The best varieties of white and cauliflower for Siberia (photo). The characteristics of each variety, especially the cultivation of cabbage in Siberia


In regions of risky farming, it is difficult to grow vegetables. The climate in this area is unstable and cold. Although cabbage has a high rate of hardening, it tolerates a short-term decrease in temperature only to -7 ° С.

You can get a good crop, but the gardener will need to follow the cultivation agricultural technique and choose the right varieties for breeding. Today there are many, hybrid cabbage varieties are resistant to sharp changes in weather in Siberia, various diseases and at the same time give high yields.

Varieties of white cabbage for growing in Siberia

In harsh conditions, it is better to give preference to early ripe cabbage varieties, which are suitable for summer consumption, pickling and pickling. However, today Siberian gardeners have the opportunity to grow mid-season and late varieties of cabbage, which allows you to lay the crop for storage.

Early ripe cabbage varieties

Among the early varieties of white cabbage, it is worth highlighting several varieties:

• "Taurus";

• Invento;

• "Cossack".

Grade Taurus considered one of the highest yielding. Heads of cabbage are ready for harvesting already after 3.5 months from sowing seeds for seedlings. The indisputable advantages of the variety are good immunity, high weight of heads of cabbage, their density and resistance to drought. This cabbage is often grown for sale, the weight of one head reaches five kg, the presentation of the vegetable is preserved for a long time, the crop successfully transfers transportation. In addition, the cabbage does not overripe, does not crack and can withstand a temperature drop.

Netherlands hybrid Invento Recommended for consumption in salads. The heads are dense, rounded, short stitches. The average weight of cabbage from one kg. The hybrid is distinguished by good taste and juiciness. Gardeners appreciate him for his early maturity, friendly return of the crop and good immunity. In addition, the crop does not overripe and does not crack if you are late with the harvest.

Super-early harvest will please domestic hybrid cabbage "Cossack". In Siberia, crops are harvested 1.5 months after transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse. The heads are rounded, dense, weighing up to 1.2 kg. The variety has good taste characteristics, resistance to diseases and cruciferous fleas. Harvest for a long time is kept fresh, well tolerates transportation over long distances.

Mid-season varieties of cabbage

There are few mid-season cabbage varieties for cultivation in Siberia, but among them several of the most popular can be distinguished:

• "Glory";

• "Siberian";

• "Tobia."

Grade "Glory" gives rounded and dense heads to 4,5 kg. The outer leaves are saturated green, and the inside of the cabbage is white-green. The stump is short. The hybrid has good taste and juiciness, which allows you to use it for pickling. Harvests keep up amicably, heads of cabbage leveled, are stored for a long time for fresh consumption.

Old proven grade "Siberian" will please the harvest 150 days after germination. Cabbage is used for long-term storage, pickling and salting. The heads are flat-rounded. Covering leaves are pale green with a characteristic waxy coating. The head is white and yellow. The average weight of cabbage is about two to three kg, the taste is excellent.

Dutch hybrid variety Tobia considered the best among mid-season varieties, has excellent taste and juiciness. Used for storage and processing. Heads of cabbage are large, average weight is about five kg, rather dense, dark green. Harvest is stored fresh for a long time, does not crack in the field, tolerates transportation well.

Late varieties of white cabbage for Siberia

Late-ripening varieties in Siberia are grown infrequently, mainly for long-term storage. The following varieties remain popular among gardeners:

• "Gribovskaya winter";

• "Thomas";

• "Florin."

Grade "Mushroom winter" forms commodity heads which are well stored until March. Universal cabbage, round heads, average weight about three kg. Resistance to diseases is high, productivity is good.

Grade "Thomas" Dutch breeding ripe after 165 from seedlings. It forms dense heads, the average weight of which does not exceed 2.5 kg. They are used for long-term storage, while the hybrid does not lose its taste. The yield is about 95%, for which the variety is valued. In addition, the standing crop is resistant to Fusarium wilt and cracking.

Domestic hybrid "Florin" forms head of cabbage weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg with good taste characteristics. Yields are above average, sometimes reaching 99%. The variety is rarely affected by white rot, bacteriosis. It ripens well, gives the harvest together, does not lose its taste during storage.

Productive varieties of Beijing cabbage for Siberia

Today, there are many varieties of Beijing cabbage, each of which is good in its own way. But among summer residents, varieties created for cultivation in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East are especially valued. As a rule, these are early hybrids.

On a industrial scale and private sector, the Dutch hybrid is in demand "Monaco". The variety is resistant to drought, does not shoot, tolerates long transportation, storage, and is resistant to many diseases. Heads of light green color, dense, ripen together. From planting seedlings to mass harvesting takes a month and a half. Average head weight up to one and a half kg.

The variety is especially popular. "Vesnyanka". Cabbage leaves contain an increased amount of vitamin C, but this is not the only merit of the variety. Heads of cabbage are small, only 250 grams, but are dense and resistant to cracking and keel. Productivity is high, per 1 sq. Km. m. beds can be grown up to 3 kg of cabbage. The hybrid is ripe, ripe after 35 days from planting.

Grade The Swan gives beautiful cylindrical heads of cabbage, the average weight of which is up to 1.5 kg. The head is dense, does not crack during ripening. With 1 sq. m. beds can collect up to 7 kg of cabbage.

Varieties of cauliflower popular in Siberia

Cauliflower attracts gardeners, but growing it in harsh conditions is not easy. She prefers the sun and heat. For Siberia and other northern regions, cauliflower varieties were developed that adapted to difficult growing conditions.

Resistant to cold and unpretentious in care grade "Movir". Heads of cabbage are formed in 1.5 months, gain weight up to one and a half kg. Inflorescences are pleasant white.

No less stable and productive is the variety "Color Express". Heads of cabbage are not large, only 500 grams, but differ in characteristic taste, pleasant cream color. They grow cabbage in greenhouses or open ground. Commodity heads are collected after two months.

Features of growing various varieties of cabbage in Siberia

No matter what they say, growing cabbage in the northern regions is as easy as everywhere. It is enough to know the subtleties of planting and observe agricultural technology. In Siberia, vegetables are grown in seedlings, which allows you to get the crop a little earlier.

The timing of planting seeds depends on the variety. So early ripe hybrids are sown in early March, and middle and late varieties not earlier than late March or early April. The depth of seed placement is about 1 cm. Seedlings are grown in light soil, which is well permeable to moisture. Sentsa cabbage is afraid of waterlogging, often sick with a "black leg", so care must be taken of seedlings.

Seedlings are transferred to the soil when the threat of frost passes. At the same time, crop rotation must be observed, otherwise the risk of damage to various diseases increases. The predecessors for cabbage are cucumbers, carrots, onions and green peas. They enrich and restore the soil. You can practice co-planting cabbage with potatoes, beans, marigolds. By the way, flowers allow you to protect the vegetable from insects.

So that the heads have a presentation and less cracked, do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers. It is better to introduce phosphorus-potassium mixtures.


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