables. But what spices to season?

What to add to lamb or goat meat:

  • Rosemary. A pair of twigs in a marinade or at the bottom of a lamb baking pan will not hinder.
  • Nutmeg. It is better to scrape a small amount immediately before use. Shredded walnut from sachets has almost no taste.
  • Cumin. You can also add stewed goat or lamb dishes to the stew, but this spice is also ideal for barbecue.
  • Basil. It slightly interrupts the aroma of goat meat and lamb, but also perfectly suits the meat of these species.

Lamb, goat meat must be seasoned with allspice, chili. These types of meat imply the presence of spicy ingredients. Onions with garlic will also not be superfluous.

What spices do not need to be put in meat

Not all spices produce tasty and aromatic meat. Some may just ruin it. It's a shame, annoying, but it's better not to allow this.

What should not be added to meat:

  • Cloves. Some housewives love its aroma, but it is better to use scented stars in vegetable dishes, marinades, sauces, pastries. In meat, even ground cloves are difficult to distribute. And if you overdo it, then the dish will have a frankly unpleasant taste.
  • Cinnamon. This spice is only for sweet dishes. In the East, it is added to fish, but only in combination with other seasonings. It does not fit meat.
  • Star anise. They are often confused, considered one and the same, but these are different spices. Moreover, neither one nor the other is combined with meat. Star anise can still give bitterness. In rare cases, it is added to marinades for piquancy.

Another important point is the combination of different spices. You should not mix more than five bright and spicy condiments at the same time. They will clog each other, the aromas will mix, the taste of meat will be lost.


Watch the video: Homemade Jerky or Biltong dried meat method and seasoning recipe (June 2024).