Exercises to improve blood circulation in different organs. What exercises to improve blood circulation are effective?


Vascular dystonia is a common disease that is characterized by impaired blood circulation. Frequent stresses, a sedentary lifestyle lead to a tonus of blood vessels. To improve blood circulation, you can take not only pharmacy drugs, but also perform some exercises.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain: features of therapy and technique

To exert an effect on the circulation of blood in the brain can only be complex. That is why the entire list of classes includes not only head tilts, but also squats. To activate blood flow and increase the lumen of blood vessels, it is necessary to contribute to the accelerated work of the heart.

If we talk about the technique, then all exercises need to be performed carefully, neatly and carefully. It is forbidden to make sudden movements. Avoid jerking. Repeat each exercise 10 times. Breathing at the time of the session should be even.

Once the muscles are strengthened, the load can be increased. The number of repetitions and approaches should be increased. Beginners need to complete no more than one set for each type of action.

The most effective exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain

Any complex must necessarily begin with a warm-up. It will be advisable to grind the collar zone and a bit like. After the warm-up, you can proceed to therapeutic exercises. The most effective:

1. Stand flat with relaxed upper limbs. Bend your head gently and slowly one way and the other. Manipulation should be carried out with the maximum possible amplitude, but pain should not be allowed. If mobility is somewhat limited, then you can not overdo it.

2. Stand in the same position, and slowly tilt your head back, and then tilt it forward. Try to touch the chest with your chin. If there are some difficulties with maintaining balance, then perform the exercise while sitting.

3. Now do alternations in the bending of the head and turns to the sides. The chin should be level with the shoulders.

4. This exercise is done exclusively by the shoulders. The first step is to raise them to the maximum up. After returning them to their original position. Then lower to the maximum.

5. To bring the blood circulation to normal, there is another exercise that is done by the shoulders. First, make circular movements of the shoulders with arms down. After palm, place on shoulders and repeat movements again. Finish the exercise with straight arms extended to the sides.

6. Stand straight and lower your arms down. Make alternating turns with the body in both directions. The amplitude should be maximum. The pelvis must be motionless.

7. Make torso tilts. First do from left to right. Keep your hands along the torso. After doing the opposite. Hands in the second case should be on the belt.

8. Stand straight and place your hands on your waist. Make several rotational movements of the pelvis in different directions. Make as many lunges on each leg.

9. Regular squats will help improve blood circulation. No need to lower the pelvis too deep. The hips should be parallel to the floor at the bottom. Pull your hands forward.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the heart and capillaries

In order to keep capillaries and heart in good condition for a long time, it is necessary to pay utmost attention to maintaining their health. This is especially true for the elderly.

Heart and capillary training should be done in the morning. In order for the bloodstream to wake up, you need to rotate your hands and feet. The most effective exercises for the heart and blood vessels are:

1. Climb on toes and walk with your knees high.

2. Put the lower limbs at shoulder level. Hands should remain in the lock. When bending to the right, throw the right leg to the right. Tilt should be done as deep as possible. Do the same with the other side. Perform manipulations 8-9 times. Be sure to monitor your breathing.

3. Dilute the upper limbs to the sides and rhythmically pat your palms on the opposite shoulder. The housing should always be straight. Increase the pace in the absence of discomfort up to 45-50 times.

4. Arms should be placed along the body, the lower limbs should be closed. Hands to do a full circle: back-up-forward. Actions do first one way, and then the other.

5. Lie on your back, and bend your knees at a right angle. Lift to chest and simulate cycling. You do not need to hold your breath.

6. The patient needs to lie down and stretch his legs forward. Raise the limbs 35 cm from the floor and make cross-shaped movements. Repeat up to 30 times.

Actively train the heart, blood vessels and muscles will help swimming, cycling, walking on steps, cardio exercises. But it is important to remember that the load is distributed evenly and build up gradually. It is necessary to adhere to a strict cycle: exercise and relaxation.

Exercises to improve circulation in the legs

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of stagnation of blood. Leg fatigue syndrome occurs, and varicose veins appear. If the muscles are not trained, then they will weaken, the veins will begin to expand.

Permanent stay in one position must be avoided. This leads to severe pain. It is useful on an ongoing basis to perform exercises that will normalize blood circulation. In addition to cycling, swimming, you need to do special exercises that are aimed at improving blood circulation in the legs. The most effective exercises are:

1. Stand straight and lower your arms down. Slowly tilt your torso forward and try to touch the floor with your hands. If you can’t complete the exercise, then kneel down and stay in that position for a minute. After changing legs. Repeat the exercise five times.

2. Lie down on the bed and stretch your legs parallel to the wall. Stay in this position for several minutes. After try to relax. Massage the second leg with your right foot.

3. Lie on the floor and place a pillow under the lower back. Raise the legs extended forward and try to stay in this position for as long as possible. After spreading your legs and bringing them together. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

4. Sit down and put a tennis ball under the foot. Roll the ball with your whole foot. In this case, blood circulation is established in the plantar. Feet change.

In addition to the above exercises, it is possible to establish blood circulation in the legs with the help of a contrast shower. The alternation of warm and cold water stimulates normal circulation.

It is also important to give up a sedentary lifestyle. It is necessary to move as much as possible, lead an active lifestyle, play sports. It is recommended to visit the pool on weekends.

It is equally important to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a negative effect on capillaries. It is important to monitor your weight. Extra pounds put a strain on the capillaries and veins. This leads to impaired blood circulation.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the neck

Such exercises are extremely useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the cervical spine suffers. Also, such exercises are useful for those who suffer from osteochondrosis.

Such sessions establish the blood circulation of the brain, so you can get rid of headaches. Neck pains also go away. All actions must be performed several times a day.

A set of exercises that improve circulation in the neck:

1. Exercise Birch. Lie down. Raise your legs up, holding your back with your hands. Hold out in this position for at least a minute.

2. Swing legs. When performing such exercises, you must not bend your knees. Keep your arms straight, extended at chest level.

3. Turns of the head bent to the chest to the shoulder. Take turns. First to one shoulder, and then to the other.

With the help of such exercises, you can improve the general condition.


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