What to do if a child beats mom tips


The situation when children misbehave and beat their parents is widely known. This does not mean that parents are not trying to teach how to behave, simply because of age, circumstances or the environment, the baby started to behave badly and stopped obeying them.

A child beats mom how to behave

Not everyone boasts exceptional nerves and correct response.

Shock response may be the following:

  • give change in return (pull, slap, bite, pinch);
  • discuss the situation and punishment;
  • behave like nothing happened.

Let's lay out the nuances of the situation. Basically, such behavior does not carry a deliberate desire to hurt the native person. This is how emotions, both negative and positive, can be expressed.

The approach to the problem should be wise, weaning a child to do bad is not easy.

Tip 1: find the strength to conduct a dialogue, assess the situation in a clear language and explain to the child that such behavior is unacceptable;

Tip 2: you can’t say that your crumb is bad and that no one else will love her, and no one will be friends and play with her.

Tip 3: say how important it is to behave peacefully. Play games like the theater, where the main character is friends with everyone.

Tip 4: tell us how you are happy when no one offends anyone, and everyone behaves well.

Why does a child beat mom

The desire to beat someone, can be explained by interest in the reaction to such an act. A child slaps mom's face what to do? A little advice - find out the nature of the manifestations - these are light strokes with your palms for joy or with all your strength for anger.

In any case, these are emotions that cannot be expressed in words. Teach to talk about your feelings, listen and try to behave calmly.

According to psychologists, fights are the result of understatement, eliminating which to wean this much easier. Crumbs also have a bad mood from the fact that their favorite toy has broken, something hurts, there is not enough attention or is boring at home, because it behaves this way.

Why does the child beat the mother of the cause

When a crumb beat or bite mom, it seems that this is the result of a lack of education. There is a deal of truth in it. Correct upbringing is an example of family relationships. If parents fight among themselves, why not behave in the same way?

Consider the atmosphere of the house, try to protect from scandals and screams. Then it will be better perceived information filed in a strict tone. The basis of the wrong behavior can be:

• Congenital mental problem;
• Aggression of relatives;
• Cartoons with elements of aggression heroes;
• Lack of daily regimen;
• Unrealized.

Child 2 years old beats mom

Two-year plans are guided mainly by instincts. There is a negative emotion that needs to be splashed out. In 2 years, the adequacy of actions is not yet realized. The same mechanism and with positive emotions: who first of all want to boast of achievements? To close people.

All actions of an instinctive character must receive the same answer. Hit you - give change, most importantly control the force. This is not about inflicting physical pain, you need to wean from the assault, making it clear that others do not like this behavior.

The mood of parents is caught lightning at 2 years, so you should be serious and strict at this moment. In order to avoid conflict situations with a two-year plan, find an interesting occupation: drawing, modeling, cutting - all this takes a lot of time and serves as a red herring.

3 year old child beats mom

At the age of 3, actions become conscious — a pattern of behavior of parents and friends has been studied. What do you think, why on a visit to the grandmother begins the mischief and disobedience? Because they are allowed to check the nerves for durability. The same situation with fights in 3 years: measures are not taken - you can continue.

Tipsif in 3 years there was such a conflict, you need:

• Put aside and start talking about his behavior. Remember, the tone should be the same as when talking to adults.

• If it is impossible to take sides, the conversation should take place at home.
Beating in response is not worth it, only a discussion of the problem will help to solve it and prevent it in the future. A three-year-old perceives physical abuse as a green light for repetition. He knows that it is possible for mum - that is possible also for him.

Remember that now is the time to determine the manner of further behavior. At the age of 3, the ability to learn balance and respect for elders appears. The desire to quickly grow will play on your side, if you tell us about how adults behave.

A child beats his mother at the age of 5

At the age of five, he beats his mother with 100% deliberately. This is not a manifestation of emotions, as happens in 2 years, but a protest against the established rules. Conversations about how to behave were not heard, because the information was conveyed in the wrong way.

Find the cause of this behavior at this stage more difficult. Advice one - it is necessary to analyze the environment, the obtained information and style of behavior of adults. Postpone the case and spend the day together: play and watch cartoons, watching the manifestations of emotions.

If a child has noticed a tendency towards cartoons with elements of aggressive behavior of the main character (for example, zombies), immediately exclude them.

You should not be allowed to spend a lot of time playing computer games, as they can negatively affect the child's psyche. Now is the time to find a section (drawing, boxing, dancing, vocals, etc.), there will remain a lot of strength, and the aggression will subside.

A child beats mom how to wean

It happens that all the advice on how to wean out of bursts of negative emotions turn out to be ineffective. Then the question is raised about how to wean to hurt others. It is important to remember that you can not fight back. You are an adult, whose task is to wean, not to beat the smaller!

What can i doto wean:

1) Condemn the action, but not the child;
2) Explain how to pour out emotions without the use of physical force;
3) Be strict, but not aggressive;
4) Talk about your emotions that you hit;
5) Direct the right examples from cartoons;
6) Show an example of good behavior.

What not to doif you want to wean:

1) Punish and scream;
2) Bring the child to hysterics;
3) Too much restrict his actions;
4) Leave the child alone in the room to think about their actions.

At the age of five years, the kid does not always feel shame from his own actions, but he should always know the limits of what is permitted. Measures permissible must be in every family. This is a status that everyone should follow, regardless of age.


Watch the video: How To Get Toddlers to Stop Hitting (June 2024).