Guelder-rose: useful properties of a berry, various scopes. What are the contraindications to viburnum?


Juicy viburnum impresses not only with its pleasant taste and bright red color of berries, but also with medicinal properties.

It has long been valued in alternative medicine, used for culinary and cosmetic purposes.

Viburnum, which has many beneficial properties, can be added to tea to relieve headaches. On the basis of berries, decoctions for rinsing the oral cavity are also prepared.

However, viburnum has several contraindications for use, they must be taken into account in order to avoid an unexpected reaction of the body.

The composition of viburnum

The viburnum contains a really large number of nutrients, thanks to which the berry has healing properties. It is also worth noting that in alternative medicine not only the berries themselves are used, but also the viburnum bark and bones.

The composition of viburnum includes the following substances:

• vitamins C, A, E, K, P;

• pectins (remove toxins from the intestines);

• tannins;

• volatile (fighting microbes);

• phosphorus, copper, iodine, potassium, iron;

• acids - formic, valerianic, acetic.

Viburnum, whose beneficial properties can not be considered, is often prescribed by doctors to restore strength and strengthen the immune system after a disease. Also, the use of berries prevents vitamin deficiency.

Guelder-rose: useful properties of berries

Kalina is a real universal "home doctor". Berries are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Guelder-rose effectively destroys microbes, fights against various ailments.

Kalina: useful properties

1. Significantly strengthens the immune system, which allows the body to resist infections of various origins.

2. Quickly treats acute respiratory viral infections and other colds.

3. It has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. Tea with viburnum is the best way to bring down the temperature.

4. Relieves neurosis, stress, allows you to forget about insomnia.

5. Berry-based broth is very useful for coughing, as it is characterized by expectorant properties.

6. With angina, a decoction based on viburnum flowers relieves inflammation.

7. Berries are good for eating with gastritis to normalize the acidity of the stomach.

8. Excellent relieves swelling. Berries are characterized by diuretic effects, also remove excess fluid from their body.

9. Viburnum cleanses the intestines of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals that accumulate over time.

10. The use of berries allows you to normalize intestinal motility and forget about constipation.

11. Viburnum is also used in cosmetology, the composition of berries favorably affects the general condition of the skin.

We must not forget that viburnum still has contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them before starting treatment, in order to avoid an unexpected reaction of your body.

Viburnum in alternative medicine

Viburnum is used in many recipes of traditional medicine. Some of them can sometimes become a real salvation for the hostess. The natural composition of the berry copes better with some ailments than expensive pharmacy products. The only nuance of viburnum is contraindications. Be sure to study them, consult a doctor so that the treatment process does not turn into unpleasant consequences.

Some recipes for traditional medicine

1. With cough and cold. Viburnum berries (50 grams) should be washed well, then rub them with a fork. In the resulting mass is added 1 tablespoon of honey, everything is mixed. The tool should be consumed 3 times a day 20 minutes after eating 1 teaspoon. It softens coughs, treats colds and even relieves headaches.

2. With gastritis. 1 tablespoon of viburnum flowers is poured into 250 water and simmer for 15 minutes. The broth should be allowed to cool in a dark place, strain it and use 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals, 50 ml.

3. With diarrhea, a decoction prepared from viburnum bark is effective. One teaspoon of bark (available at the pharmacy) is poured 250 boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. The broth should be allowed to brew for 15 minutes, then strain it. The resulting product is used after meals in an hour and 1 tablespoon.

Guelder-rose: useful properties for beauty

Viburnum has an amazing effect on the skin of the face. It improves the color of the dermis, eliminates teenage and menstrual acne, black spots, and prevents premature wrinkles. The best part is the mask of viburnum, the incredible benefits of which are many, you can easily cook at home.

Beauty Recipes

1. For oily skin. 50 grams of grated berries are mixed with the protein of one egg. The ingredients mix well until a homogeneous gruel is formed. The resulting mask is applied in a thin layer over the entire face for no more than 15-20 minutes. For greater effectiveness, the recipe can be varied by adding a little lemon zest there.

2. Anti-wrinkle remedy. The following ingredients are added to the deep container - 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of grated viburnum berries. All the ingredients need to be mixed well, you can use a blender for this. The resulting mass should be applied to the face for about 30 minutes. After several procedures, the epidermis will be significantly freshened. The wrinkles will be smoothed, the skin will gain a healthy glow.

3. Moisturizing mask. 50 grams of viburnum are ground with a fork, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 10 grams of glycerin and a pinch of rice flour are added to them. Everything mixes well with each other. The mask is recommended to be applied to the face 2 times a week for 20 minutes. This tool tones and moisturizes the epidermis, prevents premature wrinkles.

4. Remedy for blackheads and acne. Viburnum is an amazing berry. Few people know that the gruel from the fruits effectively fights acne and other rashes on the skin of the face. The mask is applied to the epidermis for 15 minutes 3 times a week. The result is not long in coming. After just a few procedures, your face will be noticeably cleaned, you can forget about acne and unpleasant acne.

5. Lotion for any skin. From viburnum at home, you can prepare a tonic lotion for daily use. The ingredients are mixed - liquid honey (2 tablespoons), fresh juice from viburnum (100 ml), 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of vodka and the same amount of olive oil. Everything is well mixed and placed in the refrigerator, the lotion is ready. They are advised to wipe their face daily, then wash it with cool water.

Viburnum, which has a lot of useful properties, is the secret of beauty and a healthy complexion.

Kalina: contraindications

The healing properties of the berry will be beneficial if not abused. You must always remember that even the most useful berries can have their contraindications.

Kalina: contraindications

1. Low pressure (hypotension), the period of pregnancy.

2. Gastritis during exacerbation.

3. The presence of an allergy to the berry.

4. Urolithiasis.

5. In the lactation period, viburnum can be eaten only after consulting a doctor.

Comprehensively good viburnum. The beneficial properties of the berry have found their application in cooking. Dessert, meat and fish dishes are decorated with viburnum, sauces are prepared from it or simply consumed fresh. The benefits of the berry are really great. Viburnum nourishes and nourishes the body with all the important trace elements that strengthen the human immune system.


Watch the video: Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus - 2012-10-06 (June 2024).