Is a throat cramp a disease or is it a normal condition? Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of spasms in the throat


In the throat are two important organs - the larynx and pharynx.

Muscles contribute to their movement.

For various reasons, the frequency of their reduction can increase, thereby causing cramping in the throat and pain.

A person experiences discomfort, discomfort, it becomes difficult to breathe.

In order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out the cause of their appearance.

The disease can occur regardless of gender and age.


A dangerous condition can cause prolonged contact with cold water, otherwise called "dry drowning". The upper sections in the respiratory tract after getting liquid begin to irritate. The result is an instant reaction of the upper laryngeal nerve, as well as a spasm of the vocal cords. it body defensive reaction getting cold water into it. After the vocal cords are closed, cardiac arrest reflexively occurs. This condition can lead to death of the patient. But fortunately, in most cases, doctors manage to help patients on time, and everything ends well.

But mostly less dangerous cramps are noted, the causes of which are diseases or pathological condition:

1. Purulent inflammation. It leads to unpleasant sensations in the throat, accompanied by severe pain.

2. Spasm of the masticatory muscles. Their work is provided by the trigeminal nerve. With its inflammation, the jaw and pharyngeal ring frantically contracts.

3. The defeat of the glossopharyngeal nerve. A person can choke not only with saliva, but even with air. This condition is always accompanied by a strong cough.

4. Diseases in the endocrine system. The thyroid gland enlarges and begins to put pressure on the larynx.

5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucous membrane of the patient is not able to perceive hydrochloric acid, therefore, when it enters, a spasm in the throat occurs, which is a protective reaction.

Besides annoying reasons, there are several functional factors. They do not occur constantly, but do not pass on their own without the intervention of specialists. As an example, consider the ingestion of a foreign body in the throat.

For example, fish bone, it irritates nerve fibers. Thus causing contractions of the pharyngeal muscles. Or after a person swallows a pill, he feels a prolonged spasm, as if it was stuck in his throat. This is due to the fact that when swallowing, little saliva was released, as a result of which the pharyngeal ring receptors were irritated. Such a lump will fail, maybe within a few hours. But all this time a person will feel severe discomfort, rarely accompanied by pain.

Spasm in the throat: diagnosis of possible diseases

The occurrence of spasms in the throat may indicate the presence of many serious diseases. Therefore, to eliminate the causes of an unpleasant ailment, you need to find out what caused its occurrence:

1. If a sore throat is felt during swallowing, the voice becomes hoarse, then you probably have a viral or bacterial infection. Spasm can be triggered by such viral diseases as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. In this case, you can not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages. Since all this further irritates the mucous membrane, exacerbating the symptoms. Experts prescribe to gargle with sage or chamomile, as well as drink warm water. Foot baths and compresses are useful.

2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied not only by heartburn, but also by the appearance of spasms. The acid found in the stomach returns to the esophagus because the sphincter muscles are not contracting normally. A visit to a doctor cannot be avoided. Since you need to choose the right treatment that helps regulate the movement of food along the gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended to eat more often, but reduce portions. Exclude those products that can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat - spices, lemon, everything sharp and very salty.

3. Throat cramps accompanied by difficulty swallowing saliva? Moreover, this condition does not even occur at the time of eating. Symptoms indicate stress or anxiety. In this situation, good massage, exercise, breathing exercises will help. Severe stress or depression can be removed with drugs - Novopassit, Valocordin, tincture of motherwort. Try to distract from problems, do not worry about anything. It is likely that with the departure of emotional stress, the symptom of the disease will go away. If after all attempts to get rid of the spasm on one’s own, it is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible.

4. In addition to spasm, severe chest pain is felt, especially when bending. It is possible that you have a diaphragmatic hernia. Overweight can provoke its appearance. Therefore, if the patient is obese, all efforts must be directed to get rid of this. Health will improve with every kilogram lost. You do not need to exclude all foods from your diet. It is enough that the frequency of meals will be increased, but its volume is reduced. If the hernia is in a severe stage, it can only be removed surgically.

5. The patient complains that it is constantly painful to swallow, and with it the weight quickly goes away. In a week, a person can lose more than 5 kilograms. Most likely, the patient has a swelling of the esophagus. In no case should you hesitate, when the first symptoms appear, you need to go to the doctor. Timely treatment started will save his life. The doctor will prescribe an x-ray with barium, a biopsy of the mucous membrane and endoscopy. Based on the results, further treatment will be built.

6. A recent stroke can cause cramps in the throat. It’s no secret that in the early stages of a stroke, the patient can hardly swallow. With proper treatment, the symptoms will quickly disappear.

Throat cramp treatment

In order for the treatment of spasms in the throat to be effective, it is not easy to remove the symptoms, and treat the whole body as a whole. It will be advisable to combine a systematic approach aimed at treating the affected areas.

The main methods of treatment

General treatment is aimed at eliminating pain and muscle relaxation. The integrated approach includes the following methods:

1. Drug therapy.

2. Alternative treatment.

3. Physiotherapy.

4. Complete recovery of the body due to proper nutrition.


Medications are selected based on the etiology of spasm. Medicines can be divided into several groups:

• antispasmodics

• myotropic

• vasodilator

• neurotropic

Myotropic drugs can relax muscle fibers, and neurotropic drugs can affect the correct transmission of nerve impulses. Vasodilating - resume normal blood flow.

Most often, with cramps in the throat, topical preparations are prescribed. If the cause of the disease is inflammatory processes, then medications should be taken in order to avoid complications. Of local drugs, experts prescribe and recommend the following:

• oracept;

• septolet;

• Faliminitis;

• hexoral;

• an inhalipt.

The drugs are able to have an anti-inflammatory effect and soften the mucous membrane of the throat. If the spasm is accompanied by a strong cough, the treatment will include taking antitussive drugs. These are medicines based on codeine, glaucin. And also these are the following drugs:

• herbion;

• mucaltin;

• ambrobene.

If a bacterial infection is suspected, Bioparox is required.

Inhalations have a good therapeutic effect. If a spasm in the throat is associated with neurological pathologies, it is necessary to be examined by a neurologist.

Disease prevention

If you feel a cramp in your throat, you can take several simple steps to help alleviate your general condition:

1. With a spasm in the throat, the patient needs to provide a state of rest. Clean air must constantly enter the room in which it is located. Try to protect him from any negative information.

2. There must be ammonia in the house, it can well relieve such cramps.

3. Try a glass of water. Her temperature should be room temperature. Moreover, drinking should be plentiful and frequent. Do not forget to control the temperature, as cold water will provoke the appearance of even greater symptoms.

If none of the above helps, try to hold your breath for a while. Or let someone pat you on the back lightly.

This happens infrequently, but it happens that relieve symptoms of spasm, can vomiting caused by artificial means. If the attack lasts for a long time, you can try to take a bath to warm the body.

After the attack is eliminated, you must constantly adhere to several rules so that this does not happen again:

• relaxation procedures should be regular;

• It is important to ensure a healthy and sound sleep. If the body is constantly in a tired state, does not get enough sleep, the spasm may recur;

• you need to plan your day. It should have enough time to relax. It is better if the work will alternate with him, for example, you work 2 hours, just 15-20 minutes rest;

• proper nutrition. Provide your diet with enough vitamins and nutrients;

• Walk outdoors more often. It is especially important to do this before bedtime.

Each type of spasm can be characterized by muscle contraction, which as a result simply cannot relax. In any case, such a phenomenon is accompanied by painful sensations that not everyone can tolerate.

Another good method to relieve spasm in the throat is drinking plenty of warm tea. Frequently gargle with medications prescribed by a specialist.

Watch your health. Even minor symptoms need to be paid attention to. They will never disappear on their own, but will only increase, thereby causing even greater discomfort.

Often, behind the usual, seemingly spasm in the throat, there is the presence of serious diseases. The body, therefore, is simply trying to let you know that it is not all right.

It is important not to self-medicate, namely not to prescribe medications yourself. Since before you assign them, you need to conduct a full examination of the body. Perhaps there is something else that affects the appearance of spasm. Therefore, consult a doctor in a timely manner. Your life depends on how quickly the examination was conducted and the treatment was prescribed.


Watch the video: Diagnosis and Treatment for Esophageal and Motility Disorders Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital (July 2024).