October 7: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Thanksgiving "Erntedankfest" takes place on the first Sunday of October. Since Roman times, the Catholic Church of Germany and people thank God and nature for their gifts, for caring for people. Rituals of returning part of the gift are held. This is a very ancient holiday, starting from the 3rd century it was regularly celebrated in Catholic countries, and in Prussia since 1773. The Evangelical Church defines it separately - the first Sunday after St. Michael's Day. There is a belief that the crop retains a spirit that gives growth or death. The church is decorated with the fruits of a new crop, wreaths are made from ears of corn collected in the last sheaf. The altar is filled with consecrated vegetables and fruits.

On the same day, the famous festival in Italy - Marino Grape Festival - Grape Festival. A vibrant eventful festival is accompanied by a tasting of wines and the best varieties of harvested grapes. In the old town near Rome there are resort areas for Roman aristocrats, dating back to the time of the Roman Empire. The holiday is held at the initiative of the poet Leon Ciprelli. About 3,000 liters of local white wine are brought for the holiday. The religious basis of the festival is expressed in the worship of Italians the miraculous icon of the 12th century Madonna del Rosario (Victory Madonna). This saint preserves the crop and protects it from hail and rain. The main action of the holiday is considered the Historical Parade in honor of the Goddess of Victory, who played a big role in the victory in the naval battle with the Ottoman Empire, on October 7, 1571.

We are mistaken in considering the herring to be a truly Russian product. The main admirers and fans of fish live in Finland, which is why they celebrate the herring festival in early October. The herring fair in Helsinki lasts three days, in which huge amounts of herring of the last catches in various forms are brought into it - salted, slightly salted, with sauce, mustard, etc. The fair also presents various products of woolen clothing, crafts. At the end, the best pickled herring of the year is selected.

This is one of the very old holidays of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, it has been celebrated since 1918. At that time, two new departments were formed under the NKVD - Instructor and Information. Soon they were united and left as part of the Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of Police. Today, these headquarters are engaged in the detection of crimes in hot pursuit, are used in anti-terrorist and preventive operational measures, carry out communications between law enforcement agencies of other departments.

On this day the memory of Thekla of Iconium is honored. An early Christian saint was born in Iconium, in Turkey, in a wealthy pagan family. She decided to devote her life to serving God after she heard the sermon of the Apostle Paul. Her fiance, outraged by calls not to marry, but to serve God, demanded that Paul be arrested. Thekla, bribing the guards with jewels, secretly saw Pavel, for which they later tried to beat her at the stake, but the flame was extinguished by a sudden rain. Thekla lived 90 years and died in a cave, hiding from the priests. Saint Thekla is the patroness of the spins, so women sat on Thekla to spin, and men thrashed all day, without interruption for lunch. The Russian belief says that whatever you tie to Thekla will remain strong. This is a wonderful day for weddings, fortune telling girls about the solvency of her husband. For this, the girl left a kalach in the bathhouse and expected who would touch her hand that day. A warm touch predicted a rich husband, a cold one predicted a poor husband. If no one touched her hands - sit in girls for a long time. With Thekla, the days are rapidly decreasing, and the dawns are becoming brighter.

The young pilgrim, tonsured a monk, was given the name Sergey Radonezhsky - he subsequently founded the Trinity Monastery. The life story of Sergius is full of miracles and inexplicable things. For example, poorly aware of literacy, he met a wonderful schema-elder, who predicted him a good knowledge of literacy and an understanding of scripture. The elder also predicted Sergius an unusual life, the ability to work miracles, the fame of which spreads far across the countries. During sermons conducted by Sergius, the altar was illuminated by divine fire, and Mother and the Apostles came to the cell.

October 7, 1947 Niels Bohr received the original award

On his birthday, Niels Bohr was awarded the King of Denmark Frederick IX the highest national award - the Order of the Elephant. At that time, the founder of atomic physics was 62 years old. The Order of the Elephant is the most original award in the world. This is not a flat sign, like all other orders, but a voluminous figure of an elephant with a fighting turret. A driver with a dark skin color sits ahead. This is an emblem symbolizing wisdom and justice. We have known the exotic order since the victory of the Danish knights in the Third Crusade, in which many elephants participated. Niels Bohr was not only the patriarch of science, but also a humanist who warned against the third world war and gave a lot of energy for propaganda against nuclear war.

October 7, 1993 liquidated post number 1 at the Lenin Mausoleum

Since January 26, 1924, 2 guards from among the cadets of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Central Command have been on guard duty at the Lenin Mausoleum. Changing of the guard took place every hour under the chiming clock, movements were honed to automatism even in difficult gun techniques. From the Spassky Gate to the point, the guards passed in exactly two minutes 35 seconds. The number of steps has always been unchanged - 210. In 1993, the head of the Main Directorate of the GUO ordered to stop the shift. The guard of honor was transferred to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin.

- 1952 - Vladimir Putin, a politician in Russia, a state official of the highest level, the President of Russia for two terms, the Chairman of the government during 2008-2012, the current President of the country.

- 1907 - Nikolai Semenovich Rabinovich, chief conductor of the Lenradio Symphony Orchestra for 20 years.

- 1896m - Paulino Alcantara, Spanish footballer, a native of the Philippines, striker - the legend of the football club "Barcelona". He was the youngest player to enter the field. In all his career on his 357 goals in 357 games.

- 1967 - Tony Braxton, a famous singer who released 7 solo albums and has a large number of international awards.

On October 7, the owners of such names celebrate name day: Andrey, David, Pavel, Sergey, Vasily, Vitaliy, Vladislav, Galaktion, Stepan, Fekla.


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